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Policeman beats girl to a pulp


Rebistrad Suer
Jan 10, 2003
Over home
Thats Louisiana, what do you expect.
Lowest paid cops in the USA.
If she had been black she probably would have been killed.


Eat the Weak
Jun 12, 2006
I'm just waiting for the backlash from the police state cheerleaders like Tboy on this board.

I'd just love to hear how the jackboot licking set will try to convince us that cops deserve carte-blanche respect, do no wrong & every one of their victims deserve it somehow.

Any cop worth his pay should have the ability to control Themselves First. All this doublespeak about zero tolerance for speeding & schools etc etc etc & no one seems to think that there should be zero tolerance for cops abusing their authority?

Yeah, their job is hard & they have to put up with a lot, but Lots of others have harder jobs & have to put up wit even more crap without any mens of recourse. Sure cops have a dangerous job, but the fact remains that cabdrivers have a more dangerous one & theyre not allowed weapons.

Cops have way too much power given to them for society to tolerate ANY abuse of it. They are too dangerous to be allowed to "have a bad day". Those that can't handle their shit %100 all day every day shouldn't be allowed to wield the power to ruin peoples lives. Citizens are expected to follow all the rules & laws. If we "have a bad day" & lash out at someone & hurt them guess what? We usually get arrested & go to jail. If anything the penalties should be harsher on cops.


New member
Jul 29, 2002
Above 7
1. How do these videos get taken inside a police station - one appeared to be a fixed position camera while the other was hand held,
2. How do they get into the hands of the public ?


Almost Done.
Jul 10, 2006
themexi said:
I'm just waiting for the backlash from the police state cheerleaders like Tboy on this board.
That is an easy one. He will say that is another case that show how a Taser would help in these situations and how the people wouldn't have got hurt if they cooperated...

If that doesn't work he blame the breakdown of western society and say that he has found a group of people in Facebook that totally agree with him.


Eat the Weak
Jun 12, 2006
hunter001 said:
That is an easy one. He will say that is another case that show how a Tasser would help in these situations and how the people wouldn't have got hurt if the cooperated...

Yeah... maybe we should all just get chipped with an internal tracking/surveillance/taser chip. Then everyone with a badge (y'know, gods chosen ones) should be given a little remote control & the authority to zap anyone that doesnt immediately run over & lick their boots wen their egos need little boost. Hell, let's just let them do it for no reason at all.... after all theyre infallible & always right...........................................
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