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Opinions wanted: "Safe" DATY methods?


New member
Oct 16, 2001
Upper Michigan
I just wanted to get some feedback on this. I was curious what the opinions are on the use dental dams and such items for safe DATY. As far as I know, the majority of people don't employ any such techniques or devices. I guess it just strikes me as strange with so many CBJ's going on that I never hear about it going the other way. I once had a woman I was dating tell me that the use of a lubricant and saran wrap actually provided for a unique sensation. I found it hard to believe it could be so, but I tried it. Although it was a little awkward for me at first, she truly seemed to love it. I've had a couple of SP's tell me that this is their prefered method if it's a concern for whoever they are with. I was just wondering how widespread this is and what the opinions of others are on the subject. Also, what about gloves when it comes to fingers? I've never encountered anyone yet who requires that but I have heard of both SP's who do require it and men who want to wear them. Any opinions would be appreciated. All in the name of curiosity.
Interesting thread! I think we should all recognize though that while Saran wrap might be OK for our sandwiches, it is my understanding that it does nothing to prevent the spread of the nastiest viruses (i.e. HIV). It seems to me that DATY is a risky part of this hobby, but one that most of us willingly accept.

Do we have any members of the medical field on this Board that can clear this up for us?

Remember, even if DATY is potentially risky, that's no excuse to start putting plastic bags over our heads... ;)

Also, please see my new thread...


New member
Oct 16, 2001
Upper Michigan
I agree with you Stoo. The woman I did this with thought it felt good that's why we did it. Different strokes for different folks I guess. That's why I was surprised to hear a couple of SP's say that they used this method. I must say, I'd be quite interested to get a medical opinion on the effectiveness of Saran Wrap. I really don't know. Like I said, I'm just fishing for info and opinions. Thanks for yours Stoo...


Master of Sinanju
Nov 22, 2001
Actually Saran Wrap is considered a safer DATY alternative and it does work. But only for that not in place of a condom.


2nd highest mucky-muck
Aug 17, 2001
Saran wrap??? Gloves??? What's the point then?? I could sit at home, tape some saran wrap to the wall and start licking that!!!! Sorry, I'm in one of those moods..... but i can't imagine using my ski gloves on an SP, actually, i use mittens so it would even be stanger!!!!

Seriously, I understand the risks to a certain extent, but to start putting plastic in place of everything, it does seem kinda pointless to me.... I mean, i take the sandwich out of the saran wrap before eating it!!!

I can imagine, someday, when I run out of saran wrap putting a condom on my tongue as the "poorman's" replacement for saran wrap or a dental dam.


There's nothing like flesh on flesh!!!



Thanks for that, it made me laugh a lot..... But you are made of rubber!!--- you don't need to use saran wrap..... but seriously- I tried the saran wrap thing, and it's really bad. There are condoms for women which you can put over the vagina area, and they work fine, and aren't too intrusive, though you can't feel as much, and you can still use your fingers....

my 2 cents. I am still laughing about gumby's post!!

Diane. :)
I think everyone who is concerned should protect themselves like Leslie Neilson and Prissilla Presley did in Naked Gun. :)

Seriously, far to often we are told to protect ourselves because someone is able to conceive of a risk. Who needs empirical evidence or scientific research?
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New member
Oct 16, 2001
Upper Michigan
Well, so far the opinion seems to be that using anything during DATY is ridiculous. I tend to agree. I don't use anything myself I was just curious about the experiences of others or the practices of individual SP's. I had just read a few mentions of the use of gloves for fingers and got to wondering about the whole protection issue and how seriously some people take it. Thanks for all the opinions.
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New member
Dec 14, 2001
here's a little info....

This is some information that was given to me by the Health Department in my city... some valid information, as far as risks of getting HIV .....
No Risk- abstention, dry kissing, body to body rubbing, massage,
nipple stimuation, using unshared inserted sexual
devices, being masturbated by partner without semen or
vaginal fluids, erotic bathing and showering, contact with
feces or urine on intact skin

Theoretical Risk- wet kissing, fellatio (blowjob, oral stimuation of
penis) with or without condom, cunnilingus
(oral stimuation of vulva and vagina), with
barrier (dental dam), anilingus, digital anal and
digital vaginal intercourse, with or without glove,
using shared but disinfected inserted sexual

Low Risk- sharing non disinfected personal hygiene items (razors,
toothbrushes), cunnilingus without barrier outside
mestruation, fellatio and ejaculation with or without
ingestion of semen (blowjob with or without
swallowing), penile-vaginal intercourse with condom,
penile-anal intercourse with condom

High Risk- penile-vaginal intercourse without condom, penile-anal
intercourse without condom, coitus interruptus
(intercourse with withdrawl before ejaculation)

Hopefully this should clear some things up.....
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The old gods live!
Nov 6, 2001
State of Anarchy

Anal intercourse without a condom is actually in a league/category of its own together with sharing hypodermics when it comes to high-risk activities! Why do you think AIDS exploded first in the gay community and has remained largely there? It's just a politically correct desire not to offend the gay community (an oppressed? minority) which has prompted the Toronto Health Dept. to lump vaginal intercourse in with anal as a risk category! The gay community lobbied furiously, and it would seem successfully, to get AIDS redefined from a gay affliction to a more general one precisely because they knew funding to fight AIDS would be more readily forthcoming if AIDS lost its perception of being a gay man's disease! I wonder what percentage of heterosexual AIDS transmission is actually due to the increasing prevalence of anal sex practices?

There are two reasons why AIDS is so readily transmitted by anal sex. The first is that the anus is not designed to accomodate a penis. The anus thus incurs numerous small tears during intercourse!!! The second is that anal tissue, unlike that of a vagina, actually absorbs fluid ,thus greatly facilitating HIV transmission!
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crumbled cookie

Pagan said:
There are two reasons why AIDS is so readily transmitted by anal sex.

The first is that the anus is not designed to accomodate a penis.

The anus thus incurs numerous small tears during intercourse!!!
I might add also that neither was the penis designed to penetrate the anus and therefore the penis too is liable to suffer from those numerous small tears during intercourse. This is one of the main ways in which the penetrator, (in heterosexual practise the male), contracts the disease from the penetratee, (the female).

Just thought I'd point out that the transmission of disease can go either from m > f or from f > m and so for the male to be infected there must also be an avenue (i.e. penile tears) for admission of the virus. This is another reason for the liberal use of lubrication for such maneuvers.


interesting thread

I may never look at my x-mas coloured saran the same again.i never would have thought to try that,but who knows how long it'll stew in my head before i find the right partner to try this one on.
Speaking as a by woman who has had more girlfriends than guyfriends i have used a dam a few times.the first was for my protection worries and the second so she could try it out.both experiences were with different partners. i have one word for them:p i will only engage in this if i am comfortable with the partner in the first place.i'm not fond of condoms either but a must is a must in that case.doesn't it seem like a double standard Guilty as charged,i like the flesh,mine and hers.

Camera pans out......shot of me..saran cover on my head,red of course,a roll in my mouth and one in each hand "I'm going in boys" ha ha"
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vidi vici veni

Pedantic Lurker
Aug 17, 2001
Across the Rubicon
Pagan said:

Anal intercourse without a condom is actually in a league/category of its own together with sharing hypodermics when it comes to high-risk activities! Why do you think AIDS exploded first in the gay community and has remained largely there? It's just a politically correct desire not to offend the gay community (an oppressed? minority) which has prompted the Toronto Health Dept. to lump vaginal intercourse in with anal as a risk category! The gay community lobbied furiously, and it would seem successfully, to get AIDS redefined from a gay affliction to a more general one precisely because they knew funding to fight AIDS would be more readily forthcoming if AIDS lost its perception of being a gay man's disease! I wonder what percentage of heterosexual AIDS transmission is actually due to the increasing prevalence of anal sex practices?

There are two reasons why AIDS is so readily transmitted by anal sex. The first is that the anus is not designed to accomodate a penis. The anus thus incurs numerous small tears during intercourse!!! The second is that anal tissue, unlike that of a vagina, actually absorbs fluid ,thus greatly facilitating HIV transmission!
I think that you're right that the gay community tried to redefine HIV as a more general problem and that they have largely suceeded in this. However, if HIV transmission were simply and largely due to anal intercourse, what does that say about sexual practices in Africa where infection rates are through the roof in some countries? Thailand too has a terrible problem. No, I think that exercising caution, while a pain, is only sensible. Probably HIV is largely a gay problem only because there is little crossover between the larger sexual community and theirs.

I also don't think that we can feel too put upon by this need for taking care. We've been spoiled. Putting it in a historical context, there were only a few decades when STD's could readily be cured. Before antibiotics, syphillis ("the great pox") could cause insanity and death and gonnorhea ("the clap") was no picnic either. With HIV, we seem to have reverted to a historical norm where protective measures are needed.

Too bad so many of you missed the 60's and the 70's. I've got some good memories of unprotected sex. Hey, age does have some advantages!


The old gods live!
Nov 6, 2001
State of Anarchy
Evidently the widespread presence of open sores from other untreated STDs accounts for the rapidity of the spread of AIDS in parts of Africa. Health standards in Africa in general are not surprisingly well below our own - this despite the fact that our newspapers would have us believe that our health care system right here is in a state of crisis!
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