Project Veritas: Chicago Dean Brags About Giving Underage Students Sex Toys( dildo,, Butt Plugs) During Pride Month


Well-known member
Jan 29, 2017
Project Veritas: Chicago Dean Brags About Giving Underage Students Sex Toys ( Dildo, Butts Plugs) During Pride Month

THURSDAY, DEC 08, 2022 - 06:00 PM
Is this the hill that leftists have chosen to die on?
Progressives and SJWs claim that there is no LGBT grooming agenda aimed at underage children, but all the evidence suggests otherwise.
Project Veritas has released another discomforting hidden camera interview that essentially dashes any arguments that leftists have in defense of LGBT propaganda in schools, with blatant sexualization of kids being used in Chicago.

Joseph Bruno, Dean of Students at the Francis W. Parker School in Chicago, is caught on camera bragging about inviting representatives from a local LGBT Health Center to the school to talk to students ages 14-18 during pride month.

He admits that the students were given sex toys to "play with" while teaching the kids about "queer sex". Bruno appears excessively excited while talking about the event, and suggests that it's a "cool part of his job" ostensibly because he doesn't have to worry about oversight.

The school also engages in drag queen story hour events for very young children.

While the Parker School is a private school, the Dean hints that parents are not specifically notified of these LGBT sex education events and neither are the trustees.

While drag queen events have been caught on numerous occasions crossing the line of what is legal in terms of child exposure and sexualization, the classes described by Bruno enter a whole other realm of grooming.

Is it really "bigoted" or "extreme" to argue that this is unacceptable behavior to expose children to in schools? Can't we all agree to "leave those kids alone" until they are competent adults?


Project Veritas.. everytime I hear the name I'm reminded of the railroading of the Project Veritas reporter about Bidens daughter's diary where she tells the world about taking showers with President Biden as a preteen. Biden raided this guy and company ( Project Veritas) with Federal Law Enforcement!!!!
PSS. Can‘t we all agree to leave those underage kids along until they are competent adults ( 18 year and overs) . It is too much to ask from schools educator!! This is common sense!!! Leave them alone!!! Let them focused on school reading , writing and math!!
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Well-known member
Jan 20, 2022
Moreover all these arguments are dependent on the fact that people are stupid blindly obedient morons who march in lock step with their teachers. Now, some people do (extreme maga) but most don't. I know when I had a Marxist sociology prof in uni we all mocked her behind her back and none of us became commies.

Thus I'd find these toys funny and I might get an "ick" reaction out of one or two but it would not turn me gay.
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