La Villa Spa

Ottawa and Kingston Pros & Cons

Kadie Lux

Aug 14, 2016
Mississauga, GTA, Ontario.
Good afternoon!
As hobbyists living in Ottawa or Kingston,

Do you guys hobby within both cities?
I know there's a bit of a distance between the 2 places
But I'm just curious if it's worth me posting in Ottawa too while visiting Kingston this week.
First time out here so any tips would be helpful and appreciated.
Any info regarding both cities would very helpful.
First time out here and hoping it turns out alright!
PMS or texts welcome.


Active member
Mar 13, 2016
i never go to Kingston....if i would, it would be during summer...otherwise i'm content staying here


Well-known member
Sep 8, 2001
Hi Kadie,
Since the cities are really 2 hours apart, I don't think there are too many that travel from one city to the other just to hobby. Plus Ottawa has about a million people, so there are lots of options for hobbyists right at home (much less in Kingston, but still doubt many from kingstonwill go to Ottawa just to hobby). They are close enough that many people will need to travel to the other place for work, but if I'm looking for fun in a city I'm travelling to for work, I look at the ads for that city.


I'm the exception only because I live between and work in both cities at times. So I hobby in both places as it is a drive for me either way. When and where I hobby varies depending on work or if I have time on a weekend. Again, I am not the usual client.

I know of some others who work in the opposite city at times. I would say if it is no extra cost to advertise in both cities then there is no harm doing it, you may just get someone who is traveling for work.


Tamil and proud
May 12, 2014
I think unless the provider is exceptionally well known I don't think many will travel from a bigger city to a smaller one to 'have fun'

I usually go to Toronto for this. And if it's an hour or two distance I'd rather go Montreal which I have yet to do, tho I have given thoughts to it.

The chance is, I believe, more likely for someone from Kingston to go to Ottawa than the other way around.

But as someone has mentioned, Ottawa does have quite a few providers available so I guess in the perspective of an SP Ottawa probably has more competition than Kingston would. Just my theory.

Kadie Lux

Aug 14, 2016
Mississauga, GTA, Ontario.
Thanks for the helpful tips/advice gents! :) Appreciate that!

Never go to Ottawa if I were to travel my preference is Toronto
Yes I do have a lot of clients visit me while I'm working @ the Airport, Downtown or Mississauga and they take the extra drive.
However I'm going to start working in Ottawa and Kingston much more often, I really really enjoyed both my tours to each places.

The men were wonderful and it was fun in general. Both cities were great for Dom Sessions which I also offer.
Toronto has been waaaay too over populated with low rate SPs and it just takes from my business.
But I do love the Downtown and Airport Incalls.. Really enjoy those areas too
Thanks for the advice! :) Forgot I posted this thread actually lol.
Thanks you guys, very helpful.

Kadie Lux

Hi Kadie,
Since the cities are really 2 hours apart, I don't think there are too many that travel from one city to the other just to hobby. Plus Ottawa has about a million people, so there are lots of options for hobbyists right at home (much less in Kingston, but still doubt many from kingston will go to Ottawa just to hobby). They are close enough that many people will need to travel to the other place for work, but if I'm looking for fun in a city I'm travelling to for work, I look at the ads for that city.
Hey @massman, Sorry I totally forgot I had posted this! Life gets super busy at times, forgive me!
First of all, I wanted to say thank you for the helpful advice! I didn't even realize Kingston and Ottawa were 2 hours apart until my most recent tour to both cities in the last couple weeks. That makes TOTAL sense. Yes, while working in Kingston I don't think I met any Ottawa hobbyists (at least non mentioned it).
And I noticed in Ottawa that a lot of hobbyists travel from Montreal or from boarder of Ottawa/Montreal into Ottawa to hobby which was cool!
Still working on learning more of the French language for my next tour to Ottawa in June! Would be nice to have a full conversation with French clients.
Damn their sexy accent makes me drool.. K not drool but it turns me on LOL.
Hoping to tour in Montreal sometime in the near future! Don't know much about Montreal and SPs/the hobby.. but would like to give it a try!
So helpful tips for Montreal would also be helpful... :)
And yes, VERY valid point about hobbyists who travel for work and look for a reputable SP in that city they travel too. Makes total sense to me!

If you're in Ottawa and around in June would love to chat or have some fun! You seem like a pretty down to earth nice man.
Feel free to PM me anytime hun and thanks again for the response. I tend to have a lot of questions. Didn't even know there was SO many damn areas in Ottawa to work in!!! Booked Kanata so hopefully its decent for me! We shall see.
I really enjoy getting feedback from hobbyists and just getting their point of view on different topics related to the industry.
I'm pretty new to all this tour stuff... Which is why I tend to have a lot of questions regarding new cities etc. I book all my own rooms, organize my schedule, and try my best to advance purchase rooms which helps keep the costs down (somewhat). If it wasn't for you awesome men, I'm sure I wouldn't be touring as much as I do.

Thanks to all again,
Kadie Lux


Kadie Lux

Aug 14, 2016
Mississauga, GTA, Ontario.
Ottawa rocks. What other areas are SP friendly?

Maybe Kingston people come here...
But Ottawa has enough variety that I don't feel the need to ever travel there.
Yup, I noticed that! Tons and tons of ads flood Ottawa back page... Kingston not as many.
Can you recommend any decent areas of Ottawa for an SP to visit?
I'm going to try out Kanata. But still not familiar with Ottawa yet.
I've only tried the East end last week.


Well-known member
Sep 8, 2001
Hey Kadie. Thanks. You seem like a real sweetheart too. With regard to Montreal I've sampled the escort scene there too off and on, and from a client point of view it's amazing, great girls, tons of variety and low cost. However I suspect the last point makes it less desireable from a provider point of view to tour there. Rates are often much less than in Ontario- good quality agencies often charge less than 200/h. I've seen Montreal girls that regularly travel to Ontario simply because in Montreal "guys want everything, for nothing".
So by all means, if you want to visit and enjoy mi trail, and make some $while there go for it. But realize that you may need to alter your fee structure to be competitive.

Kadie Lux

Aug 14, 2016
Mississauga, GTA, Ontario.
I think if most guys were going to travel they'd head to Montreal over Kingston to be honest.
Makes total sense. Montreal is more exciting for sure! Not sure what SP rates are like there but I've also heard they're a bit lower than most places? Not sure if there's truth to that statement. I just heard it once from a friend.

Would love to tour Montreal one day. I really enjoyed both Ottawa and Kingston and will be back in June! My incall locations are already booked and ready to go! Looking forward to it.
Kingston and Ottawa have some very friendly and amazing men! That's for sure.
They all made my visit so comfortable and entertaining :)

Kadie Lux

Kadie Lux

Aug 14, 2016
Mississauga, GTA, Ontario.
Downtown Ottawa is great. BTW did I mention I live downtown and you're totally up my alley? :)

Hey handsome man! I sent you a nice long PM about Ottawa etc and then it said your message folder is too full :confused: *tear tear*
Empty it and let me know when you have! I'll resend my message babes :D
And thank you!! I have Kanata booked for June 7-10 so hopefully that could also work!
I'll look into coming downtown Ottawa in July. Just need some help picking a good SP friendly hotel down there. Will do some research. PM me when you've made room in your mailbox! :p

Kadie Lux

Hey Kadie. Thanks. You seem like a real sweetheart too. With regard to Montreal I've sampled the escort scene there too off and on, and from a client point of view it's amazing, great girls, tons of variety and low cost. However I suspect the last point makes it less desireable from a provider point of view to tour there. Rates are often much less than in Ontario- good quality agencies often charge less than 200/h. I've seen Montreal girls that regularly travel to Ontario simply because in Montreal "guys want everything, for nothing".
So by all means, if you want to visit and enjoy mi trail, and make some $while there go for it. But realize that you may need to alter your fee structure to be competitive.
Hey babe! Thank you so very much for the wonderful advice. Sorry for the late reply. I'm on quite a few different forums and it gets very busy between postings ads, answering PMs and posting in threads. :)

I guess Montreal wouldn't be for me, work wise. I've visited over 3 times and I LOVE everything about Montreal. And I also love French Canadian men. I really have a huge thing for them!! Ottawa was amazing ;)

Do you hobby in Ottawa ever? I'll be back there in June. You feel free to follow me on twitter or text me and we could keep in touch. Hopefully meet in the near future :)
Thanks for the lovely response babes!!!

Ashley Madison
Toronto Escorts