Penis facts


Sr. Member
Jul 23, 2002
Very Very Interesting Penis Facts

Average length of penis when not erect: 3.5 inches
Average length when erect: 5.2 - 6.4 inches
The Longest: 13 inches
The Smallest: 5/8 of an inch
Largest penis in the animal kingdom: 11 feet (blue whale)
Actual amount of semen per ejaculation: 1-2 teaspoons
Avg number of times a man will ejaculate in his lifetime: 7,200
Avg # of times he will ejaculate from masturbation: 2,000
Avg total amount of lifetime ejaculate: 14 gallons
Avg speed of ejaculation: 28 miles per hour
Avg # of calories in a teaspoon of semen: 7
Most arousing time of day/season for a man: early morning/fall
Best ways to improve sexual function: quit smoking, start exercising, lose weight
Percent of men who say they masturbate: 60%
Amt. of time needed for a man to regain erection: from 2 min to 2 weeks
Average # of erections per day for a man: 11
Average # of erections during the night: 9
Sperm life: 2 1/2 months (from development to ejaculation)
Thickness of the average condom: .07 mm
Thickness of super-thin condoms: .05 mm
Speed at which erotic sensations travel from skin to brain 156 miles per hour
There are approximately 5 calories in a teaspoon of semen.
All penises bend slightly to the left or right — there is no perfectly straight penis.
Odors that increase blood flow to the penis: lavender, licorice, chocolate, doughnuts and pumpkin pie!
Is Penis Size Important?
Yes and No - it is only as important as you think it is. Most women surveyed say men are too hung up on penis size. As far as sexual stimulation penis width is more important than the length.
How Do I Measure My Penis?
.After obtaining an erection angle your penis down until it is parallel to the floor. Set your ruler against your pubic bone just above the base of the penis, and measure to the tip.
Can Penis Size Be Increased?
Penis pumps can temporarily increase the size of a penis - read more here. For permanent increase it requires a surgical procedure. Be warned surgery carries with it the risk of infection. This book can help provide information about increasing penis size.
The Penis Party . . .
Every year on March 15 Japan throws a giant festival to celebrate the penis and fertility. A 900-pound wooden phallus is paraded around the streets of the town Komaki, and women carry massive dildos in their arms. Thousands of people come to pay homage to the penis and take part in the festivities.
Do You Know Where Your Foreskin Is?
In America hundreds of thousands of circumcised foreskins have been sold to bio-research laboratories.
A Weighty Issue!
The Caramoja tribe of northern Uganda tie a weight on the end of their penises to elongate them - sometimes to such a degree that the men literally have to knot them up - while the Mambas of New Hebrides wrap theirs in yards and yards of cloth, making them look up to 17 inches long.
Double Your Pleasure!
In 1609, a doctor named Wecker found a corpse in Bologna with two penises. Since then, there have been eighty documented cases of
men similarly endowed.
Sue the Bastards!
A honeymooning couple are suing Holiday Inn for ten thousand dollars, claiming their sex life is now dysfunctional because an employee mistakenly walked in on them on their wedding night.
The Royal Way!
England's King Edward VII, a man of considerable heft, had a special table built so that he could comfortably engage in sexual intercourse.
The Ultimate Hello!
When men of the Walibri tribe of central Australia greet each other, they shake penises instead of hands.
Not The Way To Go!
At least 500 Americans die each year from asphyxia in an attempt to lessen oxygen flow to the brain in order to induce a more powerful orgasm.
A Fashion Statement!
In fourteenth-century Europe, high-ranking noblemen were permitted to display their genitals below a short tunic, while those not impressively endowed could, if they chose, wear a leather falsie called a braquette.
Time On Your Side?
Given today's average frequency of sexual intercourse, it would take the typical American couple more than four years to try every one of the 529 positions described in the Kama Sutra.



I just wanna........
Apr 18, 2002
Right here, Where else would I be?
CityOfJoy said:
Very Very Interesting Penis Facts
Is Penis Size Important?
Yes and No - it is only as important as you think it is. Most women surveyed say men are too hung up on penis size. As far as sexual stimulation penis width is more important than the length.
sure women say size isn't important..

but ask any women, would you sleep with a man with a 2 inch dick??????


New member
Apr 11, 2003
Pervert's Row
Avg # of calories in a teaspoon of semen: 7
....and it goes straight to the thighs (married men can vouch for this)

Most arousing time of day/season for a man: early morning/fall
....uhhhh, no. Summer is tank top season.

Double Your Pleasure!
In 1609, a doctor named Wecker found a corpse in Bologna with two penises. Since then, there have been eighty documented cases of
men similarly endowed. god, does MSOG still count?


Area 51 Escapee
Apr 15, 2003
Stuck in Lodi again
Avg number of times a man will ejaculate in his lifetime: 7,200
Avg # of times he will ejaculate from masturbation: 2,000

I've got these two beat by a long shot.

7,200 is only once a day for twenty years
A different fact

Notice the darker line that runs the length of the penis on the back of the shaft?

That would have been your vaginal opening if you didn't have the hormones in the womb that resulted you developing male instead of the female all men started out as before hormones resulted in the development of male sexual organs vs remaining female.

james t kirk

Well-known member
Aug 17, 2001
Re: Re: Penis facts

mmm61318 said:
sure women say size isn't important..

but ask any women, would you sleep with a man with a 2 inch dick??????
You don't even have to do that.

Just pour a few glasses of red wine into them and then re-ask the question.

Then you will get the truth boy.

Usually, it's something like this, "no, penis size doesn't matter thaaaaat much, giggle. But yeah my PERSONAL preference is a man with a bigger cock. Giggle giggle, sly grin, look out of the side of her eye."

james t kirk

Well-known member
Aug 17, 2001
dickydoem said:
Avg number of times a man will ejaculate in his lifetime: 7,200
Avg # of times he will ejaculate from masturbation: 2,000

I've got these two beat by a long shot.

7,200 is only once a day for twenty years
Me too

I've been coming since i was 11 years old.


Goober Mcfly

Retired. -ish
Oct 26, 2001
CityOfJoy said:
Avg # of calories in a teaspoon of semen: 7
There are approximately 5 calories in a teaspoon of semen.
Which is it?
Is Penis Size Important?
Yes and No - it is only as important as you think it is. Most women surveyed say men are too hung...
Mmmmmm. Selective quoting.
Can Penis Size Be Increased?
Penis pumps can temporarily increase the size of a penis - read more here. For permanent increase it requires a surgical procedure. Be warned surgery carries with it the risk of infection. This book can help provide information about increasing penis size.
Book? Could you send me information on this via email please?
Do You Know Where Your Foreskin Is?
In America hundreds of thousands of circumcised foreskins have been sold to bio-research laboratories.
The rest go to hot-dog factories.
Double Your Pleasure!
In 1609, a doctor named Wecker found a corpse in Bologna with two penises.
I don't know why, but I found this amusing.
The Ultimate Hello!
When men of the Walibri tribe of central Australia greet each other, they shake penises instead of hands.
Good name for a new MP? Walibri's. I guess going to the old Fantasia was a investigation into another culture.


Prosopagnosia Sufferer
Jun 19, 2003
Doing laps at the Y
Re: Re: Penis facts

Goober Mcfly said:
Good name for a new MP? Walibri's. I guess going to the old Fantasia was a investigation into another culture.
Maybe you could approach the government for a grant to study how other cultures greet each other. I'd sign up for survey if you could do one on how firm a grip and how long of hold by females greeting males, and if they accidently shift their grip while greeting you.

The BIG Show

New member
Mar 23, 2003
actually, 99% of men masterbate, the other 1% lie about it.
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