Pussy Waxing.


New member
Aug 16, 2003
Honorable Members.
It has come to my attention ,as of late,that i am totally ignorant of many things in Life.One of these very Monumental omissisions in my consciousness is the existens of the profession of
"Pussy Waxer"(not in Funk+Wagnalls,most likely,to close to the word "Wixer"--German for "Jackoff".
If i would have had a choice in my Education,that is of course the direction i would have chosen.Now,i would be able to exhibit a Diploma attesting to the fact,that i am a Proud fellow of the--let me reiterate,i said *Proud* of the --Royal Pussy Waxing Society--
As my Parents (bless em) observed my developement,they in their Wisdom decided,that i should either be involved in Zoology or Technology.Must have been the fact,that i caught more frogs,then the other guys,on the one hand--or that i was good at building gadgets,that could ingeniously decapitate them--on the other hand.
So now i can build structures--that some Asshole can Bomb to ashes.I have many a certificate---but to my Shagrin (it ain't in F+W,so don't bother looking) None for"Pussywaxing.
I have become aware,how i got the hole in the bridge of my nose.. Yes, Yes, you guessed right,it is of course,from that gross--barbaric stubble,on the "Venus hill"--to the uninitiated--top pf the pussy,just above the clit---Caution---if you have to look ,you do not belong here.

One must of course differentiate---Fore stubble from Aft stubble,as aft stubble is much finer,to facilitate walking by the owner of the stubble.And to become technical(told you i was a Tech freak) some racial groups do not sport any aft stubble,facilitating the fast gait while running,and is of course the reason for beating the crap out of us in the running sports.
If you do not believe me,just book a black Lady,the next time you have a poket full of gold,and have a very close look,but do not take too long,or she may say things like***what ye doing--are you Knitting???

So now i am somewhat resentful of my Parents for having send me down the road of life without the be benefit of pussywaxer training,and in my ignorance can only dream up a proper procedure for this honorable profession of Pussywaxing.
As a pussywaxer,one can not merely say to a client--(like i can-- lift your ass,so i can get down and beyond(good word BEYOND,never used it before)
No,no The conversation,would of course be conducted in a proper manner.,,,More like---Would you kindly reposition your left buttock to stretch your right Labia for Waxing. I can not imagine the Waxer has the right to split theLabia in preparation for waxing

Leaving me very confused,as to the proper way of waxing.i therefore,call on this very intelligent readership to shed some light on this very delicate of subjects----

Leaving you confused but well ,sincerely:Thighspy..

Intelligent--is a very elastic and loose term,and definitely does not include the likes of --Ripper77--Who suffers from --Status Americanus__
A mental deficiency,brought on by ever increasing propaganda and delusions of grandeur..

In my ignorance,i ask ..is it better to wax or not to wax???
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