Playmates problem(no offense malica)


Jul 2, 2004
I called Playmates a few minutes ago to book an appointment with Raven. When the guy picked up, I asked if it was Playmates. He said yes. I then asked if I could have some information of Raven. Basically, I wanted to confirm if she did do incalls and how much it would cost. The guy rudely asked who the hell I was. This left me a little stunned. After a few seconds of stuttering, I simply said a customer. This satisfied him. When I asked if Raved did incalls, he said no. Again, rudely. I said that's too bad, apologized for wasting his time, and he said whatever and hung up. Malica, can I get your story on this? Ask the guy what he thought happened. It was on Saturday, July 17th, at appr. 6:30. Oh, and does Raved do incalls on Saturdays? The website said she did.
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