Post 234 (?) and off to Lurker Land....

TJ in the 'Peg

New member
Mar 30, 2002
Unfortunately I have accepted a position with a new company where travel is not a requirement. I thought long and hard about this decision, as it would mean giving up my beloved trips to Toronto to visit the ladies (and yes, for the last time, I truly believe that they are all ladies, who perform a precious service, a few of whom I even call 'friend'). In the end, it was a career decision.

To all the fair ladies I have met, good-bye, it was a pleasure, one that goes beyond description. You helped me see calm and reason in a world sometimes gone amiss. I shall treasure our times. To the ladies I did not have a chance to meet, I thank you for the hope that your mere presence inspires.

I am not by any means leaving TERB, but as I will no longer be travelling to Toronto, and do not 'play' in my own backyard, I will have no reviews to provide, so will content myself with lurking and perhaps the occaisonal post in the Lounge

To my fellow hobbyists - keep it up (okay, maybe that was a tad punny...). I only wish I had known about you guys and the hobby much sooner, it would have saved me much grief.

Willy, we haven't chatted much, but I went through the whole separation & divorce thing a few years back (fortunately no kids involved), so if you want to talk, feel free to PM me.

TJ - off to Lurking Land.....

The Baroness

Sr. Member
Aug 11, 2002
I have always enjoyed your posts TJ so plz dont stop!
Hell,I've never done a review yet I post my ass off!

Be well............MWAH!


Ph.D. in Pussyology
Oct 14, 2001
The doctor is in
TJ in the 'Peg said:
Unfortunately I have accepted a position with a new company where travel is not a requirement. I thought long and hard about this decision, as it would mean giving up my beloved trips to Toronto to visit the ladies (and yes, for the last time, I truly believe that they are all ladies, who perform a precious service, a few of whom I even call 'friend'). In the end, it was a career decision.

To all the fair ladies I have met, good-bye, it was a pleasure, one that goes beyond description. You helped me see calm and reason in a world sometimes gone amiss. I shall treasure our times. To the ladies I did not have a chance to meet, I thank you for the hope that your mere presence inspires.

I am not by any means leaving TERB, but as I will no longer be travelling to Toronto, and do not 'play' in my own backyard, I will have no reviews to provide, so will content myself with lurking and perhaps the occaisonal post in the Lounge

To my fellow hobbyists - keep it up (okay, maybe that was a tad punny...). I only wish I had known about you guys and the hobby much sooner, it would have saved me much grief.

Willy, we haven't chatted much, but I went through the whole separation & divorce thing a few years back (fortunately no kids involved), so if you want to talk, feel free to PM me.

TJ - off to Lurking Land.....
Just a suggestion... you wouldn't have to give up your visits entirely. For instance, you could take a leisure trip during your off time. I can't think of a better way to spend a summer vacation.

TJ in the 'Peg

New member
Mar 30, 2002
Miranda, thanks for the comment, much appreciated.

Dr Love, good idea, but I think that my SO might begin to wonder....



Jan 27, 2002
In Rome with the Pope

Please stay... And provide me the gentle hand the only someone from my home town can seem to provide ;-)

Oh hell stay and crack jokes with me. Keep me filled in on the changes to the 'Peg... PLEASE!

I beg you!
Toronto Escorts