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Prison 'starving me to death': 308-lb. inmate


New member
Dec 27, 2004

BENTONVILLE, Ark.–An inmate awaiting trial on a murder charge is suing the county, complaining he has lost more than 100 pounds because of the jailhouse menu.

Broderick Laswell says he isn't happy that he's down to 308 pounds after eight months in the Benton County Jail. He has filed a federal lawsuit complaining the jail doesn't provide inmates with enough food.

Laswell claims he weighed 413 pounds when he was jailed in September. Police say he and a co-defendant fatally beat and stabbed a man, then set his home on fire.

"On several occasions I have started to do some exercising and my vision went blurry and I felt like I was going to pass out," Laswell wrote in his complaint. "About an hour after each meal my stomach starts to hurt and growl. I feel hungry again."

But Laswell then goes on to complain that he undertakes little vigorous activity.

"The only reason we lost weight in here is because we are literally being starved to death," the suit says. The suit also asks that the county be ordered to serve hot meals. The jail has served only cold food for years.

The meals, provided through Aramark Correctional Institution Services, average 3,000 calories a day, jail Capt. Hunter Petray told the Morning News of northwest Arkansas for a story Saturday.

A typical diet consists of 2,000 to 3,000 calories a day.

Associated Press


New member
Dec 27, 2004
If he beat and stabbed a man to death and burned down the man's house, he's lucky he gets 3,000 calories a day free from the state, and rather than be forced to do hard labour, he admits that "he undertakes little vigorous activity". Don't like long term prison life? Then don't commit murder and arson. Whine whine whine - does he expect unlimited Burger King deliveries in jail?


New member
Mar 10, 2004
alexmst said:
If he beat and stabbed a man to death and burned down the man's house, he's lucky he gets 3,000 calories a day free from the state, and rather than be forced to do hard labour, he admits that "he undertakes little vigorous activity". Don't like long term prison life? Then don't commit murder and arson. Whine whine whine - does he expect unlimited Burger King deliveries in jail?
He's not guilty of anything yet.


New member
Jan 31, 2003
BENTONVILLE, Ark.–An inmate awaiting trial on a murder charge is suing the county, complaining he has lost more than 100 pounds because of the jailhouse menu.
Works better than Jenny Craig.



It's been good to know ya
He weighed that much and is complaining he lost weight. :eek: If he loses 100 more dependant on his weight and bone structure he should be happy to be normal size. What a joke going to jail and expecting service of a high class hotel. What we should do each time a prisoner complains it to kick it back a notch until we get back to the days of good ole bread and butter and milk and water only. ok ok no fruits we will toss em an apple a day. Good enough?

S.C. Joe

Client # 13
Nov 2, 2007
Detroit, USA
cypherpunk said:
He's not guilty of anything yet.

Some people just can not understand that. Some believe everybody who is arrested by the police must be guilty of something-even before they are found guilty.


Almost Done.
Jul 10, 2006
Fat chance they will do anything about it...

I am not sure how long he is in for. It would be ironic that he is getting healthier if he is serving a life sentence.
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