"Porndemic" - 2 Apr CBC Doczone -Premiering On: Thursday April 2, 2009 at 9 pm CBC-TV

Carrie Moon

Sep 12, 2002
"Porndemic" - 2 Apr CBC Doczone -Premiering On: Thursday April 2, 2009 at 9 pm CBC-TV

"Porndemic puts faces and personalities to the extraordinary profitable business of pornography today. Porn has quietly reinvented itself on the world-wide-web, becoming more mainstream and culturally embedded every day.

After starting with a visit to the old guard, the besieged Larry Flynt in his penthouse perch, Porndemic drops in on a Gen-X new-porn mogul on his multi-million-dollar ranch, and on an upstart one-man operation in the seamy side of town.

The camera searches out a backstreet bondage superstar, some ordinary working girls in Montreal who run an internationally successful webcam site, the king of porn-actress pimps in San "Pornando" Valley, and the millionaire pioneer of the future of porn - virtual on-line sex - in Vancouver.

Porndemic examines an "epidemic" of porn addiction, including teenage cell-phone users, and an oil executive from Western Canada who belongs to the fastest growing substance-abuse community in the world: Sex Addicts Anonymous. Porndemic also speaks to law-and-order experts who think that obscenity on the internet is out of control and beyond the law, and to the blandly confident businessmen who are the new face of corporate, mainstream porn."

Promo (3.56 min):


Carrie Moon

Sep 12, 2002
Nope! I wish.. they never asked me..

I was interviewed tits out and all for webdreams this past season when Seven was on it at adultcon.. but that ended up on the cutting room floor :(

jeezy said:

any chance you make a cameo and show your lovely juicy big tits?

Carrie Moon

Sep 12, 2002

I was very disappointed.. it really only showed the negative aspects of porn. Several months ago on Oprah they mostly showed the positive including the fact that 25% of porn was now bought by women.

The end of it seemed to be mostly dedicated to a commercial for redlightcenter virtual meeting place.

One thing that really irked me was the statement that the reason people get addicted to porn is because they aren't satisifed by it.. does that mean that's why we eat every day???

To quote the infamous Hustler magnate "Moses freed the Jews, Lincoln freed the slaves...and I'd just like to free all the neurotics..."

"They need to get a life, and that life consists of human sexuality."

"The Genie is out of the bottle. I don't think they can put it back. I think they're just going to have to live with it."

Larry Flynt on last night's porn documenatary.


Well-known member
Aug 23, 2001
Well, the reason they make pseudo-"documentaries" and call them "Porndemic" is because sensationalism sells commercial time and the show's producers and the network will make a lot of $$ out of it.

The news industry is there to make a profit, not to give a balanced version of the truth and sensationalism sells soapsuds and hooks in viewers to boost ratings.

And as well, it's the oldest media game in the book to deal with a salacious, juicy topic like sex and add a layer of editorial disapproval to insulate the show or newspaper from any connection with the controversial topic they are purporting to report on.

Rags like the Toronto Sun having been playing exactly this type of game for decades.

Best thing to do is see this crap for the profiteering nonsense that it is and just ignore it.
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