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Preferred reply if the sp is booked

Preferred reply when a lady is not available

  • "thank you for your request...sorry but I am booked that day"

    Votes: 12 35.3%
  • " first available opening is..."

    Votes: 24 70.6%
  • "...if you would like to be notified should I have an opening..."

    Votes: 3 8.8%
  • nor reply at all unless she can see you.

    Votes: 1 2.9%

  • Total voters

Samantha Jones

I would appreciate some input as to what type of reply the men would prefer to receive from a lady if the date they are requesting is booked.
- "Thank you for your request...sorry but I am booked at that time/day"
- "....sorry but I am booked all this month."
-".....sorry, my first available date is...."
- " .......if you would like to be contacted should I get an opening...."
- no reply unless she can see you

As always, thanks for your input!


New member
Apr 20, 2002
IMHO - I think a collaboration (spelling?) of 1,2 and/or 3 nicely worded leaves things nice and open that way the gent knows the next opening - it might save him asking about repetitive dates and cut down some work at both ends. ANd give him the option of notification - down side more work for you - Another problem with this being if you send the same dates to multiple guys by the time one guy tries to book another might have taken that time slot.

I really think most guys don't care so long as they are told nicely that the date in question is taken so they can make other plans.

So in other words - I've not helped at all - LOL I hate when I contradict myself. Really the last comment is likely closest point to consider.


I'm not really back
Oct 27, 2001
I think a combination of the first and second is appropriate. It lets us know you are not available at such and such a time but also gives us an alternative time should we choose to pursue it. I also agree with the others on how critical it is just to be informed if you are not available so that we can make other plans.

I recently had an sp cancel on me (woman's issues) and I really appreciated that she called me 4 hours in advance. While it would have been nice to have found this out the day before, this still allowed me time to develop a few alternatives. As a hobbyist who is only in TO for a few days at a time, being able to plan is absolutely critical.


New member
Mar 18, 2002
Waytoofar N. Ont.
No choice there for me.

A combination of the first three, if possible, would do the trick. A stock reply form could be used and just pasted into a reply. I realize that would entail typing a date or two but such a response would really enhance your image as a caring provider.. It seems that several others have expressed thoughts here quite similar to mine.

#1. - would be an absolute essential if you wish to keep a good customer from feeling slighted.

#2. - would give me the info I need if I am sure that I would like to try and rebook at a time of my preference. I'd need that info to make my plans.

#3. - would also make it easier for me to plan another try. If you are frequently booked then a clue as to when it might be best to try making another app't would be appreciated.
Last edited:

Big Daddy

New member
Sep 1, 2001
You can lie..

IMHO, it is a good idea to not let a client know that you are booked. You can always lie and say that "I will be out of town for a vacation" or "I have decided to take time off on that day".

Communication is important, and not replying may not be good.

You can tell the truth if you have a regular client that knows you. For a new client, it is a good idea to lie or give an excuse, so that he does not feel that he is treated as a waiting list candidate. A few clients may be doing this for the first time and may be emotional, a lie would make them feel better, I think.

I personally think that satisfaction with a SP comes from the service and the treatment. If you treat the clients well (and even lie sometimes) you may have a lot of regular clients.


New member
Sep 18, 2002
I think that you have to address the client's needs as quickly and efficiently as possible. As a client I would want to know:
A) if my requested time was available,
B) what is a possible suitable alternate time, and
C) that I am not wasting my time by asking. Getting no reply would imply firstly, that I just wasted my time by asking and secondly, that I am not important enough to merit any response from you. That would simply be unprofessional.


Master of Sinanju
Nov 22, 2001
Just tell the truth. If you are booked you are booked. If people don't want to believe you then no amount of eloquance is going to change their mind.

I would hope most people would understand that when you are only seeing one client a day, being booked is very real likelihood.

Samantha Jones

Thank you for the opinions thus far-
fyi - I never would myself do #4(not reply) UNLESS the request had been worded in a really rude/profane way.

-I also must say that I cannot agree about lying. I have to be honest. Otherwise how could I belive in myself , or expect/hope the men to be honest with me?

-but if one has to honestly reply that the earliest opening is a ways off will that be taken as honesty or does it put some men in a huff thinking that the lady is being arrogant ? (when that iss NOT the real intention).
I feel sometimes that I am having to tread lightly here as to not offend.
-and yes it certainly can be expected much more when the lady limits herself to one appt./day.


New member
Mar 18, 2002
Waytoofar N. Ont.
Samantha Jones said:
Thank you for the opinions thus far-.................-but if one has to honestly reply that the earliest opening is a ways off will that be taken as honesty or does it put some men in a huff thinking that the lady is being arrogant ? (when that iss NOT the real intention).
I feel sometimes that I am having to tread lightly here as to not offend.
In general I can not see that kind of response as being in any way, arrogant. If anyone perceives it that way then they have a bit of a problem with their own ego. You can not go wrong with being honest!

To prevent the problem [above] that you perceive happening, a nicely worded statement that, though the next possible date is far away, you would be quite pleased to accept an appointment from the caller at that time, would indicate clearly to him that you indeed, feel that he is worthy of your consideration and that he is definitely not being brushed off.

Furthermore, would it be worth your time to worry about those men who can get into a "huff" over such a small thing? That might indicate that they are easily "hufffed" and a possibly a future problem if you do accomodate their request.

Big Daddy

New member
Sep 1, 2001
May be I was misunderstood

I was the one who advocated lying, but may be I was misunderstood. I think it depends on context. However, sometimes you almost have to lie. For example, most people leave there jobs because they absolutely hate them, but most lie or give excuse for leaving. For example, because of personal reasons, I have to leave this company etc.

If I were a SP, my reply and I was booked reply would be Thank you for your interest, but I have decided to take time off on that day or something similar. This is just one of the few options that I think a SP can use. Some of the other ones are already discussed before.


Senior Member
Mar 23, 2002
My $2 worth

Lisa has it right. You just say you are not available without giving a reason. I don't want to know that you saw one, two or three people before I arrive. (Although I do know one lady who is like a trotting horse--she only gets up to speed after the third-LOL) It's good to get back if the guy left a number and just say when you are available.

Just my $2. I don't give twocent opinions any more. It's not worth my time.


Nov 22, 2001
Lisa said:
If a client requests a date with you during the times that you are taking care of your kids, grocery shopping, hairdresser, gym, spending time with SO, visiting family, friends, etc., are you all HONEST about that and explain to him the exact reason why you can not accommodate the client at his requested time?_ Probably not. So why do you need to broadcast to the world when you are gonna be busy fu#$ing a client!
Yes we are all busy, busy doing this and that, it takes time to live life.
Clients don't need (and probably don't want) to know that you are entertaining another.
Just tell the man that you are not available that day, but are on such'n such a day. Stop with all this HONESTY crap, it has nothing to do with it. Lisa
Maybe I'm in the minority, but I totally disagree with the dishonesty. While I certainly have no right or reason to know what the SP is doing on a personal level, I just do not appreciate being out-and-out lied to. I think it shows a certain lack of respect and If I knew this was happening, I would likely not want to book with her. Samantha, it sounds to me like you are probably already handling this situation in the best manner.

And if it bothers a client to know that an SP is entertaining another, then he's in the wrong hobby.


on former TERB in 90's
Aug 18, 2001
Re: Oh Please, you are so obvious, but weak

Lisa said:

I am off to get my nails done, please EXCUSE me!


now would that be a pedicure and/or a manicure ??????

details details details details details details details details details details details details details details details details details details details details details details details details details details details details details details details details details details details details


Samantha Jones

Lisa said:
If a client requests a date with you during the times that you are taking care of your kids, grocery shopping, hairdresser, gym, spending time with SO, visiting family, friends, etc., are you all HONEST about that and explain to him the exact reason why you can not accommodate the client at his requested time?_ Probably not. So why do you need to broadcast to the world when you are gonna be busy fu#$ing a client!
Yes we are all busy, busy doing this and that, it takes time to live life.
Clients don't need (and probably don't want) to know that you are entertaining another.
Just tell the man that you are not available that day, but are on such'n such a day. Stop with all this HONESTY crap, it has nothing to do with it. Lisa
Honesty is NOT crap. And I am talking about telling someone I am "unavailable" (generally- no specifics)I never Broadcast to the world. and Yes I have other jobs i am also busy with.

I am just trying to work out the best way to reply without sounding snooty/unpleasant.

Obvoiusly, Lisa , you have NO understanding of the way I work.

Samantha Jones

Re: My $2 worth

Damondean said:
. I don't want to know that you saw one, two or three people before I arrive. (Although I do know one lady who is like a trotting horse--she only gets up to speed after the third-LOL) It's good to get back if the guy left a number and just say when you are available.

Just my $2. I don't give twocent opinions any more. It's not worth my time.
Not possible DD-I do not see more than ONE client per evening. Ever. So no one will EVER hear that from me.

I do just say that I am 'busy" or "unavailable' but when I cant see them at all for a while ahead I want to put that in the least offending way possible to them.


Jul 9, 2002
Up Here,ON

Samantha you come across as a classy woman with a lot of character. When you book a Dr or Dentist appointment, do they tell you exactly why they may not be available? I doubt it. May I suggest that if you are unavailable for whatever reason - another client, you are working elsewhere, or for gawsh' s sake the Sopranos are on - simply inform your prospective client that you are unavailable. That is being honest and forthright. Maybe you just want the time off. It doesn't matter. It is not like "lying" to your boss, which is another subjetct.
If I call you and you tell me you are unavailable the evening I select, I accept that.I would appreciate your honesty, and courtesy. I suspect that is how you treat your clients anyway.
Good luck.


Retired TERB Ass Slapper
Aug 20, 2001
Trolling the Deleted Threads Repository
Honesty - I agree!

I'm with you in the honesty camp Samantha - it's important!

As for the reply of choice, I'd prefer something along the lines of "I'm sorry but I'm not available that day. My first opening is ______." I don't need to know the reason your not available. And frankly it's none of my business anyway.

Obviously I know what you do, so there's a good chance you're seeing someone else that day. That's cool. But it really doesn't matter to me that you're seeing someone else, or that you're going to be out and about leading your life seeing a movie, or going shopping, or just taking the night off to stargaze. You're entitled to your life and thus to not be available. Just give me a chance to book by letting me know when you are around; that's good enough and it's honest too.

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