Club Dynasty

people arguing


tental doss flycoon
Jun 9, 2002
Seems the last few times coming on here,
all that's going on in Durham are people arguing,
complaining, pointing and pouting.

I know this happens from time to time, but
every thread it was the same thing.

I'm just noting the fact,

not arguing,
pointing or pouting.

Feel free to carry on, I hope to see more
informative conversation next time..

Maybe its the water?


Lost IN the Shwa
Aug 20, 2001
I wont make a joke out of it. I just picked up on three threads where there was a major fight going on. I am very interested in putting a more mature face on reviews and the people and their debates.

First off, it isn't just Durham, you can find this crap on most of the boards from time to time.

Second of all, not enough guys are doing reviews of enough of the ladies on this board. There are a lot of SP's I see in the paper that have never been even MENTIONED by the guys on here. Why? I cant figure it out, but reviews are what this board should be about for the most part.

Third, too many people are coming on here with alternative motives, that is either defending their agencies or webservices or fighting and settling old scores in the business. I know of one lady in the biz who was slagged on and off on here for years and just couldn't understand why the women who were slagging her were so determined to try to ruin her business. It didn't work for one, and for two, this board should be about the guys who review the ladies, and what the guys think of the reviews and their experiences. If the ladies want a BITCH board, they should take it to their spot on this TERB forum site. I personally get more out of what I think of the ladies from some of their crap than I do the reviews. The childish bitchy ladies guarntee I wont go see them. They have no idea on how bad they look to prospective clients by engaging in this constant battle with each other.

I wish people would just treat people with more respect. You have ladies who see nothing wrong with ripping a guy off for 200 bucks for crappy service (crappy by answering cellphones in the appt., showing up drunk, showing up stoned, showing up and not caring about what they are doing, etc.). IF I am going to give you 200 bucks for an hour, I want your attention and best attitude. IF you cant give me that, get out of the business, because if a woman takes my money and treats me like crap, I will post the review on here, you can bet your ass. I wont be nasty, but I will tell the truth.

People, show a little respect. The guys have to treat the ladies better and understand in a review, you have to respect certain points of the ladies privacy, and you can write a negative review without calling her names and slagging her virtues as a human.

This aint rocket science, but I am afraid my plea here will be on deaf ears on some of you.

A very wise guy (Sheik) always used to point out to all of us in the early days of TERB to "treat em with respect boys"...and I have followed his example for the most part.


Lives for DATY
Aug 17, 2001
East of TO
Bearly you have made very good points and for the most part I agree with what you have said. I will not pick on the points that I disagree, because frankly they are your opinion and although I may not agree they are just that an opinion and everyone is entitled to theirs.

I believe that if more people stuck to the reviews and less to discussion, at least when it comes to individuals, then we would probably all enjoy the boards a little more. There are forums for discussions of other things which Fred has kindly set up for us and they are also quite active as well. If more people would address their problems directly to the source, rather than bringing to the public attention on the board first then I believe that a lot of these problems would get nipped inthe bud.

It seems to be a problem with society today that people would rather bitch in a large anonymous forum than deal face to face or at least over the phone directly with someone. I guess it is the whole attention thing that gets them all hot and bothered. This industry is about adults and yet it seems to be acting more like children. Respect is a two way street also. If you show respect to the ladies you are bound to get it back in kind. Funny how that works, but my experience has been virtually nothing but great since I joined this hobby, sure I have had a couple of questionable experiences, but hey that could have happened meeting people on the street as well.


"The Gatekeeper"
Aug 29, 2006
A trully intellectual informative...

Back Burner said:
Why don't you all shut the fuck up!


"The Gatekeeper"
Aug 29, 2006
I agree with 99% of what you say but...

Bearlythere said:
I wont make a joke out of it. I just picked up on three threads where there was a major fight going on. I am very interested in putting a more mature face on reviews and the people and their debates.

First off, it isn't just Durham, you can find this crap on most of the boards from time to time.

Second of all, not enough guys are doing reviews of enough of the ladies on this board. There are a lot of SP's I see in the paper that have never been even MENTIONED by the guys on here. Why? I cant figure it out, but reviews are what this board should be about for the most part.

Third, too many people are coming on here with alternative motives, that is either defending their agencies or webservices or fighting and settling old scores in the business. I know of one lady in the biz who was slagged on and off on here for years and just couldn't understand why the women who were slagging her were so determined to try to ruin her business. It didn't work for one, and for two, this board should be about the guys who review the ladies, and what the guys think of the reviews and their experiences. If the ladies want a BITCH board, they should take it to their spot on this TERB forum site. I personally get more out of what I think of the ladies from some of their crap than I do the reviews. The childish bitchy ladies guarntee I wont go see them. They have no idea on how bad they look to prospective clients by engaging in this constant battle with each other.

I wish people would just treat people with more respect. You have ladies who see nothing wrong with ripping a guy off for 200 bucks for crappy service (crappy by answering cellphones in the appt., showing up drunk, showing up stoned, showing up and not caring about what they are doing, etc.). IF I am going to give you 200 bucks for an hour, I want your attention and best attitude. IF you cant give me that, get out of the business, because if a woman takes my money and treats me like crap, I will post the review on here, you can bet your ass. I wont be nasty, but I will tell the truth.

People, show a little respect. The guys have to treat the ladies better and understand in a review, you have to respect certain points of the ladies privacy, and you can write a negative review without calling her names and slagging her virtues as a human.

This aint rocket science, but I am afraid my plea here will be on deaf ears on some of you.

A very wise guy (Sheik) always used to point out to all of us in the early days of TERB to "treat em with respect boys"...and I have followed his example for the most part.

there is a "wolf pack mentality" that has infested itself in Terb and in a lot of cases sinks to the lowest common denominator.

The owner/owners must feel this is in the best interest of their advertisers.


New member
Oct 17, 2006
3 feet bellow my head
Who Cares!!!????

Let the whiners whine, and let the bitches bitch.

All the guys that complain are the ones who do not have control of there inner bitch. Therefore making them bitches!:cool:



New member
Dec 15, 2002
It is what it is

The board has evolved. No amount of talking will change that. You just have to accept it, throw out the "bull" (80%) and interpret the balance. Whether you like it or not, that's life.


New member
Feb 12, 2007
I don't know why people are afraid to post, two minutes after reading a post, i forget it and who wrote, even if it insulted me, on to the next one, no grudges. The beef i have is long posts, who reads them?


New member
Jul 17, 2006
I know after the last time i posted a review here it was torn apart that is why i will never post a review on here again... I was just trying to give you my experinence but a lot of people like to rip into it...
have a great weekend


New member
Dec 15, 2005
I was hesitant about it because i was in the same situation. I just posted a review about Scarlett and I will see if it is my last or not.


Active member
fullspeed said:
I was hesitant about it because i was in the same situation. I just posted a review about Scarlett and I will see if it is my last or not.
Fullspeed. No reason why it shouldn't be your last. Nothing was there that was offensive or questionable. You're review was in line with others, and didn't reveal anything more than what kind of info guys like to know.


Active member
Back Burner said:
Why don't you all shut the fuck up!
*in my best DeNiro voice* You talkin' to me? You talkin' to me? You talkin' to me? Then who the hell else are you talkin' to? You talkin' to me? Well I'm the only one here. Who do you think you're talking to?

Mr. Dajodo

Feb 6, 2007
wooly110 said:
Nothing was there that was offensive or questionable. You're review was in line with others, and didn't reveal anything more than what kind of info guys like to know.
Funny thats almost exactly what I said in that thread after the person (who's basement you are still in) tried to discredit it as "agenda based."

Glad you agree with me wooly about fullspeeds previous review.

Fullspeed ahead fullspeed with more reviews.


tental doss flycoon
Jun 9, 2002
Fullspeed, carry on

fullspeed said:
I was hesitant about it because i was in the same situation. I just posted a review about Scarlett and I will see if it is my last or not.
posting bro!

Good job!


Lost IN the Shwa
Aug 20, 2001
u4parts said:
I know after the last time i posted a review here it was torn apart that is why i will never post a review on here again... I was just trying to give you my experinence but a lot of people like to rip into it...
have a great weekend
U4 it is exactly what the weasels want. They don't care about your opinion, they just figure theirs should be the only one. I think more of us who give a damn should review more. Hey, getting slagged here don't hurt, just remember, we don't know who anyone actually is on here, so what does it matter? Just do what you like, review people, and believe me, the silent and not so silent majority will like it. Even if someone disagree's with a review, there is a right way and a wrong way to dispute it. As Dodger said above, on where he disagree's, he respects my opinion. Dodger and I have been on this board for years and I think he and a few others are the backbone of the guys on this board. The jerks come and go, but the long time posters on here have a mutual respect (I believe) for each other and if you post away, your going to get your respect if you make good points and post honest reviews. I can tell just from the review how much is BS and how much is truth for the most part on most reviews. You can read between the lines.....


"The Gatekeeper"
Aug 29, 2006
I agree with you but...

BigDaddyJ said:
for those of you who are married, i don't think YOU HAVE ANY ROOM TO "BITCH" about what services you are getting. you want respect? why don't you go respect your WIVES and stop screwin around on her! you married her for a reason!
You just used two forbidden words. Wives and married. Get the armoured coat on.


Mar 31, 2006
You're one to talk.......

toughb said:
A truly intellectual informative contribution!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

This coming from someone with 1 review :rolleyes:

Your contributions are so much more insightful!!!!!

Love your racist/sexist/mysoginist diatribe in the Lounge;you're nothing but a load that should have been swallowed.
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