His sources are always tops!Ah Jeffrey Sachs, another Russian stooge and his "analysis".
This is a good read on Sachs and his inconsistencies or flat out lies/misrepresentations.
Open letter to Jeffrey Sachs on the Russia-Ukraine war
Dear Dr. Sachs,We are a group of economists, including many Ukrainians, who were appalled by your statements on the Russian war against Ukraine and were compelled to write this open letter to address some of the historical misrepresentations and ...news.berkeley.edu
you really believe Maidan had nothing to do with the USA and VIctoria Nuland just happened to arrive on the scene and elect the interim govt? The wiretap of her was faked?, it does not matter or you can't handle the truth? What is it? I have posted here a debunking of the offical narrative of Maidan by a Ukrainian-Canadian professor, peer reviewed analysis of video and timelines that proved events did not conform to the offical narrative...does not matter right? you don't care. Whatever.Ah Jeffrey Sachs, another Russian stooge and his "analysis".
This is a good read on Sachs and his inconsistencies or flat out lies/misrepresentations.
Open letter to Jeffrey Sachs on the Russia-Ukraine war
Dear Dr. Sachs,We are a group of economists, including many Ukrainians, who were appalled by your statements on the Russian war against Ukraine and were compelled to write this open letter to address some of the historical misrepresentations and ...news.berkeley.edu
rubbish yanukoviich was elected in an oberved election an promised good relations with Russia in his campaign. What right do a few thousand people who oppoe him have to subvert an election? As putin pointed out there were also many irregualities even in the 2004 election where protests force a rerun of the run off as the Western canadidate lost. what a joke. Democracy is to prevent coups. If you don't like the leader you wait and vote against him. What about those that supported and voted for Yanukovich? What about their democratic rights? Popular revolution MY ASS. It was a colour revolution funded by the USA to the tune of $5BMaidan was a people's protest against their Russian stooge of a President. I have no doubt the US was in talks with the opposition, to establish a government, that was more pro-West, in line with the people's preferences, but that has nothing to do with Putin's characterization of Maidan as a coup de'etat. That is nonsense.
Once more with Victoria Nuland and Maidan in 2014?.... Never gets old for you, huh?you really believe Maidan had nothing to do with the USA and VIctoria Nuland just happened to arrive on the scene and elect the interim govt? The wiretap of her was faked?, it does not matter or you can't handle the truth? What is it? I have posted here a debunking of the offical narrative of Maidan by a Ukrainian-Canadian professor, peer reviewed analysis of video and timelines that proved events did not conform to the offical narrative...does not matter right? you don't care. Whatever.
Guess the Ukrainian people weren't about to wait, huh? Maybe because Yanukovich sold them out to Putin, they got real mad and that was the reason Yanu left Ukraine in the middle of the night to go live with Putin?rubbish yanukoviich was elected in an oberved election an promised good relations with Russia in his campaign. What right do a few thousand people who oppoe him have to subvert an election? As putin pointed out there were also many irregualities even in the 2004 election where protests force a rerun of the run off as the Western canadidate lost. what a joke. Democracy is to prevent coups. If you don't like the leader you wait and vote against him. What about those that supported and voted for Yanukovich? What about their democratic rights? Popular revolution MY ASS. It was a colour revolution funded by the USA to the tune of $5B
Sure they can protest, bu violence was used and it appears it was from gunmen that sought to trigger the coup. Why do I argue what i good for Russia? Because Russia is an important nation, and its arrogant to expect them to expect them to submit. Yeah Russia is so primitive. Did you know to work on the ISS you need to be able to speak Russian? Because all the system on board were developed by Russia? Many nations have productive collaborative relationships with Russia. Do you question why its only the NATO nations that hate Russia? What about all the crimes of the west, why do you overlook them when they have done far worse then Russia?People have a right to protest and call for a change of government which is what they did. They dont have to wait for the next election. The protests had their intended effect and Yanukovych signed an agreement and later that day fled. None of this is undemocratic or this nonsensical conspiracy theory that it was a western funded coup. You mean the 1M people who protested were all "agents of the west"? LOL. There was no coup.
Ukrainians and other Eastern European countries, don't want to have anything to do with backward ass corrupt Russia. They want to ally themselves with the west, so they can develop and have opportunities and improve their quality of life.
Why are you always arguing about what is good for Russia? The authoritarian state? Are you ethnic Russian?
Submit to what?Sure they can protest, bu violence was used and it appears it was from gunmen that sought to trigger the coup. Why do I argue what i good for Russia? Because Russia is an important nation, and its arrogant to expect them to expect them to submit. Yeah Russia is so primitive. Did you know to work on the ISS you need to be able to speak Russian? Because all the system on board were developed by Russia? Many nations have productive collaborative relationships with Russia. Do you question why its only the NATO nations that hate Russia? What about all the crimes of the west, why do you overlook them when they have done far worse then Russia?
His idea of a "coup de'etat is if people get to vote and he loses. Happens to totalitarians all the time...Maidan was a people's protest against their Russian stooge of a President. I have no doubt the US was in talks with the opposition, to establish a government, that was more pro-West, in line with the people's preferences, but that has nothing to do with Putin's characterization of Maidan as a coup de'etat. That is nonsense.
It's all just an American plot and poor Vlad is helpless.you really believe Maidan had nothing to do with the USA...
That is the common narrative, there is stong evidence even now agreed to by Ukrainian courts that the gunfire did not originate where the current narrative says it did. It amazes me that you still believe all the sources of info that are subborning the slaughter of children you see in Gaza. The US vetoing a ceasefire resolution even against its own allies. Seeing this sheer inhumanity on the part of the US amin you still buy their bullshit that Putin woke up one day and decided to attack Ukraine for no actual reason other then to seize more land when he fucked around for years with peace negotiations and efforts to avoid this war, and during all that time, he made no effort to move the war industries to war production rates or mobilize recruitment for the Russian military.The violence was used by the state, against CIVILIANS, which further turned the people against the Russia supporting leader, Yanukovich. Of course, when people face off against such violence, people themselves will try to use force, but Yanukovich was primarily to be blamed because of which 100s were killed during the protests.
Russia may or may not be important, and that is irrelevant. Yeah they have decent human capital etc., Not comparable to the west, but they do. So? I don't overlook the crimes of the west. I dont support the US's invasion of Iraq, or their support for Israel for example. But we are talking about Russia, with respect to Ukraine, and Russia is doing the same thing that I criticize the west for. So are you saying that Russia is justified, because the US made the same mistake earlier? That does not make sense.
Russia has no right to dictate or demand who Ukraine align themselves with, much less invade them for their choices.
The coup overthrew a duly elected leader. Yet somehow you claim it was democratic? Democracy is not a mob. democracy is to avoid the rule of the mob.His idea of a "coup de'etat is if people get to vote and he loses. Happens to totalitarians all the time...
If Yanu was a Russian stooge, then Zelensky is a NATO stooge. He was not even involved in final negotiations before the war started. How much more of a stooge can you be? lol. The US has backed the Oslo process and the 2 state solution and at the same time under cut it, moved the US embassy to Jerusalem and not prevented annxation of Pali land. Somehow you are utterly blind. NO EVIDENCE? Here is how the entire regime change machine works its magic:Stop conflating 2 different conflicts. The US has a decades long commitment with Israel, to protect them. That is not the convo right now. We are also not talking about any duplicity in US foreign policy. It is foreign policy. There is going to be duplicity and there are going to be narratives regardless of which side you talk about. This is irrelevant.
There is no strong evidence, whatsoever that the protests, in which over 1 million Ukrainian CITIZENS took part in, was orchestrated or funded by the United States. It is logistically and logically impossible to get 1M civilians, and the further 10s of millions of actual citizens who voted Zelensky in, to stage a coup, against a sitting President.
The facts of the matter are that Yanukovich was a Russian stooge. Ukraine as a country wants to ally more with the west and to that end they protested when Yanukovich reneged on his promises. I am sure the US was talking to the opposition parties etc, but this is commonplace in international relations for other countries to engage with multiple parties.
Russia's demands of Ukraine, are not legitimate in the first place and therefore "peace negotiations" weren't required.
Ukraine is a sovereign state, that can make its own decisions. To join NATO or otherwise. Putin's desire to grab land, was evident in his interview with Tucker, where he made the point that Ukraine was an artificial state - those were his actual words. So a guy that denies Ukraine's sovereignty or legitimacy, isn't interested in grabbing land?
Putin needs to give back Donbas AND Crimea. And go back to his borders and STFU lol. Ukraine, can do whatever the fuck it wants. If Ukraine is murdering its citizens or if there is a human rights issue within Ukraine, that can be dealt with by the UN. It is not for Russia, which isn't really known for a stellar human rights record, to fix. They should fix their own backyard first.
This has been explained to you multiple times.If Yanu was a Russian stooge, then Zelensky is a NATO stooge. He was not even involved in final negotiations before the war started. How much more of a stooge can you be? lol. The US has backed the Oslo process and the 2 state solution and at the same time under cut it, moved the US embassy to Jerusalem and not prevented annxation of Pali land. Somehow you are utterly blind. NO EVIDENCE? Here is how the entire regime change machine works its magic:
1m protestors in a 41m nation is IRRELEVANT. Eastern Urkraine overwhelmingly voted for Yanu for a very simple reason. Their economy was highly linked to Russia. An EU deal would break those links. Just like the green movement sparks Alberta seperatism as their oil econ is carbon intensive. As sI said before, if Putin had planned this all along, explain to me why the Russian MIC was not at war production rates? Why were mass mobilizations to carried out eariler? Why did Putin bother with Minsk 1 and 2. Why did he not just finish the job eariler?