outrageous reason for being fired


Jun 17, 2004

MOULTON — Lynne Gobbell never imagined the cost of a John Kerry-John Edwards bumper sticker could run so high.

DAILY Photo by Clyde Stancil
Lynne Gobbell said her boss fired her last week because of the Kerry-Edwards campaign sticker on the back of her car.
Gobbell of Moulton didn't pay a cent for the sticker that she proudly displays on the rear windshield of her Chevrolet Lumina, but said it cost her job at a local factory after it angered her boss, Phil Geddes.

Geddes, a Decatur bankruptcy attorney, owns Enviromate, a cellulose insulation company in Moulton.

Geddes did not return phone calls from THE DAILY about the alleged Thursday firing.

Gobbell said she consulted a lawyer, but then changed her mind about going to see him. She said she has cried about the incident and must do without income for three weeks while the state unemployment commission decides if she is eligible for compensation.

Gobbell said she was averaging 50 to 60 hours a week on the plant's bagging machine.

"The lady there (at the unemployment commission) said that she has never heard of a firing like this before," Gobbell said.

Gobbell gave this account:

"We were going back to work from break, and my manager told me that Phil said to remove the sticker off my car or I was fired," she said. "I told him that Phil couldn't tell me who to vote for. He said, 'Go tell him.' "

She went to Geddes' office, knocked on the door and entered on his orders.

"Phil and another man who works there were there," she said. "I asked him if he said to remove the sticker and he said, 'Yes, I did.' I told him he couldn't tell me who to vote for. When I told him that, he told me, 'I own this place.' I told him he still couldn't tell me who to vote for."

Gobbell said Geddes told her to "get out of here."

"I asked him if I was fired and he told me he was thinking about it," she said. "I said, 'Well, am I fired?' He hollered and said, 'Get out of here and shut the door.' "

She said her manager was standing in another room and she asked him if that meant for her to go back to work or go home. The manager told her to go back to work, but he came back a few minutes later and said, " 'I reckon you're fired. You could either work for him or John Kerry,' " Gobbell said.

"I took off my gloves and threw them in the garbage and left," Gobbell said.

Though she is unemployed and uncertain if she will get her job back, Gobbell said, she doesn't regret her decision to keep the sticker on her windshield.

"I would like to find another job, but I would take that job back because I need to work," she said. "It upset me and made me mad that he could put a letter in my check expressing his (political) opinion, but I can't put something on my car expressing mine."

She was referring to a flier that she said Geddes placed in employee envelopes to remind them of the positive impact that President Bush's policies have had on them. An employee at the plant who would not identify himself confirmed the contents of the letter.

Gobbell provided a copy of the flier. It says:

"Just so you will know, because of the Bush tax (cut):

I was able to buy the new Hammer Mill
I was able to finance our receivables
I was able to get the new CAT skid steer
I was able to get the wire cutter
I was able to give you a job"
It further says:

"You got the benefit of the Bush tax cut. Everyone did."


Active member
Aug 16, 2003
I suspect she'll decide to visit a lawyer in the not too distant future.

The Baroness

Sr. Member
Aug 11, 2002
Serves her right.
Noone should have a bumper sticker of someone that freakish looking.


Active member
Apr 8, 2002
the hobby needs more capitalism
miranda said:
Serves her right.
Noone should have a bumper sticker of someone that freakish looking.
No, it doesn't. I'm a supporter of Bush but that Boss has no right to violate her freedom of speech like that.




Active member
Apr 8, 2002
the hobby needs more capitalism
miranda said:
It was a joke....
Ahh, sorry then. Next time, include a wink or something, so I know. It's too easy to misread stuff online!




New member
Sep 10, 2001
I think when a lawyer gets done with her case she will own the factory and the former boss will be working for her .


New member
Jul 14, 2002
mrpolarbear said:
I think when a lawyer gets done with her case she will own the factory and the former boss will be working for her .
Until he shows up with his Bush/Cheney bumper sticker...then his ass will be fired :)

Goober Mcfly

Retired. -ish
Oct 26, 2001
Nice troll, Tom_002. :rolleyes:

By the way,
"Phil and another man who works there were there," she said. "I asked him if he said to remove the sticker and he said, 'Yes, I did.' I told him he couldn't tell me who to vote for. When I told him that, he told me, 'I own this place.' I told him he still couldn't tell me who to vote for."

Gobbell said Geddes told her to "get out of here."

"I asked him if I was fired and he told me he was thinking about it," she said. "I said, 'Well, am I fired?' He hollered and said, 'Get out of here and shut the door.' "
Sounds like Phil is into the man-love.


Once more into the breach
May 21, 2004
Waterloo Region
Sounds like Phil is into the man-love.
... not that there's anything wrong with that... :)

Typical Conservative/Republican response. "Freedom of expression only applies to me! But if you're not of GOP persuasion, we'll fire your ass or sue you (a la Michael Moore)!"

What has happened to the glorious and sensible GOP, the GOP of Lincoln and Eisenhower??

I'm curious if Geddes applies for government largesse and contracts if they're spearheaded by Democrats at the State or Federal level.


New member
Aug 30, 2004
..its a simple case of some asshole throwing his wieght around,
people like that really deserve a good 2 by 4 up the side of the head a couple of times.

The Shake

Winner (with a capital W)
Feb 3, 2004
They're both idiots.

For the life of me, I can't understand why someone would be so control-mad that he would obsess about a bumper sticker expressing support for a mainstream candidate in a free election. The idea that something so benign should be worth even a second of his time is silly beyond belief.

That said, she acted like a spoiled child when confronted with the issue. No-one was "telling her how to vote" as she repeatedly whined - her employer was telling her not to actively campaign on company property for a political candidate that he did not support. That may have been a stupid and short-sighted request on his part, but it was within his rights.

They deserve each other.


New member
Feb 15, 2004
Your "shake" must have scrambled your brain

You are kidding , right???.....I would hardly consider a bumper sticker"actively" campaigning..it's not like she was walking around the plant on her breaks with a sign...this is the kind of employer that would say screw any safety or health regulations...'just do the damn job or I'll fire your ass" we need to rid the world of cave dwelling employers like this.The employer is wrong , totally 100% wrong, and if this is the true reason for her firing....then there is no possible justification for his actions



New member
Nov 18, 2001
The Shake said:
...... No-one was "telling her how to vote" as she repeatedly whined - her employer was telling her not to actively campaign on company property for a political candidate that he did not support. That may have been a stupid and short-sighted request on his part, but it was within his rights.

This is a joke too, right?


Jun 17, 2004
Actively campaigning? The woman just had a bumper sticker on her car, which she left parked. Unless she was driving around on company property, honking her horn, I wouldn't consider that campaigning.

The Shake

Winner (with a capital W)
Feb 3, 2004
Re: Your "shake" must have scrambled your brain

new2game said:
You are kidding , right???.....I would hardly consider a bumper sticker"actively" campaigning..it's not like she was walking around the plant on her breaks with a sign...
I disagree. It may not be "in your face" campaigning but, just like a lawn sign, it is campaigning.

The parking lot is his property.

this is the kind of employer that would say screw any safety or health regulations...
And you base that on what?

'just do the damn job or I'll fire your ass" we need to rid the world of cave dwelling employers like this.
Yes. How dare he give people decent paying jobs.

I wouldn't want to work for him, and I think that his management style is stupid and counter-productive but, on the list of things that we need to rid the world of, I think he clocks in fairly low.

The employer is wrong , totally 100% wrong, and if this is the true reason for her firing....then there is no possible justification for his actions
Actually, there's a very simple justification. He asked her to do something and she refused. Right or wrong, this is no different than an employer requiring a dress code or a uniform (e.g. Disney employees can't have facial hair).

As I said, he's a complete idiot but, as he's paying the bills, he has the right to be a complete idiot.

Goober Mcfly

Retired. -ish
Oct 26, 2001
Re: Re: Your "shake" must have scrambled your brain

The Shake said:
Right or wrong, this is no different than an employer requiring a dress code or a uniform (e.g. Disney employees can't have facial hair).
I knew that was you in the Goofy costume!
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