Police arrest nine men attempting to pick-up prostitutes


Engorged Member
May 7, 2002
Greater Hamilton
77 and gettin it in the street !!!

If were the guy aged 77 I'd want my name published.
77 and pickin up SWs - dumb, maybe - but an active life style just the same.


New member
Nov 8, 2006
calloway said:
Why are some men so stupid?
Actually, I am sure that there are some really good reasons why ...

Top Ten reasons

# 10. They don't know about Terb!
# 9 Unlike most men, they actually like window shopping.
# 8 The undercover lady police officer was too hot to resist (I met one a few years ago and she was a definite hottie - maybe it was her)
# 7 They were sleep walking (the article did say it was this morning)
# 6 It was an honest mistake, they were only asking for directions to Hammertm's place
# 5 They were lonely and really were just looking for an actual date
# 4 Mariah was all booked up
# 3 Victoria was all booked up
# 2 They heard that Vixen Vicky was coming to town and got so horny they could not wait
# 1 Calloway had all the fav Terb ladies "tied up" :p

Jimmy C

Jun 20, 2007
justhavingfun said:
# 8 The undercover lady police officer was too hot to resist
A friend of mine got busted in the US by a Texas she-bear who showed trim!:eek:


New member
Nov 24, 2005
It's real simple, do not talk any business till they get in the car. Not likely that an undercover will get in a car. A friend of mine got busted in the Falls a few years back. He stopped and talked but didn't accept and drove away. He got all of two blocks before getting busted. Since he had a record he couldn't get away with John school and had to go to court in St Kits. Pleaded guilty since he is married and just wanted to get it over with. The Judge probably would have thrown it out had he pleaded not guilty since he made it clear the he dissapproved of the tactics used by LE. I went with him to court and while he was waiting for his case to come up a good looking young woman from the USA appeared before the judge for hooking. She got a $200 fine and I started a conversation with her in the lobby. Needless to say after we were done in court we gave the young lady a ride home and helped her out with her fine and we all had a happy ending to the day


New member
Apr 28, 2005
Jumbo99 said:
It's real simple, do not talk any business

Actually I've been told it is much simpler than that...check the TEETH, cops being civil servants have great dental plans, streetwalkers being ummm "self employed" do not...if a great looking set of pearly whites is smiley at your--then she is either a cop or Julia Roberts doing research for a film! :)


New member
Dec 28, 2005
Could they say they were just asking for street directions or the time?

wasn';t me


Dec 27, 2006
justhavingfun said:
# 8 The undercover lady police officer was too hot to resist (I met one a few years ago and she was a definite hottie - maybe it was her)
A few years ago I recognized someone from a class the previous year dressed like an midnight snack walking on the opposite side of the street from me. We had become friends and had lost touch so I crossed the street to say hi, came up behind her and sort of touched her arm to get her attention.

Next thing I knew two rather large and forceful gentleman were trying to detain me. Apparently she was “a bait of choice”. Took almost 20 minutes to clear up the misunderstanding and convince the boys they really did not want to charge me with resisting arrest.

So I can attest to the fact that the LEAs use amazingly attractive bait.


New member
Nov 8, 2006
LordLoki, I wonder if it was the same Waterloo Regional lady police officer I met. She was a definite hottie.

Unfortunately it might be hard for the 9 men to say that they thought she was a classmate because of the age range! :p

I recall in the past reading that judges have thrown out cases if they felt that the LEA used unfair tactics to bait men. Hmmm, perhaps if the judge saw what the "bait" looked like, he/she would think it was unfair! : )
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