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PS4 is 400: i am having orgasms


internets icon
Feb 8, 2009
new xbox can remotely turn on the webcam and kinect and spy on you, take pics of you and whatever room you are in. you don't need to be playing for this either, it can just do it whenever it wants.

the downside to both consoles is that neither are going to be backward compatible. so your 360 and ps3 games are now no good. at least ps4 will let you share games with your friends unlike the xbox that says you can't share or buy used anymore.

ps4 is built for gaming with other features. xbox is built for everything with gaming thrown in.

however with no massive developments in the system itself except a hair better graphics i will stick with my ps3.


Active member
Jul 17, 2007
In case some of you missed the depressing new Xbox One’s “Big Brother” approach to the next generation console, here is a recap:

No used games.
If you give your game to someone else, Microsoft will delete your game copy on your Xbox.
Xbox must be on line.
24 hour checks to insure that your Xbox is on line.
Kinect is mandatory, no choice.
Same type of games on offer as before, no big changes.

But the PS4, by contrast is all sunshine and smiles. The Sony gamers have made out like a proverbial bandit:

No restrictions on used games.
PS4 is not required to be online.
Cheaper console price.
Cheaper game price.
Huge variety of new and different games to play.
Continuation of PlayStation Plus, although now it appears to be a requirement to join versus voluntary subscription.


Jan 31, 2005
Is valve still porting steam to PS? There was an announcement once that all your valve games from the PC would be considered paid up and available to you on both platforms. Like L4D, portal, CS, dota, etc.

Did that happen? Will it?
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