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"P" is for Pixie - or, sometimes your enevelope makes a difference

Morgan Ellis

Bitchy McBitcherson
Sometimes, it's easy for clients to become jaded about seeing escorts. It's easy for them to make cynical comments about how all escorts are just using them, or that we're all shallow shopping junkies. It's sad, really, because inside of every cynic there's a disappointed optimist. I thought I'd try to write something that might allow the hidden optimist to come out of hiding, even if just for a few minutes.

I want to tell you about my friend and duo partner, Pixie. Pixie spent the last few years working as an escort while she put herself through school. Yes, really - there really are some escorts who work to support their schooling, and she's really one of them.

Pixie finished her degree in an obscure field that I still can't claim to really understand, no matter how many times she's explained it to me. I do know that it's not a field that will ever pay her well, or make her famous, or even let her live what most people would consider a comfortable life.

In a few months, Pixie is going to get on a plane and travel to a country that none of us could ever consider going to. It's a country that has been torn about by famine and war and politics, and that doesn't have much hope left in it. It's that place you see a sixty second clip of on the evening news, and think "someone should do something". Luckily for us, there are people like Pixie, who volunteer to give up their entire lives for two years, for free, just so that they can do more than feel bad about how much suffering there is in the world.

If there is a point to all of this, it is that someone reading this right now probably saw Pixie over the last two years. You saw her, and hopefully you liked her, and you paid her your money, and you went on your way. In that one small thing, you created a ripple effect - a ripple that ended with her getting on a plane with just one carry on bag, and traveling around the world. Because of that envelope, someone in the world will suffer a little less, because Pixie is there.

So, the next time you turn on the news and see that sixty second clip of people starving in a country that has been destroyed, look for that quick flash of a volunteer handing out aid. Maybe you'll see her there, and maybe you'll feel a little better about yourself, too.

And now, since you know there had to be a catch to all of this niceness, I'd like to mention that the friends of Pixie are trying to raise her a small amount of money before she leaves. She can't risk working anymore - ironically, she had to have a morals check before she'd be accepted to volunteer, for free, in a place where morals and ethics seem to be a forgotten concept. So, if you'd like to help her, you can contribute to the support Pixie fund via Pay Pal. The Pay Pal address to do so is

I should also add that she doesn't know I'm writing this, and she *definitely* doesn't know I'm asking people for their help.

She's much too nice to ever do such a thing herself.



And very good at it
Oct 3, 2001
benito said:
Any pictures?
If there was ever a post that typifies the narrow-minded nature of some people on this board, this is it. If it was followed by a smilie, I may have thought it was dark humor, but sadly its just someone who clearly cant think past the length (or lack thereof) of his penis.

Back on topic, a pessimistic former client might interpret that story differently. Example:

He saw her, paid her his money, and after enduring several years of faceless, soulless, anonymous sexual encounters, Pixie finally couldnt take it anymore, sold all her possessions and ran off to the most inhospitable place she could think of to regain her self esteem. A penance for her years of sinning, a stench you can't escape how matter how much you bathe.

Either is plausible, but its a nice story. I wish her the best, and it is nice to know that there are benevolent people in the world who are willing to make this level of sacrifice to help others. Not sure that I could do it.

Never Compromised

Hiding from Screw Worm
Feb 1, 2006
MuffinMuncher said:
Back on topic, a pessimistic former client might interpret that story differently. Example:

Pixie ...regain her self esteem. A penance for her years of sinning, a stench you can't escape how matter how much you bathe.

Either is plausible, but its a nice story.
Only 2 possible explanations? MM, you simply have to let your Dark Side out more often. Become more jaded with life.

The Third Option:

Someone is finding things a little slow, and in order to augument the sparce SP income, has set up a "trust fund" so that guys can send money to make themselves feel good, that they are doing something to change the world.

Now, am I claiming that the Third Option is true? Not at all. I am simply pointing out that MM needs to let his Dark Side out more often.


Active member
Mar 18, 2003
A jaded cynical client might think that Morgan is a spam spewing scumbag out to line her own pockets with an unverifiable sob story and a request for cash from well-meaning TERBites.

I prefer to be an optimist. I believe that this thread will be gone tomorrow, and the world will be a better place.

If anyone wants to give, I suggest Oxfam, or UNICEF, or the Red Cross, where your money has a better chance of being used for its intended purpose.

Morgan, if there really is a Pixie and you want to help her, I suggest that you just quietly give her your own money.


Well-known member
This lady has always seemed pretty straight up(though brutally honest).Am i missing something? Those who have replied seem incredibly laced with cynicism and bile.

i had a friend who got a similiar was a pretty noble cause.Again, not saying the request was legit but from what I've read of her posts a lie of that magnitude doesn't seem her style.


Active member
Nov 14, 2003
I just can't fathom why people would go to university, spend all of that time, effort and money just to end up with a degree that - while personally satisfying I'm sure - leaves them with no way to use that effort to make a career.

When I was in the Engineering field we referred to those degrees as B.Unemployed programs. :)


And very good at it
Oct 3, 2001
Compromised said:
Now, am I claiming that the Third Option is true? Not at all. I am simply pointing out that MM needs to let his Dark Side out more often.
I'm glad you have taken such an interest in me! I'm flattered.

To reiterate, I dont doubt the version of the story as Morgan posted it. I was only pointing out that it could be open to a wide variety of interpretations, one of which I posted as an alternative example. Of course there are others, including the one you just included.

Scary, no need to over react. We're just talking about hypotheticals and how stories can be interpretted in many different ways based our own unique experiences and backgrounds. No bile, perhaps it was just something you ate?


New member
Feb 14, 2004
Moraff said:
I just can't fathom why people would go to university, spend all of that time, effort and money just to end up with a degree that - while personally satisfying I'm sure - leaves them with no way to use that effort to make a career.

When I was in the Engineering field we referred to those degrees as B.Unemployed programs. :)
Some people want more than just a career I guess.


Jan 31, 2005
Morgan Ellis said:
It's easy for them to make cynical comments about how all escorts are just using them
We're using each other ;-) In a typical business transaction both sides feel they got the better of the other. I'm sure escorts are using me. I'm equally sure I'm using them. Where it pisses me off is when it crosses the line from the business transaction to the SP pretending to have a relationship/feelings in order to extract more cash/gifts. Not many do that. The few who do are scum.

Luckily for us, there are people like Pixie, who volunteer to give up their entire lives for two years, for free, just so that they can do more than feel bad about how much suffering there is in the world.
Having been to a few of those places myself I have to comment that many of the organizations claiming to help people in these places don't do all that much good, and wind up being kind of a fun vacation for the volunteers who go. You can tell these cases because they're the ones who house the volunteers in air conditioned units, and provide them with land rovers to drive around, while handing out free stuff to poor people in the more accessible locations. Often the free stuff goes to supporters of the government because these orgs are afraid to go into anti-govt. areas--they don't directly aim to prop up the govt., but the govt. will only guarantee their safety when they're in "approved" locations. So they sometimes even become a tool of repression to the extent that they prop up the govt. that caused the problem.

The organizations that get my respect are the ones that go into the places the land rovers can't reach, without any guarantee of safety, and where there's no electricity for air conditioning, and generally are in constant risk of danger from armed groups. MSF is this kind of organization. I respect those guys a lot. Few people have the stamina to endure what the MSF crews do, and if anyone feels like donating to a good cause, I highly recommend MSF. They're also honest: During the tsunami MSF was the only aid organization to post publically that it had received all the funds it could possibly use in that area, promising to use any funds contributed somewhere else they were more needed. Even the Red Cross kept flashing up tsunami disaster ads to garner more dontaions even though they knew they couldn't use the money in that area (there is just a limit to how much money you can spend on a disaster before there's a diminishing return). Worldvision practially outright lied, telling people the funds would go to tsunami relief when it plainly wasn't the case. When MSF posted that note I immediately contributed out of respect for that honesty.

look for that quick flash of a volunteer handing out aid.
The really bad places are inaccessible to CNN. The TV crews don't go there, there are no good roads, no air conditioned hotels, etc."
With all due respect for your friend I'd want to know what sort of organization she's travelling with before I send money. I'd want to know it's going to a good cause, and not one of the outfits that are more like exotic vacations for college graduates.
Last edited:


New member
Mar 13, 2006
What a bunch of cynics! While I've never had the pleasure of meeting Morgan, I have met and spent a wonderful overnight with Pixie of who(m) Morgan speaks.
As a third party outsider, I remember Pixie telling me of her plans and, without going into any more detail than Morgan did, rest assured this request is not a scam: strikes me a simply being one friend caring for another and coming up with a neat going-away gift idea!
Well done Morgan


Slightly Nuts
Sep 26, 2001
MuffinMuncher said:
If there was ever a post that typifies the narrow-minded nature of some people on this board, this is it. If it was followed by a smilie, I may have thought it was dark humor, but sadly its just someone who clearly cant think past the length (or lack thereof) of his penis.
It was a small attempt at Escort board humor in that whenever an escort's name comes up someone is always there to ask for a picture.
Now that is explained to you Muncher, I wonder if you always need smilies after a comment to determine whether it is humorous or not. Do you have trouble reading a book or the newspaper where there are no emoticons at the end of every sentence to tell you how to feel when you finish reading? I will bet that when you do see a smiie and realize that something is funny, rather than laughing you just think to yourself "lol". Heres to you muncher :D which means I am laughing at you and not with you.


And very good at it
Oct 3, 2001
benito said:
Heres to you muncher which means I am laughing at you and not with you.
If you could get past your fragile ego for a moment, I prefaced my remark with a query about whether or not this was an attempt at humor or not. If you say it was, the rest of my post doesnt apply to you, now does it? Now pull your panties out of your crack and enjoy the rest of your weekend.

Sheesh. :rolleyes:


Slightly Nuts
Sep 26, 2001
MuffinMuncher said:
If you could get past your fragile ego for a moment, I prefaced my remark with a query about whether or not this was an attempt at humor or not. If you say it was, the rest of my post doesnt apply to you, now does it? Now pull your panties out of your crack and enjoy the rest of your weekend.
Look up the word preface or else you will use it incorrectly again. LOL! :rolleyes:

Morgan Ellis

Bitchy McBitcherson
Being nice sucks. Or else it doesn't.


That was a bit more of a response than I expected, in more ways than one.

On the one hand, so many people have contacted Pixie and offered to help, or sent her a donation. She's got enough to pay for her first round of scary-disease shots, which is a good thing indeed. Plus, it's made her feel all warm and fuzzy, which is even better. So, Yay for you guys! You rock, and you know who you are.

On the other hand, a few (very few, all things considered) assholes have crawled out of the woodwork and insinuated that I'm doing this for gain, or, better still - that I made Pixie up altogether. Yes, those years of her having a website and being reviewed on at least four different boards that I know of? All a plot, an elaborate plot I've been hatching for years. I'm dia-fuckin-bolical, bitches. Represent.

At any rate, I didn't write this to raise money for Pixie - that was really just more of an added bonus I thought would make a nice surprise for her. I wrote it because sometimes I just get tired of all of the he said/she said, we hate each other bullshit that seems to pervade escort/client boards. I wrote it because I thought it was a nice story, and that there might be other people who'd enjoy reading a nice story about a nice person doing nice things with her life.

If a few people read malice into that, or found it to be offensive, well - that's your problem, not mine, and certainly not Pixie's. Go stomp on a kitten or something, and leave her alone.

And for the people who either:

a) doubted she existed


b) asked for pictures of tits

I hereby present a nice photo montage of me doing things to Hailey's tits and ass, and her whacking me in the head with a pillow, probably as payback for the things I was just doing to her tits and ass.

Now, stfu and send the girl some money. Unless you already did, in which case... big hugs!

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