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Quit rubbernecking


Well-known member
Feb 4, 2003
Last night on the DVP I had to come to 2 quick stops because there was an accident on the opposite side of the highway. There was no reason for everyone to slow down. I gave myself enough room but I definitely heard some peoples tires screeching.

Sure I'd like to know what's going on but I don't feel like experiencing an accident first hand.


New member
Sep 15, 2001
frankcastle said:
Last night on the DVP I had to come to 2 quick stops because there was an accident on the opposite side of the highway. There was no reason for everyone to slow down. I gave myself enough room but I definitely heard some peoples tires screeching.

Sure I'd like to know what's going on but I don't feel like experiencing an accident first hand.
How do you know it was an accident on the other side that slowed the traffic down on your side? You must have heard the report on the radio because surely you wouldn't be looking to see what happened.


Well-known member
Feb 4, 2003
Questor said:
How do you know it was an accident on the other side that slowed the traffic down on your side? You must have heard the report on the radio because surely you wouldn't be looking to see what happened.
The ambulances and firetrucks with flashing lights were the dead giveaway..... smartass. :) But I can't tell you make model or number of cars involved because I was busy watching the fender in front of me.


Unoffical Capital One rep
Mar 2, 2002
Mirror Universe
An explaination
One of the problems is, when 1 car slows down to rubberneck, the car behind is now forced to slow down or rear-end the 1st car. The car behind the 2nd is now also to slow down. It's a chain reaction. So not all cars want to slow down but are forced to because of the first car (or "first mover" for those with philosohy degrees). If people are forced to slow down, yes some may take a quick peek because it is more safe to do so than when going 140km (yes we all do it) on the highway.

Hard Idle

Active member
Jan 15, 2005
North York
I think there should be big time ticketing campaigns as aversion therapy to shock people out of this useless behaviour.

There is absolutely nothing to look at. It's over, done, what's it to you? Especially on the Highways where there is a concrete devider - there is no possible effect of whatever is hapening on the other side - it may as well be in Nepal.

I can understand gawking at a plane crash or a skyscraper collapsing because that's rare and we don't have a mechanism to deal with it. But car crashes happen every single day and will continue to happen every day until the end of time - you' probably see one every week - what's the big fucking deal - move on!


Unoffical Capital One rep
Mar 2, 2002
Mirror Universe
Hard Idle said:
I can understand gawking at a plane crash or a skyscraper collapsing because that's rare and we don't have a mechanism to deal with it. But car crashes happen every single day and will continue to happen every day until the end of time
I'm not trying to defend it, but i think it may be the fascination of seeing a mangled car, or to see what and how the accident happened. It can also be curiosity, why do people like to look at construction sites, it's just a big hole in the ground. Rubbernecking, like accidents will always happen. But do what I do, if you know the accident is up ahead, just start changing lanes to the opposite side of the road. You will have a better chance of zooming by.


Aug 27, 2005
I'd be lying if I said I have never done it. For the most part I don't, but I can't say I have never done it. Usually when I see a collision, I glance over just to make sure it won't affect me and then I usually actually speed up and get out of there. I too can't stand people that rubberneck.


Well-known member
Feb 4, 2003
I must admit that I have done it in the past.

Also, it is a few cars that cause the bottleneck but enough cars do it to make the whole thing annoying.

When the accident is in the southbound lanes and you are heading north there's no reason to slow down.

I'm sure there are plenty of websites for people who want to see injured people or mangled cars.

Slowing down to help is one thing but slowing down to get a better look might actually make it harder for emergency services to get there (in certain situations).


New member
Jul 16, 2005
I think part of it is also "Alright, you made me sit in traffic this long. Now give me a show! WTF caused all this?"

I love it when it's really bad and people get out of their cars, seeing if they can do anything about it. Yeah right. :rolleyes:

Hard Idle

Active member
Jan 15, 2005
North York
High_Roller said:
I think part of it is also "Alright, you made me sit in traffic this long. Now give me a show! WTF caused all this?"
You wanna know what happened??
Chances are somebody wasn't looking where they were going!

Wanna know how to prevent it??
DON'T be the next guy who isn't looking where he's going!

Folks, by the time you know what to look at - it's already over! Finished! Might as well have been 60 years ago. If people are dead, they're dead!

I love it when it's really bad and people get out of their cars, seeing if they can do anything about it. Yeah right
Hopefully this will be brought to an end if some day one of the crash parties stumbles out of his wreck, pulls out gun and takes the opportunity to rob the do-gooders and flee the scene in their car.
FC, good to hear you weren't ding in potential fender bender.

I was told by MTP, they are obligated to ticket in such cases, "follow too close". Myself and cars behind me all got one from MTP in a chain fender bender. Someone decided to slam on the brakes as they went over the old bumpy section of DVP. Metro works did fine job fixing it as it's no longer Death Valley parkway, as MTP called it.

MTP apologize for giving me the ticket & he suggests he may trouble remembering the courtdate. He didn't show.

Hate rubbernecking. It's such traffic harzard. People, do you want to end up in similiar accident?


Well-known member
Feb 4, 2003

Thanks for the well wish.

I agree that my experiences with police have found them to be pretty reasonable when it comes to tickets and accidents. But I'm sure there are plenty that will argue that statement.
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