Question for the ladies out there - What percentage of men are truly amazing in bed??

james t kirk

Well-known member
Aug 17, 2001
I was just in a reflective mood today...

To me, any fairly decent woman can score any guy, just about any time she wants.

But, ladies, i am curious, what percentage of men out there in sex land truly know how to please a woman in bed??

Say you know you could pick up any guy in the bar, what are your odds of finding one who is good to very good in bed??

Are there certain things that make a woman think, "hmmm, this guy will be a tiger in the sack, or ring your bell, or whatever?

I know with me, i would say that 20 percent or 2 out of 10 of the women out there are really really good in bed. That's it. There is a big field of about of about 4 out of 10 who are solid, then about 3 out of 10 who are like pizza, even when it's bad it's still good. Then I 'd say there are 10 percent or 1 out of 10 that are downright pathetic and you just shake your head when you leave. (I have met these women before too.)

Sometimes i have been VERY fooled. A woman will come across as being really really horny and sexie and you think you are going to find a real whirlwind, and you get a dud.

I am just wondering how the women would rate men as a species in their sexual performance??

james t kirk

Well-known member
Aug 17, 2001
I'd like to think lucky then.

I know the difference between a good lay and a bad.


I agree with my buddy Ripped.

I should have my head examined, I'm doing too much of this.


An expert on sex I certainly am not and I'm far too crusty to be swayed by matters of the heart. However, I did have a sexual dynamo cum into my life and did she ever mess up the dough between my ears! Having an intimate encounter with her was like reading a very good suspense thriller, I just couldn't get enough of her.

Average Joe

Senior Member
Mar 28, 2002
Crystal said:
Perhaps I'm just a little too kinky for the average Joe, to be pleased by "normal" sex.
Perhaps you haven't been meeting the right Average Joes. :D


New member
Apr 24, 2002
I think I have met the wrong Average Joes also. I would say that about 10% of men are really good in bed, but 85% can make me orgasm. I think that should count for something. I mean in order for a man to be good in bed I have to give him a little direction (subtle or not subtle) on what's good for me. I think the guys who can astound me are just the guys who know how to read my body language. Afterall you get out of it what you put into it. ;)


Miss Calgary
Aug 3, 2002
Ross said:

...Those wham-bam-thank you ma'am types are too self centred to pay attention to the needs of their lovers. Sex is about giving and you can't be too self-absorbed.... no matter how in tune on is, or how attentive they are, sometimes there are just physical limitations. There's a "fit". Some people "fit" better with others. Of all the women I've ever slept with, girlfriends or SPs, I can honestly say that there have only been two women whom I've truly physically "fit" with...
Yup, it's give-and-take. Most of the time guys are average. :eek: By average I mean they just function. I don't think many girls would consider it being good in bed. If that's all there is, then we start to fake and just pretend.

It still amazes me that not many guys know how to turn us slow touching, I really can't list all of them here, but so far I've met only one or two who knew what excites me.

I would say, however, it was more like that *happened* to be something I like, rather than they were sexperts...

If you want us to bring out a stud in you, remember women don't function like machines! It depends on how you present're neat, kind, generous, and most importantly, respectful. Then it's very likely we will pump up each other's passion level!
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Average Joe

Senior Member
Mar 28, 2002
I think there are a number of reasons that men AND women don't do the "right" things to pleasure their partners.

1) Society's view that women that express their sexuality are not "nice girls". That attitude is changing but is still rather strong in some cultures.

2) Movies with sex scenes that skip foreplay and move right to the main event. And even after going from 0 to 60 in 4.7 seconds the woman is always screaming the guy's name as they collapse in a mutual orgasm. Yeah, like that happens every time.

3) The inability of people to be honest with their partners about what they like or don't like. Often people are too embarassed to express their desires or afraid that their partner will think they're weird or sick.

4) Guys that are so shocked to be having sex in the first place that they forget that someone else is there.

I'm sure there are other reasons.

It's really too bad. When sex is mutually satisfying is soooo much better than when it is one sided. I remember a girlfriend that I had in university. We had such incredible chemistry that sex for us was usually about two hours and always ended with us climaxing close together and often simultaneously. I didn't get a lot of studying done that year.


Miss Calgary
Aug 3, 2002
Average Joe said:
...Movies with sex scenes that skip foreplay and move right to the main event...

Heterosexual porn is so one-sided and boring! :( That I guess really affects how men think they should be in bed.

It's made from pure male perspective. These gals w/basketball implants serving men? I've seen very few male stars being presented to genuinely focus on women.

13'' John Holmes? No way he was the male ideal!! It's such a hype that men w/big equipment win women's hearts. Other things don't matter? FYI, usually inner vaginal skin is not the primary female g-spot.

...Guys that are so shocked to be having sex in the first place that they forget that someone else is there...

Let's stay vertical on the first date!!!
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Average Joe

Senior Member
Mar 28, 2002
FarmersDaughter said:

Heterosexual porn is so one-sided and boring! :( That I guess really affects how men think they should be in bed.

It's made from pure male perspective. These gals w/basketball implants serving men? I've seen very few male stars being presented to genuinely focus on women.

13'' John Holmes? No way he was the male ideal!! It's such a hype that men w/big equipment win women's hearts. Other things don't matter? FYI, usually inner vaginal skin is not the primary female g-spot.
Hetero porn is the worst. As masturbation material it's great but any semblance of reality is purely coincidental.


resident smartass
Aug 18, 2001
way out in left field
This is for Joe, damn, your #4 got me laughing, heheheh sheesh, that is SO true sometimes. I think that is the reason younger guys are different than us "old farts". We KNOW we're going to get some sooner or later, YG's think, "holy shit, this is it"

But anyways, the posts here from the ladies have kind of proven a thought I have had for most of my adult life: Touch a woman's heart, and her body will follow. (by touching her heart I don't mean have her fall in love with you).

BUT, with that being said, I also agree that, in my experience, women don't open up and let you know what they like. Not at first anyways. It takes time for them to trust you enough to start expressing themselves sexually.

As for a little guidance, hey, everyone is different, yes, most women have two eyes, ears, 1 neck, two breasts, etc etc but everyone of them likes things just different enough to keep us guessing. Guide us, show us, let us know if we're doing something right, the GOOD lovers will listen, react, and follow your lead. The poor lovers will cum, roll over, and turn on ESPN.


Miss Calgary
Aug 3, 2002
Ripped said:
OK but can you turn around and bend over? 8-þ
Thanks for the suggestion. I might prefer, however, you grab me by the butt while standing, and thrust your thing in like you're using a toy. All vertical. Ohhhhhhhhhh that's one of the best positions :cool:
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resident smartass
Aug 18, 2001
way out in left field
HMM one of my best postions is CEO or VP of Operations, but then, that's just me.....


resident smartass
Aug 18, 2001
way out in left field
huh did you say something Valerie?? DOH (just teasing)

Yup, communication in ALL facets of a relationship are important....and don't forget NON verbal communication, sometimes us guys need a firm hand to find your perfect spot......


resident smartass
Aug 18, 2001
way out in left field
What's that saying from the bible? ask and ye shall receive???



Since coming into this biz,I have had better lovers than ever before(hail to Terb members!)
I have found the vast majority of my clients to be vey attentive to my wants,pleasures and desires.
I think its also an age thing.My "typical" client is 40-50 years old and theres no denying it-men that age know how to _______.
No offence to the younger guys-At 20,I didnt have a clue just how great sex could be.Its a matter of experience.


Miss Calgary
Aug 3, 2002
james t kirk said:
Say you know you could pick up any guy in the bar, what are your odds of finding one who is good to very good in bed??

Are there certain things that make a woman think, "hmmm, this guy will be a tiger in the sack, or ring your bell, or whatever?

How can/should women tell?

This is very simple but true: if a guy is nerdy in lots of ways, for example, maybe he's the same in bed, too. You see, everything one person does is all closely related.

I read a good article somewhere that discussed that men's sexual prowess is just an extension of their everyday movements (walking, eating, dancing etc.).

They said that a really smart chick observes how a guy moves/behaves outside the bedroom--how smooth or awkward he is in *any* situation...

Not surprisingly, they said watching men dancing is definitely a great indicator. It always amazes me very few men know something lots of women are born with: strippers' smooth gyrating movements!
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resident smartass
Aug 18, 2001
way out in left field
Hey FD, funny you say that cause a woman told me LONG ago that I should dance how I make love? Interesting eh? COme to thing of it, no WONDER I don't meet any women in clubs!! lol

But whoever said sexual prowess is just an extension of walking eating dacing etc. is a little bit of a quack. You see all the above are learned traits or actions. I don't know how you expect to see how well I perform daty while muching on peanuts or if I know how to touch a woman's nipples by the way I chalk my pool cue....wait, maybe that IS an indicator!!!! lol, hmm maybe I should bring my chalk the next time I'm in the sack with a beautiful woman!!! (btw, if she complains I will tell her its all YOUR fault hehehe).

Something I think you could look at to determine a guy's daty skills is to buy him an ice cream cone. Same tongue action there, or if you want to see how good a woman does a BJ buy her a popsicle.....

Perry Mason

Well-known member
Aug 20, 2001
How he -- or she -- dances!

George Bernard Shaw:

"Dancing: The vertical expression of a horizontal desire legalized by music. "

And the Argentinians have taken the Gold Prize with the Tango.

I think you can tell a lot about another person by the way s/he dances!


Average Joe

Senior Member
Mar 28, 2002
miranda said:
Grab him by the hair and show him where to lick-lol
Now that's what I like to hear. If he ain't doing it right then educate him. More women should be like you.
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