Professors offer more than $10,000 for proof that Bachmann’s story about HPV is true


Protuberant Member
May 29, 2002
North America
LMAO!!! Looks like that ex-witch has about as much crediblity as our own JAJA! I look foreward to Aardie, who was mentored by JAJA, to defend and obfuscate around this one!....:D

Professors offer more than $10,000 for proof that Bachmann’s story about HPV is true

By Chris Moody | The Ticket – 16 hrs ago

Minnesota Rep. Michele Bachmann's story about a woman who claimed that her daughter suffered "mental retardation" after receiving a vaccine against HPV could fetch the woman's family thousands of dollars. But the family can only collect if Bachmann or the unnamed woman can prove the story is true.

Two bioethics professors have offered to pay more than $10,000 for medical records that prove the anecdote Bachmann told after Monday night's Republican presidential debate is true, the Minneapolis Star Tribune reports:

Steven Miles, a U of M bioethics professor, said that he'll give $1,000 if the medical records of the woman from Bachmann's story are released and can be viewed by a medical professional.

His offer was upped by his former boss from the University of Minnesota, Art Caplan, who is now director of the University of Pennsylvania Center for Bioethics. Caplan said he would match Miles' challenge and offered $10,000 for proof of the HPV vaccine victim.

"'These types of messages in this climate have the capacity to do enormous public health harm,'" Miles said of why he made the offer. 'The woman, assuming she exists, put this claim into the public domain and it's an extremely serious claim and it deserves to be analyzed.'"

Bachmann told the story after she criticized opponent Texas Gov. Rick Perry for using an executive order in 2007 to mandate that all girls entering the sixth grade receive a vaccination against the Human papillomavirus, a sexually transmitted disease that can cause cervical cancer. The Texas legislature overturned the mandate and the policy was never enacted.

"There's a woman who came up crying to me tonight after the debate," Bachmann said after the debate, where she had told Perry on stage that she was "offended" by his decision. "She said her daughter was given that vaccine. She told me her daughter suffered mental retardation as a result of that vaccine." She repeated the story to several news outlets over the next 24 hours and sent a fundraising letter to supporters about the exchange she had with Perry on the debate stage.

When pressed by Fox News' Sean Hannity on his radio program about the story, Bachmann said she had "no idea" if it were true.

Bachmann's story drew criticism members of the medical community along with several conservatives allies, including radio host Rush Limbaugh, who have refused to defend her. Ed Rollins, who advised Bachmann's campaign through the summer, said she should take it back.

"She made a mistake," Rollins said on MSNBC. "The quicker she admits she made a mistake and moves on, the better she is."

Possum Trot

New member
Dec 7, 2009
As far as I can see Bachmann's only useful purpose is to keep Woody occupied when Palin is being quiet.

Boss Nass

Well-known member
Jun 7, 2002
Hopefully with my face in a pussy
Anyone who thinks that she is serious forgets one major point: she doesn't care! The only thing that matters to her, or any other teabagger type, is what their base will swallow. Since most of them are willfully ignorant (in fact they pride themselves on being uneducated) they will believe anything she spews from her festering gob. She could tell them that Obama started WW1 and they would believe her. She could tell them that the Democrats have poisoned all the municipal water supplies in America and there would be a rush on bottled water sales. She could tell them that she's the reincarnation of Ronald Reagan and they would bow down (because they fail to understand that Reagan would probably be ashamed to be mentioned in the same breath as her). And she DOESN'T GIVE A SHIT! For this reason it's hard to tell whether her ramblings are the result of stupidity or political manoeuvering, because to her it doesn't matter, it's all about pleasing the base. She could take to the stage wasted on LSD and corn liquor, mumble incoherently for as long as it takes her to fall over, and they would treat it like the sermon on the mount.

They are that dumb.


New member
Apr 29, 2002
As far as I can see Bachmann's only useful purpose is to keep Woody occupied when Palin is being quiet.
Well, you have to admit, Bachmann is NOTORIOUS for saying some insane stupid shit, there's no denying it.


Protuberant Member
May 29, 2002
North America
As far as I can see Bachmann's only useful purpose is to keep Woody occupied when Palin is being quiet.
So you support this ex-witch Possum Twit???....:D


Protuberant Member
May 29, 2002
North America


The Ideal Terbite
Aug 6, 2003
Well, you have to admit, Bachmann is NOTORIOUS for saying some insane stupid shit, there's no denying it.
But is that really who the Americans want as their President?? Really?

I just don't understand.


New member
Apr 29, 2002
But is that really who the Americans want as their President?? Really?

I just don't understand.
It's a small group of people, like Iowans with a bunch of straws in hand. :D

But honestly, they love the vitriolic shit she spews and makes up because it's in tow with a lot of how they think.
in the end, she'll be tossed under the bus, not thanked for what she has said and that will be that.


New member
Apr 29, 2002
On another note, you'd think that Bachmann would try to disprove these bioethics professors (who had to have studied science), afterall, what do they know?
Shocking as well is she didn't mention God in all this, he's supposed to have all the answers right? I mean aren't scientists supposed to be liars and clueless on most things and God the all knowing?


New member
Jan 19, 2006
But is that really who the Americans want as their President?? Really?

I just don't understand.
The true problem you are addressing is that an unintended consequence of the Progressive Movement's democratization of the Presidential nomination process in the U.S. in the first part of the Twentieth Century was to empower the extremes of both political parties.

In the days of “the smoke filled room” at national party conventions, the goal of the power brokers was to have a candidate with broad enough appeal to win the General Election. That is not at all the case in a system now dominated by primaries in which the most liberal Democrats and the most conservative Republicans are those the most likely to vote in the Primary Election and many states even have rules binding convention delegates to vote for the winner of the state's primary election.


New member
Jan 19, 2006
Shocking as well is she didn't mention God in all this
Well I know you love to bash religion, but what the heck does belief in God, or theological disputations, have to do with mandatary vaccination programs, parental rights etc. . .


Protuberant Member
May 29, 2002
North America
Well I know you love to bash religion, but what the heck does belief in God, or theological disputations, have to do with mandatary vaccination programs, parental rights etc. . .
Palin will explain all that to ya if ya ask doggone it!....;)


New member
Apr 29, 2002
Well I know you love to bash religion, but what the heck does belief in God, or theological disputations, have to do with mandatary vaccination programs, parental rights etc. . .

I just mentioned it because she's batshit crazy in all her responses and does bring religion into most of the issues she brings up.
I'm the counter-weight to that sorta shit. :)


Protuberant Member
May 29, 2002
North America
It's scary how GOPers can support someone as bat shit crazy as Bachmann, Perry and Palin. Gives you a scary insight on how Hitler rose to power in the past!....:Eek:
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