Question for SPs, MPAs, Dancers and agency staff: re gift card from Seductions…


New member
Aug 22, 2001
Downtown Toronto
Question for SPs, MPAs, Dancers and agency staff: re gift card from Seductions…

There has been some conversation around my office past couple of days about giving some of our clients gift cards from Seductions Boutique. The general feeling and I agree is: It may be a bit out of place and not taken too well if you give a SP or agency owner or manager a Christmas gift of a gift card for Seductions. I mean if I give one of these gift cards to a female client of mine who is an SP… how will she take it? She may think that I am treating her in a sexual way… which of course is totally not acceptable in my books. While I have struck up casual friendships with a very few of my clients and do see them outside the office sometimes… I never ever date them or see them as a hobbyist. And I would never give such a gift to a casual friend. A gift like this on a personal level is only for someone I love and am having a sexual relationship with. If you were a sex worker of any type (SP, MPA, Dancer etc) and were buying advertising from me and I present you with a Christmas card with a gift card from Seductions inside… do I get a kiss or a slap?



New member
Aug 22, 2001
Downtown Toronto
kacy said:
I would not take offense to this, definitely a kiss.
PM me for my contact info. ;)

Kacy... I don't think we have met. Click on the link in my signiture if you are in the industry and looking for print media advertising.
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