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OPP roadside Blitz's to end and so long to Cam Woolley


Active member
Jul 19, 2003
Deep within the Forest
I could never figure out why a Sargent was the spokesperson for the Ontario Provincial Police, but Fantino's move to change things up seems a little bazaar. See:


"TORONTO — Ontario's provincial police force will no longer use media-friendly roadside traffic "blitzes" as part of their effort to get dangerous drivers off the road, says OPP Commissioner Julian Fantino.

Instead, provincial police will simply be "unrelenting" in their pursuit of aggressive and irresponsible drivers, Fantino writes in an open letter on the force's website. It is a change in tactic that reflects his tough, no-nonsense approach, but appears to have caught the provincial government off guard.

The blitzes, which target unsafe drivers during busy periods on the province's highways, have long been a central component of the force's media-relations strategy, often taking a breezy, casual and sometimes comic approach that mocks some of the worst offenders.

It's an approach that appears to be cramping Fantino's style.

"There's nothing funny about unsafe motor vehicles or what people do out there to put the public in danger," the commissioner said Thursday in an interview.

He said he doesn't want to hear any more "humorous stories about those who compromise public safety," colourful anecdotes that he complained members of the media tend to focus on.

"I think it trivializes the carnage and the reality of the danger that's out there."

Transportation Minister Donna Cansfield said Thursday the traffic blitzes have been very successful, especially in raising public awareness about the dangers of aggressive driving, and she's worried they won't be as effective without the OPP's participation.

"The public awareness and education has been phenomenal," Cansfield said. "We're really, really supportive of the blitzes. We know they work and are very effective."

Cansfield said her office was not notified about Fantino's decision to put a stop to the blitzes, which she insisted are very helpful in getting unsafe vehicles off the roads.

"The whole idea is prevention," she said. "I mean, you can give somebody a ticket, but if they're dead, it's irrelevant."

Fantino rejected suggestions he was trying to reign in Sgt. Cam Woolley, the gregarious officer and media spokesman whose familiar face and voice have long been a fixture of the roadside blitzes.

"It's not about Sgt. Woolley," said Fantino.

"It's about the OPP's vision going forward, and I'm not criticizing anything that's happened in the past. I'm just telling you the way it's going to be in the future."

Woolley did not immediately return telephone calls Thursday.

The Ontario Safety League, which also participates in the long weekend traffic blitzes, said Thursday it couldn't imagine the OPP would want to lose what they consider a very effective messaging strategy when it comes to public safety.

"The commissioner is probably better informed now, that it's not all about an individual or the OPP," said League president Brian Patterson.

"It's about province-wide messaging on safety."

Patterson said he, for one, likes the light-hearted stories that often come out of the traffic blitzes because they become very effective tools at getting the safety message across.

"I'm a bit of a fan of the quirky comments of the safety blitz weekends. We're fans of Sgt. Woolley's involvement," he said.

"You can't travel on a long weekend in Ontario without hearing a number of safety messages that are a direct result of coordinating those long weekend blitzes."

Patterson said if the blitzes are going to be replaced with a different program, the Safety League wants to make sure authorities can continue to get the safety message out."

Morgan Ellis

Bitchy McBitcherson
jp61 said:
Sgt. Cam Woolley
I read the most bizarre profile of him in a neighbourhood magazine I grabbed outside of the 4 Seasons Yorkville.

Apparently, Sgt. Wooley attended Upper Canada College. He was also mentioned as being the only officer to 'drive his own Bentley to work'.

I dunno, maybe that explains why a Sgt. was the 'face of the OPP'..



Prosopagnosia Sufferer
Jun 19, 2003
Doing laps at the Y
Morgan Ellis said:
I read the most bizarre profile of him in a neighbourhood magazine I grabbed outside of the 4 Seasons Yorkville.

Apparently, Sgt. Wooley attended Upper Canada College. He was also mentioned as being the only officer to 'drive his own Bentley to work'.

I dunno, maybe that explains why a Sgt. was the 'face of the OPP'..

The guy is a clown, and hats off to Fantino to take the comedy out of the OPP. We as taxpayers weren't paying for him to ham it up in front of the cameras.

About 18 months left til his sorry ass can retire.


New member
Feb 8, 2005
pussylicker said:
The guy is a clown, and hats off to Fantino to take the comedy out of the OPP. We as taxpayers weren't paying for him to ham it up in front of the cameras.

About 18 months left til his sorry ass can retire.
Not only that, but every time he was in front of a microphone he was advertising his side business for free (he rents out police, fire, ambulance and other vehciles to TV shows and movies). I never thought he was funny and I am glad that Fantino is giving him the boot. Get your ass back to work Cam.

K Douglas

Half Man Half Amazing
Jan 5, 2005
Room 112
I think the campaign was working under Cam Wooley. True I didn't appreciate his traffic reports on 640 last year when they brought in the HOV lanes, I thought he was better than that. I don't see why everyone is slamming him so much though.
That said I trust Fantino's judgment 100%, he should be mayor!

Papi Chulo

Banned Permanently
Jan 30, 2006
I bet Cam Wooley could not pass the physical tests to enter the force.. I guess years of Timmy's coffee and doughnuts do that to most of them.


Winner of TIE's FIFA Cup
Jun 1, 2006
thank god...

fucking guy was a prick...i hated driving on the 400 series when the blitz were on...can't wait for summer 07....

The Daulfin

New member
May 6, 2006
K Douglas said:
That said I trust Fantino's judgment 100%, he should be mayor!
Really? Try making your way to Caledonia tomorrow where Fantino will be sending out his OPP goon squad to prevent people from exercising their constitutional rights (you know, raising Canadian flags in support of our military dying for freedom abroad). Because of Fantino, there are now lawsuits against the OPP that are going to cost millions to you and I as taxpayers to settle....and you want him to be mayor?!?!?

Stop sniffing the glue.


Active member
Sep 4, 2001
You can debate the merits of both Fantino as well as the blitzes.

But you can't debate poor ole Cam.

He was a joke that didn't serve any useful purpose

The Daulfin

New member
May 6, 2006
As for the blitzes, they were so completely pointless. You already knew the OPP were going to be confined to certain areas so it essentially made everywhere else a police-free zone that only made things worse. The police should just do their jobs all the time instead of only on long weekends....wouldn't that be a novel idea. :rolleyes:


quen es tu papi???
Feb 21, 2002
they all do.. if not they should... it would help keep them in shape....


Active member
Sep 5, 2001
cam was great. the stories he told were just hilarious.

too bad fantino wants to make his mark on the oop by silencing cam and changing the oop car colors. :rolleyes:


Prosopagnosia Sufferer
Jun 19, 2003
Doing laps at the Y
The Daulfin said:
As for the blitzes, they were so completely pointless. You already knew the OPP were going to be confined to certain areas so it essentially made everywhere else a police-free zone that only made things worse. The police should just do their jobs all the time instead of only on long weekends....wouldn't that be a novel idea.
My point exactly. I don't know how many trucks skirt an area when they know there is a truck blitz in progress. And why only long weekends? Rent a wrecks roll down the hwy 24/7. Why May 24 to Thanksgiving? How many rattletraps haul snowmobiles in the winter? How many "winter beaters" show up on the roads? Too many doughnuts and not enough cops.

I saw about 20 small front wheel drive cars pulling snowmobile trailers today, along with small SUVs. They can't see what is behind them, when the trailer is wider than the car, so get them the fark off the hwy.:mad:
Toronto Escorts