Steeles Royal

Our education system is failing...


"The Gatekeeper"
Aug 29, 2006


Just a bit to the right
Dec 28, 2005
I didn't learn the Internet when I was in school. I had to learn it up off the streets.
When I was a kid we didn't have any fancy internet stuff.

We had blue boards and BBS's and IRC.

Our modems were 300 baud, and everything ran off floppy discs.

We didn't even have any stinkin' windows!

Ahhhh, the good old days.... :D
poonhunter said:
We had keypunch cards ...where's my cookie?
Used to use them for playing with, like building with big playing cards. Didn't have the machine to use them on though, so that was more a play thing than anything. Thanks for bringing back more memories though.

Sorry, ate the cookie.....


New member
Dec 27, 2004
I remember (not as a kid) buying a new 1200 baud modem. My friends thought it was a waste of money, 300 baud being fine, 600 being fast. What would I or anyone possibly need 1200 baud speed for?
Ya my kid's school has smartboards etc as well. Each classroom has a couple PC's in them and then there's the computer lab...

Like others on the board, a lot has changed since I was in school... there was a computer class, but it was for teaching programming languages, e.g. "basic", "pascal" and "fortran" if memory serves. PC's didn't start showing up until the mid eighties, when I was already finished highschool.

I remember my dad buying an Apple II in 1981 or 82 for his accounting business, which he promptly returned since there were no applications being developed for it. He brought it back to the Computerland store and bought an IBM PC along with a program called Visicalc and a word processing program the name of which escapes me now (Word Vision?). The PC is the one pictured on the cover of PC Magazine Volume 1 number 1. I still have the copy of that magazine!

That was the day I became a computer geek... ;-)
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Apr 7, 2005
I don't get how you equate idiocy on the internet with a bad educational system?


New member
Nov 20, 2006
We have one of the best school systems in the world. Many countries come here to steal our doctors/nurses/teachers ect
RayFinkel said:
What day did you turn into a Porn Perv?...
Been a perv all my life! (Big surprise... NOT!) I didn't realize it though until I found my pop's Penthouse collection...

Internet porn- well, I guess that would be the day I joined Compuserve way back in 1992... It wasn't nearly as explicate as it is now... and on my old 14400 bps modem- it took FOREVER! I was very happy to get a Roger's WAVE account in 1997!

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