Positive article on sex work


New member
Sep 15, 2001
This article, on the other hand, is really quite narrow-minded. This is the lead paragraph:

Conservatives just can’t help themselves. They come up with a perfectly civilized and modern anti-prostitution bill that promotes gender equality and shifts a legal burden from exploited women directly onto to the pathetic men who buy sex.
I don't think she has met very many escorts at all, and the ones she has met are likely a small cross section. As for the pathetic men, there is probably a good chance her father and her husband partake of these services from time to time.


This is quite a contrast from the article in the orginal post:

In my five years of experience as an escort, I am eternally thankful for the cross-cultural experiences that sex work has provided me. There was the landscape architect, a gentle giant expressing his weariness over the predictable Japanese maple trend taking root in Toronto. The neuroscience professor who had nervously prepared an elaborate goody bag of local chocolates for my visit. And of course, the dyed-in-the-wool Stephen Harper supporter, a man certainly considered a “pervert” in the eyes of his own government due to his particular inclination toward dirty talk.
Their reasons for seeing me are many: Steve, 85, was married at 19 and never had a chance to explore his personal tastes. Chris, 45, lost his wife to cancer five years ago. Mark, 37, is deeply committed to his career in broadcasting and refuses to put another girlfriend through his demanding schedule. My clients are respectful, complex and, most importantly, absolutely commonplace.
In Heather Mallick's eyes, these men a pathetic. The writer, an escort, is exploited.
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