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Predictions: Sopranos Series Finale


New member
Dec 27, 2002
Anyone have any predictions on what happens in series finale of Sopranos.

I predict Tony and Carmella will both survive. The series needs them for feature movies every 3 years or so.

I also predict that the sheepish, dopey, son of Tony, ie AJ, will kill somebody tonight, - most likely Phil Leotardo.
I really hope Leotardo ends up dead. I really hate that guy.


New member
Feb 12, 2007
Somebody gets killed?


Feb 12, 2006
I wish I could put forth a guess I really think will happen. For whatever reason, I don't see Tony getting killed.


Active member
Jan 19, 2004
rip_hymen said:
I've got another spoiler and this one is pretty good. Let me know if you want to see it.
Does it involve a car bomb in the wrong car?


rip_hymen said:
I've got another spoiler and this one is pretty good. Let me know if you want to see it.
maybe just post a link? that way you won't get blasted for posting it like last time ...... and whomever wants to see it can click away ....... ;)


kooley said:
was on the wiseguy show this week and accidently let a spoiler slip.
ok, what was it? PM if you prefer ......


boffo said:
I really hope Leotardo ends up dead. I really hate that guy.
I hope that cock-eyed little fuck in Phill's crew gets it too!


head spinning

Just went to a bunch of the spoiler sites and got to say there's lots of creative minds out there! I think I've decided to wait and see the show, all these theories are so diverse I'm betting none of them are right.

There are a few facts in my mind :

At least 3 different endings were filmed and it's a closely guarded secret which one is used, not even the cast knows for sure. And they were filmed in a manner that they can be edited to reflect even more possible endings so those involved (except for the ones doing finale editing) will be as surprised as we are when it airs.

No one has seen any advance releases of the final, there are none. Anyone who says otherwise is full of BS.

There was a final scene shot at an ice cream parlor in NJ. I remember the newspaper articles about the town trying to keep them from shooting there as they did not like the shows portrayal of Italians. But the fact it was shot does not mean it will be the final scene we see.

As I said, my head is spinning .... but I'm pumped as hell to see the show tomorrow. I grew up near the NJ neighborhoods where the show is set and is a reason (besides it being a great gangster series) I got into it. Hell, my ex-wife claims one of her brother-in-laws family members are in the mob (always had to laugh at that but it could be true I guess).

Regardless it's been fun watching and analyzing and trying to guess what happens ..... I hope we all enjoy the show and aren't let down too much. Everyone have a blast !!

Odd thing went thru my mind just as I was about to submit this post. This is a show originally (and still) about a gangster going for therapy due to depression and panic attacks ...... a lot have already posted about being depressed about the shows demise ....... if it ends with Tony being cured (as some spoilers will have it) it's ironic as hell that lots of the viewers will be left needing therapy! *LOL*

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