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PS3 broken Need help & advice!!


New member
Nov 3, 2007
After a couple of years my PS3 is now broken. PS3 warranty is just 1 year so sending it back is not an option.

When I power it up the light will stay green for 10 seconds then switch to amber for a half a second then beep 3x and will go to a constant flashing red light. I don't hear the fan anymore its just quiet. It still accepts and ejects discs but doesn't load it. There is no image on the display at all.

I did a search online to try to fix it myself. Tried removing the hard drive and even formatted it and replaced it back into the PS3 but no change. The hard drive itself seems functional since I was able to FAT32 format it and as a test I copied some files from my PC onto it and was successful. Switching HDMI cables also didn't solve the problem.

Based on the lack of a fan sound, my guess is that there is a motherboard problem.
Any help and advice on how to repair this would be welcome as I don't want to have to buy a new system. Even if you can point me to someone in the GTA who fixes PS3s would be helpful!


New member
Jun 6, 2009
Hopefully on Your Cock
Ohhh that sucks!! I'm going to have to get my boyfriend to help me with this in a bit but from what I recall I think it may be just dead. I've hear of the amber light happening before and i think it's similar to the XBOX 360's Ring of Death. I could be totally wrong.

I'm not sure if you would be able to fix it, but three are some threads on the PS3's "yellow light of death" on the playstation fourm,

You may get more help there. I'll ask my boyfriend what he knows and post again.


New member
Jun 6, 2009
Hopefully on Your Cock
So, I asked my boyfriend and sadly he thinks it's dead too. The YLOD (yellow light of death) is a general hardware failure, it could be the hard drive, blue ray or anything. He hasn't heard of anyone having a tonne of success when they have tried the fixes that are posted on the Playstation Forum. Due to Playstation's firmware only Sony can do proper repairs, or offer you a refurb but that will cost at least $150.

You may end up having to buy a new system, it might be the cheapest thing to do. Don't forget to back up your hard drive from time to time to prevent loosing saved game info and whatever else. Sorry about your luck, maybe if you get back up and running I can challenge you to a GTA dual.


New member
Feb 3, 2002
Mine busted (in a different way) after the warantee died as well, I had to mail it to Sony they fixed it for a rip off price, but cheaper then a new system. warning though since they "fixed" it the fan has been unbelievably loud!


Lucky lil Monkey...
Nov 18, 2009
Out being curious
before u accept that its can do what I did...tho let me forewarn you that its very unconventional and little

theres a repair shop in pickering...its the Sony repair shop so its not bootleg...

I got fam i went to pickering and waited outside the repair centre until i saw someone who i thot looked cool with "on the side jobs"...

he charged me $40+ $10 for parts...did it that day...he went bak in after i told him wat was wrong, came bak out with his stuff and the part...he's like i live 10 mins from here..follow me to my house (i was a little skeptical) we went into his palce..opened the ps..showed me what was wrong...switched it..and let me try it...took less than an hour..and it worked....(in case ur wondering, because i was too...he did not take it back into to work to fix it because there are protocols and work tracking numbers on any system [ps3, tv, and psp] that is being worked on..he said it woulda beena hassle)

My issue was with my internal wireless modem tho...

sony did give me an estimate to fix and time frame...way too much and especially too long...


Nov 13, 2003
I've only ever done this with my xbox 360 (three times actually... gawddam rrod)... but it should work...

buy an new one.... put the old one in the box and return it.... i've done it at walmart because they don't really check the serial numbers.... just make sure the packaging isn't all wrecked... so leave all the new cables etc in the box... just swap the system...

I know its wrong, but whatever you're comfortable with...


Active member
Sep 11, 2004
I've only ever done this with my xbox 360 (three times actually... gawddam rrod)... but it should work...

buy an new one.... put the old one in the box and return it.... i've done it at walmart because they don't really check the serial numbers.... just make sure the packaging isn't all wrecked... so leave all the new cables etc in the box... just swap the system...

I know its wrong, but whatever you're comfortable with...
lol. I'm not sure if I can do that. Not for anything major


New member
Dec 9, 2003
youtube it... there's a button pressing sequence for a hard reset and access to a submenu to restore.. maybe, maybe not.. if not then try craigslist for a grey market repair dude.. if you're going to pat Sony\s prices, you might as well get a new one and use a credit card that automatically gives an additional year warrantee
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