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Pk Felicity


New member
Jan 6, 2011
Felicity was just an amazing experience. Definitely a top 10, maybe even top 5 ever. Never had a girl that squirts; The way she moans and squeezed my member, this girl has it really going on.. Totally tight, wet and very vocal. Great eye contact during oral. I am smitten, with this kitten. :) A must see!!!!
Will definitely see her again!!!

Pink Kitty Escorts

New member
Dec 30, 2009
Hey GlavaMan, I wouldnt jump to conclusions.. This guy has been actively seeing ladies with us.. And if you look as some of his posts, they are in threads that are started with other more established members. I wouldnt discriminate against him because he is new. I'm sure we were all newbies once.

When I read this post it was kind of bittersweet as I knew someone would take a shot at him for writing about her. The good thing about Felicity is that she has been reviewed before on the other board from others with strong reputations so she's not exactly someone coming from out of nowhere.

I wouldn't say he was bashing T2T either. If he didn't like someone from there and liked someone with our agency, it's simply an opinion.

There are threads I have read that have talked about ppl not writing reviews and not being regular contributors, here's a guy who is actually sharing his experience and kinda having his rep questioned. (because he is new) I think comments like that are counter-productive to what this board is about, and discourage active participation. IMHO


New member
Jan 6, 2011
Just wanted to respond to the comment made about me. I understand I am new to the board, also that I seemed a bit biased towards PK. I happen to be an individual that values loyalty. I am a business owner and live and die by my clients loyalty to my services.

When I tried out PK the first time I had an excellent experience and was treated fairly and with dignity and respect. I returned the favour by writing about it. Since then I have used their services a number of times and was equally satisfied. Not once did I feel obligated to write these reviews, they are honest reviews about some very great ladies.

I understand the value of reviews, as I too get reviews in my line of work. So I considerate paying it forward to the agency that has treated me so well. So does anyone have an issue with that?

Pink Kitty Escorts

New member
Dec 30, 2009
If you read some of the reviews on the other board, you can prob have your answer there.. I don't want to come across as over promoting so I would say it would be easy enough to find. *wink wink*


It is not my intention to discredit the OP. We have seen many new members come on here & shill for one SP or agency. It is almost always the same, they post glowing reviews &/or bash another SP/agency. No other positive posts on other SP's. THIS IS COUNTER-PRODUCTIVE to the board. Time will tell here but I do believe the OP is genuine. Terbites will draw their own conclusions!

To cod1984, welcome to the board! Newbie's may under go a form of 'hazing' to prove that they are legit. I hope you enjoy it here, if you require information, PM me and I would be happy to help. Terb is a board for hobbyists!



Oct 11, 2008
It's just as counter productive to yell shill at the faintest hint of it. I didn't read anything excessive in regards to favouritism in it so maybe let it go next time your spidey sense is tingling. Everybody needs to do their own homework and draw conclusions, if every time some one new starts posting they get 'hazed', chances are you'll drive them away. You can't take any one review as valid anyways, everything is subjective. If you can't spot the shills, fuck 'em that's your problem.

Can't say I've noticed a great deal of it going on in the Ottawa section anyhow. Hardly any reviews to begin with.


It's just as counter productive to yell shill at the faintest hint of it. I didn't read anything excessive in regards to favouritism in it so maybe let it go next time your spidey sense is tingling. Everybody needs to do their own homework and draw conclusions, if every time some one new starts posting they get 'hazed', chances are you'll drive them away. You can't take any one review as valid anyways, everything is subjective. If you can't spot the shills, fuck 'em that's your problem.

Can't say I've noticed a great deal of it going on in the Ottawa section anyhow. Hardly any reviews to begin with.
Ya, I should probably just share info with senior members via PM and not post much. I think Poolasaurus has it right!

Anyway, the topic is Felicity and she looks hot! I am done with this thread.

Pink Kitty Escorts

New member
Dec 30, 2009
GM I do respect what you are saying, and honestly when I saw the review part of me was "great, glad to see someone has something nice to say about us" The other part was wincing saying "someones gonna call shill" based on the fact, admittedly this guy was reviewing our ladies almost exclusively. So Glavaman, I really feel you.. And no harm no foul. I appreciate your honesty.

I can honestly say that this guy is a super cool guy and probably someone to be encouraged..Because we have some new blood on the board and he's actually taking time to contribute.. Wouldn't be awesome if that trend would continue across the board.

So I just want to throw this out there, I know here at PK we have had some Highs and Lows.. But we really want to start this year off on a good foot. I want to hear your feedback and I really want to do our best to making things better on the customer relations front.

If you guys have some legit beefs with something I want to hear it... And if you enjoy our service I want to hear about that too.



Left-handed user
Jan 6, 2007
The outer fringe
Ya, I should probably just share info with senior members via PM and not post much. I think Poolasaurus has it right!

Anyway, the topic is Felicity and she looks hot! I am done with this thread.
Well, not posting and just PM'ing would sort of defeat the purpose of this board, but at the same time, everyone is free to act in a certain way, and there are circumstances explaining why some choose to go one way instead of the other...
as for the fact that one poster here has mostly written about one set of people, it may seem suspicious to some... yet, I think one should not say SHILL too quickly. I, for one, have posted mostly about one set of people, though not exclusively, as they offer a service meeting my expectations.
And, while it is a cliche, everyone here at some point was a newbie.
On that note, best to all, and let us hope that TERB provides the info you are looking for, taken with a varying dose of salt...
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