Pickering Angels

Pregnant Woman's body found


Jun 8, 2005
Stupid sensless waste of life. So he kills her and their unborn child to... ?!? ... *not* screw up his life?

This makes me wonder... is everyone who is in jail there because they are stupid in some way? Too stupid to have a little foresight to see how things will likely unravel?


Murder is one of the most common causes of death in pregnant women.


It's been good to know ya
What a heartless feind to even take her in front of his son like that. :mad: That poor child. I had a feeling it was him when I first read the story but I did not want to believe that a man would do such a thing like this in front of his very own child.


rubmeister100 said:
And 98% of statistics are made up on the spot... no wait, make that 96.4%

Seriously though, that is a pretty strong statement. What information do you base this on?
contrary to popular belief most statistics are not made up. However many news groups do "informal polls". In order to appear in journals, findings are highly scrutinized. Sometimes work needs to be repeated. You can't just pull numbers out of thin air, you have to explain your methods in a clear and concise manner.

I have read plenty of research papers on homicide being a common cause of death in pregnant women. However since I cannot really site them here (you would have to have access to academic journals), I will provide you with this link. Its statistics are based on US data though. http://www.jrrobertssecurity.com/security-news/security-crime-news0043.htm


New member
Feb 12, 2007
I watch 48 hours all the time and it always seems to be the husband, the last one the husband actually shot himself four times to cover it up.

A computer expert found on his computer that he had researched how to shoot yourself without hitting vital organs, very little evidence to support he did it but they couldn't ignore that evidence.........conviction, death penalty.
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