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Q- Should I tell an SP I know her?


Active member
May 13, 2004
Hey everyone,

I've been a member of TERB for awhile, my main interest is the SC section but I love reading the whole board. Posting what I can etc.. etc... However rescently I noticed an SP on the board whom I know in "real life". What should I do? I met the person in a social circle that we share, we aren't friends or anything but we've had drinks as a group and she'd probably know me by name.

Should I leave it alone?
Should I PM her and tell her who I am?

* Of course discretion is always a priority, but I wouldn't mind getting to know her... you know as an SP. (I think it would be kinda hot)

Any advice from clients or SP's would be appreciated. Would you as an SP want to be contacted by someone? I haven't seen anything on this topic so if this is repetitive I apologize.



Retired TERB Ass Slapper
Aug 20, 2001
Trolling the Deleted Threads Repository
I assume from your circle of friends that you know her as xxx (her real name) as opposed to yyy (her working name). I further assume that she doesn't exactly go around telling people, "Hey guess what? I'm an escort!"

Respect her privacy and stay away. There are lots of SPs out there; there's no need for you to intrude on this one. If the lady keeps her work life separate from her civilian life, then you should respect that and keep your distance.


Jun 17, 2004
Think about what you would want done if you were the sp...

You probably shouldn't tell anyone either.


Active member
May 13, 2004
I'd never tell anyone, no worries about that. Yes, I know her real name and a bit about her.

I guess I'll leave it alone. I just thought it'd be fun to know her one way.. (both having these secret lives/interests) then meeting up in our regular lives and have drinks in a group situation.

You're probably right though. It could be quite awkward for her. It's just tempting cuz it would be a good way to introduce myself into the hobby you know? (my first SP encounter and all)



It's been good to know ya
He would have most likely recognized her picture. After meeting her he would already know how she looks. Now probably lots of sp's are out there now wondering if it is them.

George OTJ

George of the Jungle
Nov 12, 2003
North York
shinyam said:
Think about what you would want done if you were the sp...

You probably shouldn't tell anyone either.
Better yet, he should consider the situation in reverse. Would he want an SP who recognized him to approach him when he's out with his friends/girlfriend/wife?

This has been discussed sometime ago (because I asked the same thing when a similar situation arose for me). The proper ettiguette(sp) is that unless you've booked time with the lady, you don't know her. You don't approach her. You at all times respect her privacy and her private life. The first move is the SP's. If she wants you involve her private life, it's up to her to ask. Othwise, let it be.

I realise his situation is different, in that they seem to have some friends in common, but I think the same aplys. He needs to keep Business out of the personal.


New member
If it was me....

If it was me you knew I would want you to tell me but in private because of the fact You never know who is watching you ..You never know who could be learking around the corner and/or watching you type (standing behind you)...So I would like a PM or email...Now to tell you a true story I have only been an SP since March this year and already have saw/had my best freinds cousin and my aunt's b/f!
Moral to this story: THIS WORLD IS WAY TO SMALL!!!

now i just pray my dad or my brother that I haven't seen or talked to in 7 years never calls... because in all honestly I would never reconize their voices...


Ph.D. in Pussyology
Oct 14, 2001
The doctor is in
stay away...

I don't think showing up as a client is a good idea at all. Since you both know one another in the "real world", I think it would be a very awkward situation.

Just my two cents.

The Baroness

Sr. Member
Aug 11, 2002
Showing up as a client is the worst thing you could do...It appears you care about her feelings, otherwise you wouldnt have asked for advice so think about show up at the door..shes shocked, emberrassed and unprepared.
A pm letting her know you've recognized her and assuring her you intend to keep it quiet is the way to go...then wait a week or again and tell her you cant stop thinking about her, yada,yada,yada...u know the rest
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