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Pinched Nerve

a 1 player

Smells like manly roses.
Feb 24, 2004
on your girlfriend
Good TERB folks,

I think I have pinched a nerve in my neck. The pain is excruciating, I can't turn my neck at all, I can't get comfortable. I have been icing it for two days now, Tiger Balm and have even resorted to (legal) narcotics I had kicking around from a previous injury, (and I HATE taking drugs). The drugs take the edge off, but that is about it. What the hell should I do? Any advice would be appreciated.


New member
Mar 10, 2004
Well the first step is diagnosis. Why do you call it a pinched nerve? Is it not just a cramped muscle?


New member
Dec 27, 2004
rubmeister100 said:
These type of problems are almost always mechanical in nature. And a chiropracter is a mechanic.

Find the right one. Ask firiends for a recommendation. Mine is not likely working on the weekend. Whenever I sleep wrong (meaning fallig asleep on the couch with my head cocked on the armrest of the sofa!) and I get that pinched nerve thing happening I go to the chiro. A few minutes of massage, stretching and pulling and twisting and it makes it right. Takes a day or so for the inflammation of the injury to subside but ibuprofen helps that.

Using narcotic pain killers to dull the pain of a mechanical problem will only serve to get you addicted! The underlying problem needs to be remedied
I agree. My chiropractor hooks me up to an ultrasonic muscle relaxer with a heat pad over it for a few minutes, then stretches and massages the neck and it fixes my problem every time. I get the problem when I try to hold a phone braced between my neck and shoulder - but falling asleep on the sofa can do it for me too.

I use a guy at Yonge & Finch.


Crotch Sniffer
Oct 22, 2003
Caledon East
I posted this a few months ago in the following thread:
21pro said:
didn`t mean to hi=jack the thread, but it doesn`t look like it was going anywhere fast anyways..

I wonder how he made out with the rehab... i got severe back pain myself, now, for 9 months... tried chiropractic, anti-imflamatories, massage, spinal decompression... painkillers were last on my list before surgery as i have `addictive personalities` in my family and don`t want to fall victim myself...

anyways- i`m trying Tylenol 3`s with mixed results... if i take `em on empty stomach, they seem strong enough to provide `just enough relief`... if i take it with food i don`t even notice any relief... i think i need something stronger but i feel ashamed to ask my doc for percs, oxy, or talwin`s... and i don`t know if it is worth doing or not... any help out there? experience or stories to share... thanx.
21pro said:
not sure of the cause... coulda been from powerlifting... it`s upper back (below neck) and it sucks... don`t think it`s soft tissue... numbness (nerve_)down my right arm and unable to look up to the sky.

got x-rays and nothing showed certainty except spinal curvature is messed up... might be slipped disc giving pressure to nerves in spine...

i`ve always been stubborn tough with regards to pain tolerance... thinking i can work it out... but this is affecting my daily concentration and i can`t even go to work at the office... it`s wearing me down... the fucker.
21pro said:
oh yeah. i have the atrophy too, big time... and yep, the pain is pretty excruciating at times. i don`t dare take a warm/hot shower or bath as it just makes me swell right up! i can`t make sudden movements, etc...

i don`t think it was bad exercise form when working out, but bad form at my computer desk... and doing alot of work in bed late at night... ie. like college days where you prop your head up on a pillow to read in bed... i think i reversed the curvature of my upper spine over years of doing this... and when i would work out, i`d try to `perfect` my posture- which wasn`t what my body could handle as it was already bent outta shape...

did you get over the issue? if so, how? ICE is my best friend right now... i pretty much have to freeze my upper back if i wish to fall asleep.

as for therapy, it mostly revolves around reducing inflammation... i`m too sensitive for any exercise right now... i was prescribed to use a posture wedge but couldn`t do it as it just aggravated everything...

i`m 100% better right now... even was able to handle driving for 16 hours for 4 days in 1 week, so i tested it, to say.

what worked:
1. chiropractic 2x`s per week, at 1st tried 3x`s but i was getting too inflamed.. the first chiropractor i had did nothing for me, got a new one and started to get immediately better... not pain free, but a noticed improvement... that started in mid January with new chiro... by mid March i was pretty much pain free. use a chiropractor that requests X-rays instead of guessing... this makes a big difference.
2. went on celebrex, off now for 1 month
3. massage sessions 1x per week. started using massage in March, shoulda started sooner... probably after 3 weeks of chiro.
4. lots of ice and bedside rest. i even fell asleep on my ice pack a few times.
5. didn`t push myself until i was w/o pain.

what didn`t work:
1. heat.
2. trying to push myself to recovery.
3. hot tubs and hot baths.

swimming and aquafitness was with mixed results... it works great now for rebuilding range of motion, but don`t do it when you are in pain- the warm water seemed to cause inflammation for me

BTW- thank you terb and its members for giving me prompt and accurate advice in the mentioned thread... i wasn`t sure i`d ever get over that pain and i did, albeit slowly so, be patient when you start treatment... and don`t stop going once you feel better... not until the issue is assuredly cured.

a 1 player

Smells like manly roses.
Feb 24, 2004
on your girlfriend
cypherpunk said:
Well the first step is diagnosis. Why do you call it a pinched nerve? Is it not just a cramped muscle?
I THINK it is a pinched nerve because I have had a history with pulled muscles in my neck and back and this feels entirely different. With the pulled muscled I had, it was sore most of the time with a strong yet dull pain. In this case if I get in the right position I don't feel a thing, but if I move even the slightest bit it feels like someone is stabbing me with an electrified knife. To make matters worse it feels like it is where my spine meets my brain. If I can make it through the night, I will see a doctor first thing in the am. Problem being I will have to have someone drive me as I am incapable of that at the moment.

Insidious Von

My head is my home
Sep 12, 2007
I've had to deal with these types of issues before:

A pinched nerve can be caused by structural damage in the upper spinal column. Go to your doctor get a diagnosis and an X-ray - you may have to insist on the later most doctors are reluctant to x-ray the neck. If there is no structural damage get a perscription for at least 24 sessions of physiotherapy and a referral to a good physiotherapist. As the physiotherapy progresses do the do the exercises and follow your physio's recommendations to the letter.

I lived with chornic neck and shoulder pain for years and I was becoming an insomniac. Thanks to the work I've done with my physio/personnal trainer, I'm now pain free.:)

Good luck.


New member
Oct 22, 2002
42.55.65N 78.43.73W
pinched a nerve in my shoulder a years back and it was hell for weeks. I will not take anything stronger than aspirin for pain. After several weeks of it burning, it worked itself out. I resolved then that the next time I will see a chiroquacker. This type of thing they are best suited for.

A side note

15 minutes or so of warming up my shoulder would allow me to work. but 5 minute of down time would escalate the pain


Sep 14, 2003
I have had similar problems in my; hips,lower back and neck over the past 10 years. I have seen several chiropractors and only ever found one that really worked. He is also the least expensive and most knowledgeable of all the chiropractors I have seen!

pm me for his info


New member
Feb 28, 2007
first identify the problem a doctor or chiropractor should be able to do that

second follow through with treatment, In my case it was generally time that solved the problem , iceing it down helped too.

Use frozen peas or corn instead of ice if you can the smaller size makes it more effective

Put them in a plastic bag wrap it with a tea towel then 10 minutes on 10 minutes off.

Please remember this worked for me you should get diagnosed first.

a 1 player

Smells like manly roses.
Feb 24, 2004
on your girlfriend
Just returned from the doctor. A shitload of flexability tests and what not. Will be going for an X-ray early next week. In the meantime I got perscription for a muscle relaxant and a heavy duty pain killer. The doctor said he usually doesn't perscribe narcotics, but when he turned my neck and I dropped to the floor and let out a cuss word that could be heard through the office, he believed me about the pain. It took both him and the nurse to get me off the floor. I had tears running down my cheeks.

I feel a little better with these drugs, and yes I told him I was chewing percs like candy to get through the pain. We made an arrangement where I try his non-narcotic pain management pills for 2 days. If they don't work we can renegotiate.

In the meantime, stretching, moist heat, an taking it easy. Thanks for the help all.


Crotch Sniffer
Oct 22, 2003
Caledon East
i'm glad you took the first step.

be careful, almost all general practitioner dr's can't read x-rays as good as chiropractors or back specialists.

i don't think the stretching will help this early in the treatment, but that's my opinion. it might aggravate you more. if so, you know you have to slow it up... if it works, then continue. pretty common sense.


quen es tu papi???
Feb 21, 2002
a 1 player said:
Good TERB folks,

I think I have pinched a nerve in my neck. The pain is excruciating, I can't turn my neck at all, I can't get comfortable. I have been icing it for two days now, Tiger Balm and have even resorted to (legal) narcotics I had kicking around from a previous injury, (and I HATE taking drugs). The drugs take the edge off, but that is about it. What the hell should I do? Any advice would be appreciated.
Acupuncture worked for me... a few sessions help me get my balance and focal point. i turned out in my case it had stemmed from bad posture it affected my knees and lower back and traveled up to my neck.. good luck with it.. if you need a number .. he is located on Bloor near St George. he very good at what he does and if you don't need his services he will tell you . honesty is a rare thing. this guy is honest...


Crotch Sniffer
Oct 22, 2003
Caledon East
^^^ what i would do if you don't respond to your other treatment options.
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