Outcalls Getting Busted??


Ph.D. in Pussyology
Oct 14, 2001
The doctor is in
I recently tried out another agency in my city, with positive results. The establishment has been around for quite some time, and offers both incall and outcall service to its clients.

One of the SP's there told me that she had been in a situation where LE had posed as a client on an outcall, asking for a "massage". Then, once the service extended beyond what was officially requested, she and the agency were busted.

Up until this point, I was unaware that outcalls could be targeted in this manner. Wouldn't this be considered a form of entrapment??

Just wondering...


New member
Aug 19, 2001
Silicon Valley, USA
What city were you in? There are some cities where both agencies and Sps are required to be licensed and this can trigger a bust. The most any city can do and not be in violation of prevailing federal law is to license massage/body rub parlors. That is not a license to dispense sex services such as hand jobs. It could be that this activity is in violation of whatever license the agency holds. It may also be the case that the agency is under investigation and the arresting officer is leaning on the escort to roll on the agency. In most cases, the escort cannot be charged unless they can somehow link her to the pimping/pandering portion on behalf of the agency. An agency escort is in most all cases held harmless in any bust, although most of the agency owners never advise them of this. If owners say anything, they'll advise the girl not to talk about her services in connection with the fee. That implicates the owners in the pandering and pimping portion of the statute. It is also the case that incalls are NOT legal under Canadian law. The enforcement of these laws are subject to the priorities given by local LE.

This type of set up for a massage sounds typical of busts in the US where any form of prostitution is illegal. Here cops can and do bust you just for showing up at a call, be you a client or an escort.

BTW..the entrapment defense NEVER works in practice. The woman clearly put herself in the situation and had a choice of refusing to offer service. Here in the states, she need only discuss money for the extras and that is all that's required. Acts in continuance...for instance I meet the lady on the street, or in the hotel lobby and offer her an opportunity to come to my room..she's blown the entrapment defense right then and there.

Details please.

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Sasha Jones

Smart Ass ;-)
Aug 17, 2001
Really Retired.....REALLY!
Even in those municipalities where the licensing of escorts is required she would not need to provide any services whatsoever to be fined.

All she needs to do is show up and walk in the door.
Just her arrival is proof that the escort and/or agency is operating a business or acting as an attendant without a license.

I would suspect that the story was a line of crap.
Although in an agency situation the agency could be held accountable for a few different charges such as Living off the avails, procurring, etc. The escort herself has done nothing illegal unless she talked about the fee and such outside of the room.
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New member
Sep 9, 2002
It wouldn't be entrapment because there isn't anything illegal in what he asked for--a massage. The trouble is that so far as I know there isn't anything else illegal about it either--so I'm not clear on what she would have been charged with.

I guess since you heard it second hand you wouldn't know. But if you could get details I'd like to hear--what was the specific charge?


Ph.D. in Pussyology
Oct 14, 2001
The doctor is in
It doesn't make too much sense to me, either. The way it came about was that during the course of our small talk she asked me where I was from - expecting me to say I was from out of town.

When I told her I was local, and had just rented a room for the day for a little R&R, she gave me a second look (as if this practice was not common -???) Then she gave me that story.

Again, as far as I know, outcalls are perfectly legal in Canada, so considering that the agency in question offered both incall and outcall, why then would the officer not go to the establishment directly, pose as an incall client, and then do the bust?? It would certainly make his job easier, IMO.

Big Daddy

New member
Sep 1, 2001
It might be a total lie

She may have lied to you because she probably did not believe that you are local. She might have made up the story herself to test you. A lot of people visiting from US might even believe the entire story, and a local would not. SPs are women and they can be very complex as well. Next time keep your small talk really small ;)


New member
Aug 19, 2001
Silicon Valley, USA
Dr. Love,

It makes a little more sense now given the additional information you supplied. Perhaps the lady is unaware of her "legal" status as an outcall escort. I can tell you there are many in the business who have no idea of what the laws are pertaining to the business. Still others may rely entirely on instructions they recieve from the agency. Seems like she was "feeling you out" for whatever reason. She may also find it amusing that you'd rent a room as this is not as common for locals as one would believe. Most locals would just do incall and forget about the trouble of renting local rooms.

As Sasha says, if it were a licensing issue or something like that the challenge would happen as soon as she arrives. Since she sprung this on you in the middle of a massage, she may have had some doubts, possibly fueled by her lack of knowledge of the law.

Just an opinion.



New member
Dec 1, 2002
First of all again it wouldnt be called entraptment also cause again

1. The girl can get busted for solicitating anything that has to do with massage, escorting, stripping

2. The girl cant take money out of the hands or ask for the money sign of solicitating that is why girls get busted on the streets(solicitating their work)

Sasha Jones

Smart Ass ;-)
Aug 17, 2001
Really Retired.....REALLY!
God I wish people weren't so naive (perhaps that should read stupid)

Ashley perhaps you should take a read of the criminal code of Canada sometime. If you are going to work in this business you should really know what you are getting yourself into. Don't rely on the crap you have heard or been told from those who apparently don't have a clue about the law regarding prostitution.

You can take the money out of the guys ass if you like it is not illegal to sell sex for money in Canada.

What IS illegal is negotiating/soliciting in a public place.

In this situation he stated pretty clearly that it was an outcall, in which most of us can intelligently assume that it took place in either his home or a hotel, which would not classify it as public place.

For future reference you may want to read it so you have your facts straight next time.............


The link above is for section 7 of the Criminal Code of Canada.


New member
Dec 1, 2002
Sasha Jones said:
God I wish people weren't so naive (perhaps that should read stupid)

Ashley perhaps you should take a read of the criminal code of Canada sometime.
Sasha. I have been in this buisness for 2 yrs never been busted. And no i am not naive and never will be. You see soilicitation on anywhere in your own house, on the streets, in a hotel room is eligal that is why the bust street walkers. Prostitution is NOT eleagal it is the SOLISITATION no matter if you are licenced you can still get busted for any loitering or solicitation. I have never taken my clothes off first before the man. I was told once by an officer that if the client has taken there close off and they bust you before you did anything that is called entraptment... I know all the do's and don'ts in this buisness and I did alot of reading before i even got into this and I know that with any sercomstances of any solicitation that will get you big fines!!


Ph.D. in Pussyology
Oct 14, 2001
The doctor is in
E_B_Samaritano said:
Most locals would just do incall and forget about the trouble of renting local rooms.
While this may be true, in terms of legalities, I'm not willing to assume the risk. By choosing outcalls, I'm protecting myself from the charge of "being found in a common bawdy house".


Ph.D. in Pussyology
Oct 14, 2001
The doctor is in
Sweet_Ashley_69 said:
You see soilicitation on anywhere in your own house, on the streets, in a hotel room is eligal that is why the bust street walkers.
That's actually untrue. First of all, the lady in question was an outcall escort, not a "streetwalker". The premise behind an outcall is that whatever occurs between two consenting adults in a PRIVATE space I.e. (my hotel room) is perfectly legal. A solicitation charge would apply only to "communication for the purposes of prostitution in a PUBLIC place." Therefore, you don't hear about outcalls getting busted, which led me to question the validity of the lady's story.


New member
Sep 9, 2002
Is she an American? Some Americans come here to work and are not necessarily aware that the law here is different. Perhaps her story is something that happened in another city and she's just not differentiating it.


Ph.D. in Pussyology
Oct 14, 2001
The doctor is in
gala said:
Is she an American? Some Americans come here to work and are not necessarily aware that the law here is different. Perhaps her story is something that happened in another city and she's just not differentiating it.
No. The incident happened locally, while she was working at the same establishment she is now. The other thing is, generally speaking LE focus more on erradicating street prostitution, while leaving escort agencies be.... Amother reason why I'm having trouble believing that an undercover cop would be trying to pull off an outcall bust in this fashion.

Sasha Jones

Smart Ass ;-)
Aug 17, 2001
Really Retired.....REALLY!

How can I even bother to try to reason with you when I don't even know what the hell you are saying?

For the last time, Solicitation is NOT illegal "unless" it is in a public place. A hotel room or a persons home (other than your own) is NOT a public place.
They bust streetwalkers because they are ...... out on the street.....in public.

The rumors you have heard like don't take money out of his hand, make sure he gets undressed before you are all useless.
I gave you the link to the criminal code pertaining to prostitution, and you still come up with this? I didn't think it was that difficult to comprehend. If you want I can translate it into "plain" english for you.


New member
Dec 1, 2002
Re: Ashley

Sasha Jones said:
How can I even bother to try to reason with you when I don't even know what the hell you are saying?

For the last time, Solicitation is NOT illegal "unless" it is in a public place. A hotel room or a persons home (other than your own) is NOT a public place.
They bust streetwalkers because they are ...... out on the street.....in public.

K what i said is they bust street walkers for SOLICITATING ON THE STREETS, what i am trying to say is that the cops here are not going to be nice the next comming months. And yes i did say solicitation is the eligal sign and the thing that i was trying to say about prostitution is just a simple fact of the idea of solicitation. that is what i am trying to say and no i am not an American i am pure Canadian. If you still cant understand what I am trying to say lmfao Just think about it I never been busted been doing this for 2 yrs then i must be doing something good.
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