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PM problems? Mods...help please.

I was checking my private messages and my box was almost full. I put checkmarks in the boxes beside each message that I wanted to delete. I clicked on the delete button and then a new screen appeared but, every message in my box was deleted. I hit the back button and everything reappeared. I exited terb,and just checked my pm's again, and there are only new ones- none of my saved messages were here.

HELP! I had some very important unread messages that I was saving...

Fred Zed

Dec 31, 1969
I am almost certain you selected ALL messages by mistake (by clicking on the top right "select all' box in your PM box panel ) before hitting the delete key.

If you backspace after deleting messages you will still see the
message list, however the messages themselves will already be gone from the sytem.
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