Obsession Massage

PHNINE's 4000th Post


Aug 27, 2005
So there I was sitting at Gate 145 at our Pearson’s International Airport. Cloaked in sun by the large floor to ceiling windows, I was looking out onto the runway, and watching the grounds crew wave their batons and scurrying around like ants. A nice pleasant voice came over the intercom and announced that the rows 50-30 may now board, as well as the Executive class members. I gathered my things, put them away in my laptop bag, and slowly trudged my way onto the plain in anticipation for my 16 hour flight. As I made way to my 7H seat, the flight attendant came over and said, “Good morning Mr. PHNINE, may I take your coat?” I de-robbed and handed it to her along with a bottle of water I had finished. I did what every man does when getting on a plane. I did the head to toe scan of every flight attendant and every passenger that passed by my seat. Like any good passenger, I buckled my seatbelt as soon as I sat down. Champaign was served along with a little appetizer, and the flight was about to depart.

16 hours and 20 minutes later, I arrived in Hong Kong, and the heat was overwhelming. As I was exiting the plane I passed by a wall of heat as I entered the walkway to the terminal. Sudden body suit of sweat had come over me. That is how hot it was. I had a one night layover in Hong Kong for a meeting in the morning. I arrived at around 1pm and my meeting was scheduled for 10am the next morning. I had a day in Hong Kong to kill and what else was this hobbyist to do. Of course I went for a massage. I went back to the spot I always go to as they kind of know me there already. You can find the details of the experience here.

So the next morning I woke up early and had to head into the office for my meeting before going to the airport. My flight was at 4pm and my meeting had to end by 1:30pm. I arrived the hotel and checked-in at the Eva Airlines counter. Eva has a great Business Dynasty Class that is in between Business Class and First Class. Anyway, The flight attendants were decent and the flight was very short. Only an hour and I was in another country.

I get to the hotel and from here it was pretty much work work work. I have a few large projects that needed to be finished so I was pretty much stuck in my hotel room for 5 days. I didn’t even have enough time for an outcall or a massage, so I was feeling the urge big time. I managed to set aside an afternoon for myself to get out of the room and get some air. I put on a new shirt and decided to try a new area of Taipei.

The taxi ride was long, considering the traffic was so horrendous. I arrived Warner Village. This was a new establishment located near the famous Taipei 101 building (the tallest building in the world). As I strolled through the walkway it reminded me of the famous City Walk in LA. Guys painted in silver paint did their robot routines as on lookers forked over coins in their hats placed on the floor. Some old guy tooted away on his saxophone while wearing thick black sunglasses. Young hot ladies walking around handing out promotional flyers lined almost every corner and entrance to bars. Freaky raver dudes draped in glow sticks walked around selling them along with other light toys. Everyone around me looked like they were having a good time meanwhile trying to stay cool in the hot Taiwanese weather.

I noticed some people wearing these black bracelets with a red letter M on it. I found it pretty odd because it looked like they were in some kind of club or something. Anyways, as I made my through the crowd I finally came to the large theater. My cell rang just as I was about to buy the tickets from the automated machines. So of course I had to stop the transaction and answer my phone. The crowd was loud so I had to step aside. I was speaking in English pretty loudly and people were looking at me funny.

As I was about to hang up and put my phone away I felt a light lap on my shoulder. I turned around and saw a very cute white girl. She had short dirty blonde hair to her shoulders. Big green eyes, and stood about 5’6. She smiled as she kind of startled me. She said, “I take it you speak English.” I said yes with a little laugh. She then asked me if I could help her buy some tickets as she didn’t understand how to use the ticket machine. I was going to watch Miami Vice, and asked her what she was watching. She replied, “Lake House,” with almost an embarrassed look. I was just waiting for her boyfriend or husband to come any minute. I couldn’t bare it much longer and asked, “So are you here with anyone?” She replied, “Nope.” I had a split second to gather all my balls and said, “Well would you mind if I joined you? I wanted to watch that movie, but didn’t want to watch it alone.” She smiled and nodded. While we were buying some drinks I noticed a ring on her finger. Fuck she was married, no I am sorry “engaged”. FUCK!!!

Anyway, the flirting was pretty hardcore, and the brush ups during the movie were really hot. The movie ended way to early, and I turned to her only to notice her eyes all watery. I smiled gently and thought that was the sweetest moment of our short date. She tried to hide her tears with a smile and she just looked like an angel. We left the theater and decided we would extend this weird meeting by getting something to eat. The conversation was great. I didn’t bring up her fiancé at all. Tried really hard not to, as I thought it would make her uncomfortable. Toward the end of the meal, she did mention that he was in Taiwan on business, and she was accompanying him as it was kind of like a mini pre-honeymoon. Of course I paid for the meal, and we slowly, and I mean slowly made our way out of the bar. We stood there in the middle of Warner Village, she turned to me and smiled and said she better get going. She gave me a hug, a slight peck on the cheek and thanked me for the best day she has had since being in Taiwan. I blushed, and mumbled, “So do you think I’ll ever get to see you again?” She said, “It’s probably best we leave it like this.” She told me her name, and said if I was ever in Auckland, I could try looking her up. That was a total long shot, because I mentioned to her I would never go to Australia. We said our goodbyes, and turned out separate ways. I couldn’t help but think it was so Lost in Translation. I almost fell for someone I didn’t even know. Well TERBites, that was my day of romance in Taipei. Back to the hotel and more work. I am off for Hong Kong on Thursday.

I decided to use this story for my 4000th post. It really belongs in my vacation thread, but I thought I would share my slice of paradise. Hope you guys enjoyed the read. I can’t wait to get back to Toronto. I get back at the end of August. Hopefully, the Butler has kept the mansion nice and prime. Happy hunting TERBites!!! :D


New member
Oct 22, 2002
42.55.65N 78.43.73W
Well a nice story non the less

But 4000? Come on who is going to belive that?

Scorpion King

Feb 18, 2005
Planet of the Apes
Congrats PHNINE!!!

And, no... 4K doesnt qualify you for my exclusive club... so put the measuring tape back in the toolbox!!!

Enjoy the rest of your time away overseas!!!



New member
Oct 22, 2002
42.55.65N 78.43.73W


New member
Feb 10, 2005
Congratulations PHNINE, that story sounded like a good memory of Hong Kong to share.


New member
Jan 2, 2005
Amber said:
Congratulations or is it condolences.

I think condolences, but some people have a warped sense of accomplishment. Regardless, to each their own. Congrats Phnine.


Well-known member
Feb 4, 2003
Hey congrats PH9.

I think if terb had a drug policy your personal record would be revoked.

As for papa smerf don't worry. One day we'll get his respect.

Helped a friend move downtown recently and the number of gorgeous women walking around was phenomenal. This is in reference to the lady that licked (lapped) your shoulder I thought you were in like flynn. :D I know it was a typo just me being corny.

great bear

The PUNisher
Apr 11, 2004
Nice Dens
Ahhh Finny 4000? Spend more time with the ladies and less with us. Congrats. GB


Unstable Element
Jan 15, 2004
In a very dark place
Not only do I have to read about SK's giant weapon, now I even have post envy. This is getting really demoralizing.:D


Well-known member
Feb 4, 2003
Strongbeau said:
...and you blew it, PHNINE!!!!

That's cold SB. Save knocking him down a peg for when he gets too big for his britches.

ph9 put this guy on ignore. :D


you must be fk'n kid'g me
Nov 13, 2001
Strongbeau said:
Once in a while, fate grants that we meet that one person in a million who will make us happy for the rest of our lives, if only we reach out and embrace her...

...and you blew it, PHNINE!!!!

Congratulations on your milestone, anyway!

bravo. LMAO.


Aug 27, 2005
frankcastle said:
ph9 put this guy on ignore.
How come no one is responding to my post? Must be because I have everyone on ignore. LOL :D

Thanks for all the kind words guys. I don't know to me I hardly think I blew it. I mean we both showed interest, but she just got engaged and we both knew it was best that we left the date as an innocent one. I guess from a TERBites point of view I blew it, but I still think it was a choice rather then e striking out. I won't talk about me going back to my hotel room and crying then jerking off though...LMAO!!!


you must be fk'n kid'g me
Nov 13, 2001
I can't believe you fell for the old "do-you-speak-english-I-don't-understand-these-ticket-machines-oh-i-would-love-a-free-dinner -but-no-sex- as-i-just-got-engaged-and-I-live-in-auckland" trick.


Aug 27, 2005
red said:
I can't believe you fell for the old "do-you-speak-english-I-don't-understand-these-ticket-machines-oh-i-would-love-a-free-dinner -but-no-sex- as-i-just-got-engaged-and-I-live-in-auckland" trick.
LMAO!!!!! I have failed you all as a TERBite...:(
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