Privatised garbage collection good for unionised collectors health


Mar 12, 2004
Article on the Toronto Star reporting that the unionised collectors are taking fewer sick days since privatising part of TO, the city is getting fewer complaints from the privatised area than the unionised area.

Sounds like a win win to me.



CanBarelyRe Member
Aug 18, 2001
Competition keeps both players honest and trying hard. Like you say win-win.

great bear

The PUNisher
Apr 11, 2004
Nice Dens
After the racoons and crows pick through my garbage there is little left to pick up.


Cockasian Brother
Aug 3, 2010
Interesting that Ford isn't pushing to privatize District 3 and 4 until after the next election. It's probably his best card against OChow.


you must be fk'n kid'g me
Nov 13, 2001
Interesting that Ford isn't pushing to privatize District 3 and 4 until after the next election. It's probably his best card against OChow.
it is but they also have a number of employees who will retire in the next few years which will make it easier


New member
Jul 29, 2002
Above 7
Competition keeps both players honest and trying hard. Like you say win-win.
So you admit the unionized workers weren't honest before. Good for you. Soon you will admit the Liberals decision to cancel the gas plant was politically motivated. You are making real progress there OJ :D


CanBarelyRe Member
Aug 18, 2001
So you admit the unionized workers weren't honest before. Good for you. Soon you will admit the Liberals decision to cancel the gas plant was politically motivated. You are making real progress there OJ :D
In fact the gas plant decision was so politically motivated Hudak was campaigning to cancel them and so was Horwath. Fortunately for them, neither of their parties had to live up to their campaign rhetoric and actually take responsibility for the costs of their promises.

As I have repeatedly said the Liberals fucked up when they tried to ram a crappy cheap-ass proposal down the throats of the local people who do actually need a powerplant nearby, just not those awful shitboxes. OPA/OPG could have spent less than the cancellation and relocation will cost and built a needed public works project the public could accept, perhaps even be proud of, but instead they and their political masters bought into the Hudak/Harper/Ford blather that the best government is the cheapest—a mantra that in any other aspect of life would be laughed off the planet—and McG okayed the sort of irresponsible crap that the arms-length OPA and OPG foisted on our Portlands, only to cancel it when he at least realized it was an unsaleable horror.

He did what Tiny Tim wanted and cancelled the plants. Haven't we all benefitted from that brilliant idea! <Warning: This post contains attemped Sarcasm. Do not be Misled> We note that Timorous Tim resolutely refused to answer the simple question, 'Did you have any cost estimates at all for your proposed cancellation of the plants?' Which means he didn't.

God save us from pols and all who believe in them. Given that all three parties thought the plants were a mistake and should be cancelled, shouldn't sensible people be looking for someone saying, 'We would have designed and engineered them to be a proper fit for their sites and neighbouring community in the first place."

Let us know when someone does. Meantime ponder the old maxim: They can never find enough time or money to do it right, but they always find the time and money to do it over. 'They' belong to every party; they're employed at every corporate level.
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