She hates you.If you PM an SP who you've seen before and doesn't respond, does it mean she does't want to see you? Non-reply means no interest in seeing you as a client?
What is your take?
dont read into it too deeply.
she could be busy.....or 1000 other reason
Absolutely! Busy, on vacation, having computer problems the list goes on. Further (although it would never apply to the charming women who post here on TERB) some SPs are shall we say a bit ditzy from time to time. Don't keep e-mailing her every single day, but in a few days e-mail her again.dont read into it too deeply.
she could be busy.....or 1000 other reason
Busy is most likely the case. Think that if they got 100+ emails/pms a day how do they keep up responses to all when they are busy with other more important things. They do have much to do such as beautification, shop for work realated stuff, phone call answer/scheduling, clean/prepare incall, travel to outcalls and the time SPing itself. All of this is on top of functioning as a regular person as they need to sleep, eat, take care of house, kids, etc. too.dont read into it too deeply.
she could be busy.....or 1000 other reason
AgreedBusy is most likely the case. Think that if they got 100+ emails/pms a day how do they keep up responses to all when they are busy with other more important things. They do have much to do such as beautification, shop for work realated stuff, phone call answer/scheduling, clean/prepare incall, travel to outcalls and the time SPing itself. All of this is on top of functioning as a regular person as they need to sleep, eat, take care of house, kids, etc. too.
I'm sure they will give a priority to your pm if your trying to schedule an appointment. Keep this in mind.
Damn, I hate that, especially AFTER I keypunched an 800 word reply. The other thing I hate is when I keypunched a 1,000 word reply and the system tells me that "Weirdo" has been banned.their message box is full......
johnniejoytree don't you really think that you're pushing the upping of rates alittle too hard. Everytime you post that's what you do.
250 is sufficient, plus all the other things that come into play. You keep pushing the increase and business just might go poof away!