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Photographers - Suggestions?

Can anyone (SP or other) recommend at good photographer to take some "professional" photos of me? I want someone who is safe discreet and comfortable taking these types of pics - my guy fell through and I need them asap to get up and running.

Yes I know most of you boys would do it for free (*wink*).

Any help would be greatly appreciated!

Thanks - your resident new girl ;)
Thanks! I guess my big fear is that the pics will look cheesy - so it is great to know what sites the guys will help me find my shutterbug and be specific about what I am looking for!



New member
Apr 20, 2002
This guy has done some great work


Out-Call Escort Agency
Supporting Member
Jan 12, 2003
Out-call Only
KBear on this board is a great photographer! His rates are very reasonable and he is a great guy to deal with. I have yet to use him but will be doing so shortly.

For the photographs on our site where done by Dave Williamson of He is awesome to deal with and also does some awesome web design. Have a look at

Other noteworthy photographers are William Santillo of his work is exceptional. A lot of hobbiest are not found of his work as he is able to make Rita MacNeill look like Cindy Crawford with his use of light and shadow. Also, he costs about the same as two mortgage payments for his work. There is also who is based out of Richmond Hill. Norm is a pleasure to deal with and his work is very artistic.

I hope this helps!

Jillian @ Cupids


Dec 24, 2002
I have no idea who’s doing the photos for HWE & SELECT but I think he/she is doing a great job!
Maybe Steph or/& Angi could help you (and others) with that and post who is the photographer and the contact info.


New member
May 11, 2004
David_peza said:
I have no idea who’s doing the photos for HWE & SELECT but I think he/she is doing a great job!
Maybe Steph or/& Angi could help you (and others) with that and post who is the photographer and the contact info.
I too like pictures from HWE & SELECT. Hope others post as well.



Senior Retired User
Jan 16, 2004
retired from the game
Suggest you use a commercial lensman. Someone with a career and a confidentiality agreement in place. If not you may find your pictures going places you didn't want them to. does commercial work. I have used them for some print and websites layouts.


New member
May 11, 2004
Re: yes he has

longfirmleggss said:
gf he did my pics on my site and ive known him a very long time....great human being

annalee, your pics look great. I will contact you about booking an appointment after the weekend.


Morgan Ellis

Bitchy McBitcherson
Re: yes he has

longfirmleggss said:
gf he did my pics on my site and ive known him a very long time....great human being
He did mine, as well, and I agree with AnnaLee - Glenn is about as nice a person as you'll find in the biz. His studio space is great, and he's very open to letting you plan out your own shoot, as opposed to posing you like a barbie doll.

Prof, of Prof's Glamour Photos, also does exceptionally nice work.

-- Morgan
I think it is a great policy. I guess the line can get a bit blurry - on both sides of the fence.

I should point out some of the photogs that I've communicated with thus far said right up front that they do hobby and do not mix the two - without me having to ask (I like when people volunteer info).

Many have also pointed out that you can bring someone with you to the shoot if that makes you comfortable. Another thing, not asked but really appreciated.



Supporting Member
Aug 17, 2001
west end
Would agree with the comment on Glenn. I have also never had any sort of “session” with any of the dozens of ladies I have worked with, it just is not appropriate. The down side sometimes is they start to think you are gay :(
I know exactly what you are saying about guarding the images. I learned the hard way before I even became an SP. An ex thought it would be cool to sell the private images he took of me - after we broke up, now all pics stay with me.

For the pics I just did - I did have a friend do them, but I supplied the digital camera and erased the card. When I do my professional pics - I'm going to try to do the whole download and erase thing. Like morgan, I do my own cropping and touch-ups - one because it is the computer nerd in me and two because I have a very unique tattoo on my back that makes me very recognizable.

Discretion is very important to me because I am working on my degree and designation - so the last thing I want is something to jeopardize my career. I'm sure many others are the same way for a variety of reasons.

I am going to admit there are a lot of great photographers in these threads....and it is going to be a hard choice to choose one.

Thanks everyone for the help so far - you guys are amazing!!


New member
Aug 5, 2004
Great Photographer

There is a great photographer at He is very private and discreet. All his work is done using digital cameras which means that he does the entire process with you right beside him and better yet...he doesn't leave your home or premises with any copies which means that you maintain total privacy and controll over your photographs.


Senior Member
Mar 23, 2002
Choosing a photog

Thanks, Alana.

I am sure Curvy Sabrina has found someone by now. But the topic keeps coming up.

Here are some points to think about when choosing a photog:

What kind of look you want to present?

Do you want to show your face? If not, the photos should still show what you are like – your body, style your personality, the role that you wish to play.

Do you want to be shot in a studio or on location? Studio shots are great but you have to be careful here that the images don’t stray too far from the person that the client will meet at the door.

What clothes do you want to be photographed in? Shoes and accessories are important.

Location shots can be great fun. I love them. Especially in nice hotel rooms.

For best results, you should discuss some of this with the photographer ahead of time. And please be prepared to be patient during the shoot.

If you really don’t want to show very much and it’s for a simple web page, a friend with a digital camera might do…. But it does help if he has a bit of an eye for what works.

For my next shoot, I am going to shoot a lady outside at night – in the theatre district or outside a nice hotel (with no name showing) and in a restaurant.
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