Pre trip Research so hard without current review/ads!

Pre-trip Research so hard without current review/ads!

Some folks know I have been known for my pre-trip spreadsheets of potential companions, massage gals, etc. As a nerd with CPA background plus my frugal specific physical likes and add to that, I seek some hint in review/ads of personality, sensuality more than just the usual "acts." Not interested in larger than "C" and relatively slimmer body types. I am a sucker for a friendly smile :)

I realize it will be at least a few months - or more- before the virus restrictions are over, but I plan way ahead.

Sometimes I have found on Twitter some gals that show hints of the personality I like vs. just sexy talk but haven't found a way to only find gals in Toronto (or Montreal)

OnlyFans doesn't seem practical since it seems you have to subscribe per single gal and no way to search by city. Those that I have found (some from social posts here) just from intros and finding their website are way above what I am willing to pay (not over $CDN300/hr for their companionship, and usually stick to $250 or lower via the agencies). I am hoping to get to Montreal also this summer -virus permitting - since it's been about 15 years since been there as I have only traveled to Toronto for many years.

I have even looked at some webcam sites, although I have no interest in just gawking at bodies but some seem to have some personality. However, from Russia and all over the world and I am only interested in Toronto or Montreal!

From monitoring Terb and Merb before the virus, I have some potentials listed but from long ago and have no way to know if they will still be around after the virus.

Like many here, I miss the reviews and even ads that show some hint of more than just the usual sexy stuff.
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