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Quest girl on Coldrey


Apr 24, 2006
avoid she's a crackhead, any club that would hire her would quickly go out of business. i think she's also goes with the name Jen.
Jul 28, 2006
neotekz, are you sure you're not talkin 'bout Jen on Caldwell, she is a crack head and also goes by several names. I've tried to connect with this one on Coldrey but she's gone before I can connect, she claims to be a Katie Holmes look a like ?
Jan 21, 2004
No Fixed Address
...back to Coldrey. She pops on the line, usually late on Fridays or Saturdays. She sounds suspiciously like the scammer that lived on Dorchester about 5 years ago. Used to have guys over, then 3 or 4 guys would walk into the apt, and Terbies would scram. Or, would meet you outside, ask for part payment for the "sitter", then go back in, and never come back out. There were a couple of stories about that place on here, can't locate them anymore. (or were they on Canbest?) Anyways, was just wondering if anyone had actually done the deed with Coldrey.
Jul 28, 2006
You are right, Mon Giant Brother... I knew the voice sounded familliar. While I never got scammed by her I would often bait her after hearing what they were doing to Terbies. I am almost certain that this is her, there's something about the voice, location her willingness to please...it all adds up. Good call and a heads up to all to be carefull.

As for Jen on Cladwell, she's ok she's definately crack smoker, she offered to trade for rock, this was after I had seen her the first time. When I was done I knew I wouldn't be seing her again. She's not overly pretty or even enthusiastic about the service so without those two factors at play it made for a pretty uninspiring session.
Jan 21, 2004
No Fixed Address
She is on Quest again tonite, using the name Julie. Gives out her 695- phone #, says to call when you get to the building. Has anyone actually met her, and received service? Asks $80 for FS. (full scam?)


Active member
Jan 9, 2007
GiantJeanFerre said:
She is on Quest again tonite, using the name Julie. Gives out her 695- phone #, says to call when you get to the building. Has anyone actually met her, and received service? Asks $80 for FS. (full scam?)
If she went by the name Montana when she danced then RUNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNN

fast times @

New member
Apr 16, 2007
jen on caldwell with tara?

hey there, i got burned on colddrey too, years ago, new girl there dont know yet, but for jen on caldwell, went one night to meet her she didnt respond so i left, however last week she was on with a friend named tara, sounded real good, went to the building and no answer to phone or buzzer, went home, found her online again, she said didnt notice, i went back, same thing, but noticed it seemed to be a set up, not LE, but 1 girl who seemed to be tara, but guys walking my way who didnt seem "friendly", so I left, they were later on line and willing to come see me, mais je suis pas stupid.
any one actually met with jen or tara?
Jan 21, 2004
No Fixed Address
Doesn't use a name unless you ask, and then it's different every time (sometimes Natasha or Julie). Is on all the time, including right now. Doesn't have a box #, but usually ends her profile with "in the West end, can be mobile, lookin' to play".

Jen is legit, for the scoop on her, see the thread titled "more quest".


fast times @ said:
any one actually met with jen or tara?
not sure if it's the same Tara but I had met a Tara a few years back, she was sharing an apt with someone (forget name) out near Pinecrest & Carling ..... she was a bit chubby but decent looking face, blonde. She told me she used Quest but that's not how I met her. Reasonable rates at that time, I stopped seeing her when her cell # changed. HTH

fast times @

New member
Apr 16, 2007
not same tara i believe, there was a tara that was of richmond road at baseline, in townhome , blond, 20ish, is that the one your are talking about, she was good,
the britany on line lately is okay, shes in west end says 20, at 5.5 and 130lbs

wondering about the 20yrs old, 5 foot 100lb, katrina, any advice?


Active member
Jan 9, 2007
Stay away from Katrina.

Took my money and left.

I was in her place and she asked for money and said she had to pay her guy (Hes in next room) and I then waited and waited. After 45 minutes I decided to leave as I did not know what would happen.

She is hot though.

So if you go make sure she does NOT leave the room.

fast times @

New member
Apr 16, 2007
the one from coldrey now? if same as the one from before that was doing that shizzle, did this to me
same as you kinda, said i am just going to put the money in my room and put on something sexy for you, and be right back, a liitle noise from room, then front door opened and homeboy walks in, says to me huh, says whats going on, oh shes doing that shizzle again, oh, i will go get her, comes back oh sorry she went out the window, yah okay
i had my shirt off as i wasnt expecting that kinda play, the homeboy was nervous cause i was mad, and it showed, he said i can show you where she went, i just left
drove around thinking i could maybe find something else on line driving around, never heard her come back on line that night, but did see him walking to store about 30 mins later, he panicked and ran
good for him, i needed to fuck something and had decided to fuck him up

guess thats what kinda happened to you all too
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