Ya my kid's school has smartboards etc as well. Each classroom has a couple PC's in them and then there's the computer lab...
Like others on the board, a lot has changed since I was in school... there was a computer class, but it was for teaching programming languages, e.g. "basic", "pascal" and "fortran" if memory serves. PC's didn't start showing up until the mid eighties, when I was already finished highschool.
I remember my dad buying an Apple II in 1981 or 82 for his accounting business, which he promptly returned since there were no applications being developed for it. He brought it back to the Computerland store and bought an IBM PC along with a program called Visicalc and a word processing program the name of which escapes me now (Word Vision?). The PC is the one pictured on the cover of PC Magazine Volume 1 number 1. I still have the copy of that magazine!
That was the day I became a computer geek... ;-)