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Precautions against unsavory SP's


Apr 6, 2006
Personally, I've never had a problem with an MP. But I did have a pretty scary experience with an SP about four years ago. I mention it here because she pulled a stunt on me that has since made me more cautious on first visits with someone new. Here's the story...

Arrived at the door, and was met by a pretty young thing who invited me in. Still in the hall, she squirmed and touched herself all over while trying to talk "sexy". Invited me to go downstairs. We get down there and I'm starting to think this was a bad idea. She's too young, and acting weird.

Then she starts telling me her prices. Offers Greek at $800!!! I'm not interested in Greek. I'm certainly not interested in paying $800, even if I had the money. I decide it's time to bail.

I try to extricate myself politely from the situation, but she gets mad. That's when she pulls a stunt that really caught me off guard -- she rips the glasses off my head and refuses to give them back to me!

Ok, now my mind is racing. Driving without my glasses at night is difficult. Possible, a bit dicey, and not legal according to my drivers license. Explaining where my glasses went when I get home is even more of a problem. Getting aggressive with this b*tch in order to get my glasses back is likely to result in scratches and bruises, if not worse. Can't risk that. Worst of all, she's threatening to call her dog.

In the end, it cost me all the money I had on me to get outta there. Still stings to think about it.

After this lesson, I recommend the following precautions:
  • Keep your wallet and ID in the car and take only the money you need
  • If things don't feel right, leave right away (before your path to the door is cut off!)
  • Deal with people you know, or get recommendations from others first
  • If things get tense, keep your distance, take your glasses off, and have your cell ready to dial 911 at a single keypress
Hope this never happens to any of you. If there is a good reason for terb, then warning people about this kind of SP would be it.

BTW, the SP in question went by the name of Erin. Lived off Maitland at the time. Have only seen her once since ... working at the Nuden. Needless to say, I steered clear of her.


New member
Feb 22, 2003
I'm sorry, but that gave me a chuckle. That was quite inventive on her part. Maybe we bespecaled folk should wear our contacts when going to a SP incall. :)

I think we all have learned some lessons the hard way. At about the same time as your incident (four years ago) there was an agency with more bad reviews than good, but I thought I'd give them a try. I had had no problems calling an outcall SP to my apartment before. When I called they asked what I was looking for in an SP - blond, brunette, short, tall, etc. I said I didn't much care except that I found large tattoos to be a turn off and I'd rather a SP with no tattoos.

When the SP arrived I could see right away that she had several tattoos. I asked if she had others and she said yes, she had several. I explained to her that I had requested someone with no tattoos. I apologized but said that it just wasn't going to work for me. She then started to grill me on what my problem was, she started yelling, crying and then screaming. I called the agency informed them as to what was going on. They said to put her on the line. We agreed on a $20 door fee and the agency offered another girl at a discounted price, but I wanted nothing more to do with them. So I give the girl the $20, but she is still wickedly upset.... I open the door for her to show her out and she started going up and down the floor to my apartment building saying stuff like "THE GUY IN 509 LIKES HIS WHORES! FUCKING LOSER HAS TO PAY FOR SEX!"

Since then I've followed your third rule:
- Deal with people you know, or get recommendations from others first

Also, I would suggest that people never do outcalls to your home in an apartment.


New member
Nov 24, 2004
Same happened to me too...

northern_tantra said:
I try to extricate myself politely from the situation, but she gets mad. That's when she pulls a stunt that really caught me off guard -- she rips the glasses off my head and refuses to give them back to me!
The same thing happened to me a couple of years ago. Until I've read this post, I also thought that was an inventive trick, but apparently it's not. How I got out: the glasses would've cost me a couple of hundred dollars, so I ended up paying "for a taxi" for her. What scared me was the fact that some of her front teeth were missing (knocked out?) and she looked like a junkie type (only if I'd known). As for discretion, it's best to steer clear from your home or anywhere near your home for this kind of activity.



New member
Sep 23, 2004
Northern_tantra, you don't say who the SP was -- and I think that's the whole purpose of a board like this one.

I'm sure this SP advertised in some way that was/is seen by most customers here.

Rather than leave the impression that SPs in general are dishonest and not to be trusted, wouldn't it be more effective to use a site like this one to get the word out about the bad ones?



Apr 6, 2006
In my own defense

JoyfulC said:
Northern_tantra, you don't say who the SP was -- and I think that's the whole purpose of a board like this one.

I'm sure this SP advertised in some way that was/is seen by most customers here.

Rather than leave the impression that SPs in general are dishonest and not to be trusted, wouldn't it be more effective to use a site like this one to get the word out about the bad ones?

Re-read my post ... I did say who the SP was, in the last paragraph. I also said it was four years ago. I do not think that most SP's are dishonest, nor did I say anything that would infer that in my post. I even said "If there is a good reason for terb, then warning people about this kind of SP would be it".

Your reply is a bit of an over-reaction, but I'm sure you meant well. As did I.


New member
Feb 22, 2003
Christine: He did. Last sentence. He said she went by the name Erin. But after four years, she may have changed her name a couple dozen times.

After my bad experience four years ago, I did put up that story on your message board... but now I'd have to wrack my brain to remember the SP name or agency.

I don't think an unfortunate story about an SP paints all with the same brush as much as a news story about a mechanic ripping people off paints all mechanics with the same brush. But knowing that there are rip-off mechanics and what you can do to avoid them is important all the same.


Apr 6, 2006
The moral of the story was ...

... to watch your wallet and your glasses, especially when dealing with someone you don't know.

Or, as VelvetCyclone suggested: wear contacts :eek:

It's fortunate that most SP's in this town are honest -- at least judging from my (limited) experience and the postings on this board -- but you still have to be careful.


New member
Sep 23, 2004
Sorry, Northern_tantra, I was out of line on this one.

I guess I tend to be a bit defensive on the part of honest SPs/MPs. I'm an old broad -- please forgive me! :)



Apr 6, 2006
JoyfulC said:
Sorry, Northern_tantra, I was out of line on this one.

I guess I tend to be a bit defensive on the part of honest SPs/MPs. I'm an old broad -- please forgive me! :)

I'll forgive the defensiveness ... but calling yourself an "old broad" is quite another matter! :( I might have to spank you for that!

Let's put this thread to bed, shall we?
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