well if BabyMilo says so...BabyMilo said:
It is true. But we all need something to hang onto.DonQuixote said:Reality can be cruel. Accept.
Von Wigglestaff said:Nice try Cervantes.
...and now for something completely different...Taunting Italian Type.
(knock, knock)
VW - ce cazzo voi?
Lancs - Is this the right room for an argument?
VW - Non me dire niente cacarella di scimmia Inglese.
Lancs - Wot!
VW - Smetela, imbecile! Mangiati il pulici dalla tua testa scifosa.
Lancs - Look I came here for an argument, I'm not going to take this....
VW - Oh, questo e abuso.
Lancs - Ah that explains it.
VW - Tu voi numero 12 alla prosimma stanza.
Lancs - Thank you.
VW - prego....stronzo.
Naw, england invented football, but if the Manchester United vs. AC Milan semi-final, and Liverpool vs.Milan UEFA final are anything to go by, italians continue to give them lessons on how to play it properly.Von Wigglestaff said:England doesn't rule!
Shakespeare stole plays from earlier Italian writers and Italians were playing football while the English were merrily drawing and quartering.
ITALY RULES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
DonQuixote said:You'd rather not know.
I'm going to compile all your posts into a fine leather bound book and keep it next to my bedside for reading whenever I'm feeling pissed or sad. You're fucking funny paisan...I mean dude.Von Wigglestaff said:Nice try Cervantes.
...and now for something completely different...Taunting Italian Type.
(knock, knock)
VW - ce cazzo voi?
Lancs - Is this the right room for an argument?
VW - Non me dire niente cacarella di scimmia Inglese.
Lancs - Wot!
VW - Smetela, imbecile! Mangiati il pulici dalla tua testa scifosa.
Lancs - Look I came here for an argument, I'm not going to take this....
VW - Oh, questo e abuso.
Lancs - Ah that explains it.
VW - Tu voi numero 12 alla prosimma stanza.
Lancs - Thank you.
VW - prego....stronzo.