Is he a MAGA spokesman? Which side is he on? I think he is on Zeihan's side. He is a publicity seeker. He may get paid speaking engagements from the Republican/Maga people. He might even get MAGA groupies. What he is saying is factual, but he distorts and manipulates the situation in his favor. What is happening in China is happening in every western industrialized country. Japan has been suffering a shrinking population for 30 years and there is no sign of collapse in sight. I am speculating, but I think this world has cycles of civilizations where there is evolution to a point where it is no longer sustainable and we go into regression for many years. There has been so many societies on this earth that have disappeared. One day this world will go into a Mad Max state before the majority of people die off and civilization starts all over again. This will happen long after I am gone.