Question For the Guys Who Have Their Wifey's Do the Laundry



Do you guys ever worry if your woman will catch on if she smells perfume other than hers on your clothes? Or see's a stain on the crotch of your pants after a stripper left her coochie stains on them?

Women have a great sense of smell and are quite inquisitive. I know i've had ex's who have found a lipstick stain on my jacket, have been asked about a lipstick stain on my face i thought i completely wiped off.........and have even been questioned why my clothes smell like perfume.

Do you guys ever worry about this?


Prosopagnosia Sufferer
Jun 19, 2003
Doing laps at the Y
got a fix for perfume smells

I have a moustache, and you guys that have one, know how scents will get trapped in the hair. Earlier when I had a girl friend living with me, I'd use smoke from the woodstove from fall to spring to hide smells on clothing, and gas fumes or 2 stroke exhaust from sled or bike to kill the scent. I'd "play" in my garage or workshop before going to the main part of the house. With a mirror in the shop or garage, I could check my appearance. Never changed my habit, so she had no reason to get suspicious.

As far as stains go, I used cloth from washtub in laundry to wipe pants, and say I'd spilt food. I've had lipstick on my neck, but never on shirts or jackets. I've had a girls makeup (foundation) left on a white shirt, and passed it off as dirt from garage. I hate it when I wear black, and the dry dead skin ends up on my clothing after a dancer has been grinding on me.

Last check is if the dog won't quit sniffing me, then I know I might be in trouble. Then I say I was at a clients house who had a dog.
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