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Opinions anyone?


New member
Jul 24, 2003
Hi all,
I'm writing a story for Eye Weekly magazine at the moment on possible ways to reform sex work laws, to make it easier and safer for sex workers to do their jobs. Does anyone have a strong opinion on options such as decriminalization, legalization, licensing, or any other modifications to laws such as those regulating brothels (bawdy house), communicating, living off the avails etc. - and how those changes should be implemented?
I'd be especially interested to hear from sex workers, but anyone's opinion is useful.
This will be a very fair, balanced look at what people involved in the industry would like to see happen to the laws in order to make their lives easier. If you'd rather say what you think privately, please email eyeintern@eye.net.


Retired TERB Ass Slapper
Aug 20, 2001
Trolling the Deleted Threads Repository
A really short opinion

Rani said:
Does anyone have a strong opinion on options such as decriminalization, legalization, licensing, or any other modifications to laws such as those regulating brothels (bawdy house), communicating, living off the avails etc. - and how those changes should be implemented?
The key is to ensure that sex workers are working because they want to; not because they're being forced to nor because they need to (no job skills as anything else), but because of their own free will they choose to be in the biz.

I don't think the Canadian goverment will any time soon, decriminalize / licence any sex occupation (SP, MPA etc). Look how closely alcohol sales are regulated in this province. You think sex will get a free ride? Yes I know marijuana is kind of legal now, but try to find a doctor who will be comfortable enough to prescribe it for you.

If ever the laws of the land are changed, the implementation should be straight forward. It used to be illegal to shop on Sundays. The laws changed, people held their breath and ... nothing Bad happened. Families didn't break apart, society didn't suddenly turn to atheism and the world didn't come to an end.
We should have sex workers register with the government for health reasons as well as for their own security in case gangs want to be involved. Yet, if everything related to the sex industry becomes legal, I am sure that the presence of organized crime, gangs and pimps would decrease significantly. It's better too becaue the girls would not be exploited, we can all have safe sex and the prices would go down too ...

Of course, I am only being simplitic and idealistic ...


Jun 3, 2002
The government gets involved and you expect prices to go DOWN?
Sex-Work Legal Reform

Most of us on this board will support the decriminalization of prostitution. It would be nice to have it regulated as well - mandatory health check-ups, etc. - but I don't see that as being realistic. A lot, if not most, of the girls will not want their names in a government database as prostitutes - forever - and they will be marginalized even further, as will the girls who can't cope with anything - e.g., the crackheads.

There's too much stigma on both sides of the blanket to make regulation feasible.

One thing I would like most to see can be done without any changes in the law at all ... a crackdown on street-pimps. We're always reading about the cops stinging the Johns ... why don't we read more about them stinging the Pimps?

Have a cop stand on a street corner, as usual, but this time go with a John when approached. Bust him away from the corner, if it's so necessary to make an arrest. Then go back and see if, eventually, the cop is approached by a pimp. Bust him for extortion.

More dangerous than busting a John, but a lot more useful.


New member
Aug 22, 2001
Downtown Toronto

Hey... Good Morning, welcome to the board. I hope you find the opinions here useful. I am looking forward to reading your write up. Maybe I'll put something together later and e-mail to you. In the mean time everybody... Rani is here at my suggestion... so please be nice to her and help out with your opinions etc. Thanks in advance to all who contribute.
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