Are we supposed to sacrifice something?
That varies from Faith to Faith. The sacrifice by fire of an
unblemished kid goat, calf, or suckling pig, while considered
old school by most, is surprisingly well received, and may lead to
Divine Favour within a fortnight, particularly in battle. The key word is unblemished; examine your sacrificial animal closely, and make sure it has not been surgically altered, (ie: no gelded, spayed/ neutered, animals should ever be used, only breeding stock).
While illegal in most countries, the sacrifice of an
unweaned infant child will still appease most
Elder Gods, especially if you are requesting permission to perform an act deemed illegal, blasphemous, or sacrilegious under more than one criminal or religious code.
In all cases, you should be kneeling, or in some recognizable posture of submission. I think that's the only
universal requirement.
I hope this helps!