

New member
Feb 19, 2005
It has become frustrating the fact that agencies or independent SPs promise attributes that don’t exist anywhere, perhaps they only exist in their imagination. I was reluctant to keep on trying here and there. However, I am very glad that I trusted Night Candy. Yesterday I was greeted at the door by an extremely beautiful girl, Queen. She offered me a drink, and we chat for a little while, we were getting to know each other! We clicked! The chemistry was there on the air. We both had an attack of pheromones that drove our basic instincts crazy enough to proceed to the bedroom. I did not have a good time, I had THE TIME!.
I am not into details, but I can say that this girl is not only pretty, but exceptionally smart, and genuine. She knows how to enjoy life, and give some of us a sense of enchantment!
For those of you who know her, you know what I am saying; for those wanting to know her, there is not a way to describe her.
LOL... Nice review of a well-loved lady... and welcome to Terb.

For the record though, don't be confused by the attack of the "basic instinct/phermones" etc. Sadly these tend to be one-sided. Not to sound like a sceptic, but this is a "job" for the girls. Although "some" do seem to enjoy their jobs more than others... espcially up there in KW!
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New member
May 1, 2007
I had such a wonderful time wiko, thank you and I hope to see you on my next trip to kw xo


Everyone needs a hobby!
Sep 28, 2006
Golden Horseshoe
CumputrDude said:
I agree with Stoo 100% some of these girls are fantastic actresses. Call me a skeptic..I prefer realist. I haven't read a review on Quinn where they haven't used the phrase "we clicked" in some form or another. Quinn was my first and I had a great time. So great I was going to run right back to my computer and compose my first review... then I read a review from a long time terb member that sounded "word for word" what I was going to write. She even complimented him with the exact same phrase that she used with me. I came to the quick realization that my time with her meant a lot more to me than it did to her. That's ok though, I pay for the discretion, time and professionalism. I have to believe that they do enjoy their jobs but it is still, just a job.
Couldn't agree with you more ComputrDude. This has happened several times to me, but I've stopped thinking about it. I will continue to visit select SPs, write reviews when I feel inspired, and not concern myself with anyone else having exactly the same experience. On the one hand, it's good to know that the service is consistent, but on the other, we all want a unique experience. But I'm sure we'd all rather have a consistent but great experience, rather than a uniquely bad one.


New member
May 1, 2007
I pride myself in being honest. So much so that sometimes it gets me in trouble. LOL Don't jump to conclusions guys thinking that your experiance wasn't as meaningful or incredible to an sp as it was for you. I have met many gentlemen who have shown me times that I will never forget and to this day I still find our encounters running through my head. But you are right, a job is just a job. I cannot cross that line aloud but I can fantasize, appreciate and create wonderful memories and great friends on my way.


New member
Aug 18, 2006
Well .. I wish I would have seen this thread before Quinn replied. It so true what she said .. and you know what ?? It didn't need to be said.

The badger is officially more ornery now than a crocodile with a toothache!!

Quinn is so WYSIWYG it's not funny. Wiko nailed this review. If you never see another SP Wiko .. You can knowing you've seen the best true GFE out there.

It may be true what you say of other SPs being fake guys .. but not Quinn .. but it doesn't take much to know when a SP is faking. You can't see a SP 6 times and not know their personality (at least a little). Haven't you guys said the same words when making out to a SP or your SO ?? Or do you fake that all the time too !!

I was one of the ones who posted a review that included the words "we clicked" (as you might have guessed). I won't go into it here though on how we clicked and take great offense to anyone that says that Quinn is fake.

If you think she fakes her way through her sessions .. you are just complete brain dead morons for not seeing her true inner beauty and desire to make all of your fantasies come true.

Don't you think it's possible to meet someone that has a genuine personality??A personality that exudes confidence and vitality ?? A presence that warms you up inside the minute you meet them??

Well you already did. And her name was Quinn. Too bad you missed it.
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Everyone needs a hobby!
Sep 28, 2006
Golden Horseshoe
badger1194 said:
If you think she fakes her way through her sessions .. you are just complete brain dead morons for not seeing her true inner beauty and desire to make all of your fantasies come true.
I think you've taken a few liberties in stating what you think others have said. I don't believe anyone suggested anything was faked, and I read nothing but praise in these posts about Quinn. Everyone's experience with her is great, and also the same. That's the point that's being made. It's not a criticism, it's a statment of fact, but what do us brain dead morons know anyway.


New member
May 1, 2007
Thank you Badger! xo

And no...not one encounter has ever been like another. No time is ever the same with anyone. Any session has been unique to the individual each and everytime. Unless you have sat in on every encounter which you have not, you really have no right to say if they are the same or if they are not. A common word,description or exclamation in my vocabulary has no bearing on whether or not an experiance is similar.

Amusing CumputrDude that a realist tends to view things as they are. You simply cannot view things as there are by text on a computer or only assuming a pattern in my work from where your sitting. You are the skeptic you propose not to be sadly....you may find yourself having more fun if you stopped analyzing my motives so pessimisticlly. :)
And yes ed, it is a criticism ( which I am fine with) however, not a factual statement in the slightest.


Active member
Feb 25, 2003
Luv Natural Redheads
It's okay Quinn... don't let some of these guys get you down.

However I do know that you have to fake it with me just to get through our session together. It's okay and I understand... especially since you weren't the first SP to tell me. :p


Jun 21, 2006
I had been hoping to see Quinn on her latest trip to KW. Unfortunately I wasnt able to make it. Your reviews make me want to kick my ass even more. Hope you come back soon Quinn, and thanks for the great reviews guys!


Everyone needs a hobby!
Sep 28, 2006
Golden Horseshoe
Quinn_xo said:
And yes ed, it is a criticism ( which I am fine with) however, not a factual statement in the slightest.
The thing I really hate about written communication is how things so quickly deteriorate. What started out as simply an observation, which I agreed with, has turned into this. I give up, since clearly I am unable to get my point across without offending people. My apologies Quinn, but believe me when I say it was not meant as a criticism. I often read other reviews on ladies I have met and there are always a lot of similarities to my experience, which is probably a better way to express it rather than saying it was the same. Sorry for coming across in a negative way.


Well-known member
Nov 17, 2002
Quinn is not only beautful but she is very bright and articulate given her response.

Quinn, do you ever visit Mississauga?
Just to be clear, I was not trying to take away from Quinn's service. I have never met her, but from everything I have read, she sounds like a lovely girl.

My comment was more to poke fun at a guy who I suspect is new to this hobby. Clearly he was "smitten" by Quinn, which is the type of experience we all look for. I just wanted to point out to him that there are "risks" in getting attached and that it is best to remember that he is engaged in a business transaction!

Quinn, my apologies. I didn't mean to imply that your service was "mechanical" or anything close to it!


Gone to the future.
calloway said:
It's okay Quinn... don't let some of these guys get you down.
However I do know that you have to fake it with me just to get through our session together. It's okay and I understand... especially since you weren't the first SP to tell me.
Don't worry Quinn, we all fake it with Calloway. We've all been telling him for years how much we love him, how much we respect him, how funny he is, hell we even idolized him by calling him "Elmo".

(The secret is we all really like his sig pics and want to keep him posting just to see them!) ;)


as in " you are such a "
Feb 16, 2003
Wherever I shouldn't be
We always need to remember this is a service, but that said, Quinn is as genuine a person as you will meet. I've repeated very few times in this hobby, but I will see Quinn over and over because she is what she is, and what she is is pretty damned impressive. She's the sort of person I'd covet as a friend, and as a lover............. I suspect YMMV, it helps if you click, but MM was a lotta fun, more than once, in and out of the sack. She's smarter than your average bear,and she enjoys being bare. I'm a big fan. Thanx Quinn, see you soon. I'm looking forward to the Jacuzzi suite!:D


New member
May 1, 2007
Thx for the apologies but none needed at all. I understand there are sp's exactly like described. I only wanted to state that I am not one of them. I greatly appreciate your kind words, thank you. xo
calloway said:
It's okay and I understand... especially since you weren't the first SP to tell me.
Sometimes the truth hurts. It's an age thing I think. I look at seeing an SP much like I look at golf... either way I get a lot of strokes in for the price. And my partner has to wait a long time for something exciting to happen... :eek:


New member
May 1, 2007
Thank you!
I have really appreciated meeting you and our time together CumputrDude. Just wanted you to see things from my perspective as well. xo
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