Ontario schools exempt Muslim students from Remembrance day


Mar 17, 2003
Lest only some of us forget ? This is offensive.

It’s Remembrance Day. But not for everyone. The Greater Essex County District School Board in Ontario circulated an e-mail to the 75 schools it runs in places like Windsor and Leamington. The memo says teachers should be prepared to exempt Muslim students from Remembrance Day.

“Some families may be reluctant to have their children attend your location municipality’s ceremonies. Please note that meaningful alternate activities should be provided at the schools for those families who do not wish their children to participate in any Remembrance Day ceremonies.”

In case you were wondering which families they might be referring to, the school board didn't say specifically but pointed teachers to two Muslim-themed websites, including the story about the first Muslim soldier in the Canadian Forces who wore a hijab, an Islamic head covering.

But Remembrance Day is a central part of Canada. It remembers our history, and the men and women who fought and died to keep us free. It is not a dark day, an embarrassing day, a racist day or a day of shame.

It is a day of remembering why we are free, and what we stand for, and who sacrificed to make us this way.

It’s not a religious day, like Christmas. It’s a day for everyone.

It’s a disgrace that any family would object to it – especially an immigrant family who came here to benefit from our country. It would call into question the basis on which they applied for and were granted citizenship.

And even if some old bigot from a backwoods village in Pakistan or Somalia doesn’t want to respect Canada, that’s where our schools come in and teach those bigots’ kids and grandkids what it means to be Canadian.

It’s insulting that either parents or the school board thinks Remembrance Day is in any way anti-Muslim. Canada fought in the Boer War against Afrikaaners, the First World War against Germans, the Second World War against Germans and Italians and Japanese. We fought against North Korea. What on earth could possibly be objectionable to a Muslim family about any of that?

Could you imagine if a German or Japanese family objected? The obvious question would be: Do you think Hitler or Mussolini or Hirohito were right? That’s the implication of Muslim families objecting to Remembrance Day -- that we were wrong.

Or maybe it’s that we are wrong today. Because if you look at all the recent wars and military missions Canada has done, it’s all been in Muslim lands.

To protect Muslims in Kosovo. To protect Muslims in Kuwait. To protect Muslims in Afghanistan, especially Muslim girls who weren’t even allowed to go to school. To stop the Islamic State terrorists from butchering everyone around them.

One hundred and fifty-eight Canadians died trying to liberate the hellhole of Afghanistan from the Taliban.

If I were a Muslim immigrant, I would sing O Canada extra loud. I wouldn’t just wear a poppy. I’d be out on the street selling them. I would be thanking Allah that such a generous and open and loving and giving country as Canada not only tried to fix their failed states, but has let in close to a million Muslims, half since 9/11.

What kind of school board sends around a memo allowing children to be exempt from Remembrance Day ceremonies, just weeks after terrorist murders of two Canadian Forces soldiers, including one standing guard at the war memorial?

I’ve started a petition to the school board. I chose the website’s name carefully: www.LoveItOrLeave.ca.


black booty lover

Well-known member
Oct 21, 2007
This is an absolute disgrace and I'll be signing your petition. The school board should be hanging there heads in shame.

just signed and also posted on facebook.


Well-known member
Dec 2, 2009
Political correctness has gone too far. It makes me want to puke when I read shit like this. And then some ignorant asshole will call you a racist for not being sensitive to these immigrants and refugees. We were nice enough to let them into our country so the least they can do is accept certain traditions that are Canadian, if not get the fuck out.

black booty lover

Well-known member
Oct 21, 2007
I've already posted the link on facebook, but the above article seems to state that the intention was more of a safety concern in regards to the shooting in Ottawa and parents being on edge about letting there kids go to municipal services because of this, and doesn't actually say anything about muslim's.

Hopefully the truth will come out in next few hours and in the mean time, I'll to delete my facebook post.


Active member
Sep 22, 2010
What a bullshit excuse by the school board, "some kids might be afraid to attend due to the shooting" of Cpl. Nathan Cirillo. Attending Remembrance day for all students has more meaning than ever as the record smashing crowd who showed up at the memorial in Ottawa showed. I can't think of a better way to educate kids. They should be a little afraid to understand the sacrifice and what it means to fight for their freedom. We were all raised to fear war that I think is a good lesson. We know what side of the fence the Globe stands on.

black booty lover

Well-known member
Oct 21, 2007
What a bullshit excuse by the school board, "some kids might be afraid to attend due to the shooting" of Cpl. Nathan Cirillo. Attending Remembrance day for all students has more meaning than ever as the record smashing crowd who showed up at the memorial in Ottawa showed. I can't think of a better way to educate kids. They should be a little afraid to understand the sacrifice and what it means to fight for their freedom. We were all raised to fear war that I think is a good lesson. We know what side of the fence the Globe stands on.
This maybe, but it still says nothing about muslims. Seem like it was directed at all the kids.


Well-known member
I completely agree with the sentiment, but i really wish I had not clicked on the SUN link.Ezra Levant is a bigot of the largest proportions.His ideas and misinformation campaign about climate change is both sad and self destructive.I went to love it or leave it.ca.What was not pointed out is that Ezra the oil whore is hawking T-shirts and VIP tickets to his next cult session.Like everything else the SUN produces , you only got half of the story.


Well-known member
Full text of the Memo

Tuesday, November 11, 2014 is Remembrance Day. Remembrance Day (also known as Poppy Day or Armistice Day) is a memorial day observed in Commonwealth countries since the end of World War I to remember those who have served and sacrificed as a member of the armed forces. The 11 day of November recalls the end of hostilities of World War I on that date in 1918 "at the 11th hour of the 11th day of the 11th month".

The red remembrance poppy has become a familiar symbol of Remembrance Day due to the poem "In Flanders Fields". Poppies bloomed across some of the worst battlefields of Flanders in World War I; their brilliant red colour an appropriate symbol for the blood spilled in the war. Veterans Affairs Canada states that the date is of "remembrance for the men and women who have served, and continue to serve our country during times of war, conflict and peace"; specifically, the First and Second World Wars, the Korean War, and all conflicts since then in which members of the Canadian Forces have participated, including international peace-keeping missions.

Some schools may have their own school assemblies while others may choose to participate in the ceremonies of their local municipalities such as the Windsor Cenotaph. Please be mindful that some families may be reluctant to have their children attend your location municipality’s ceremonies. Please note that meaningful alternate activities should be provided at the schools for those families who do not wish their children to participate in any Remembrance Day ceremonies.

Please find attached some images that reflect Canada’s diverse military and to honour those families who are, and have been our allies in conflicts that we as a nation, have participated.

There is also a DVD created by Mary Catherine Langlois that was sent out last week for your consideration.

Remembrance Day is a wonderful ‘teachable moment’ – and the Canadian War Museum has lots to offer with resources that are reflective of our Canadian nation – and our equally diverse local population. http://www.warmuseum.ca/cwm/education/toolkit/kitcollections_e.shtml

Other links:

http://madpadre.blogspot.ca/2009/05/canadian-muslim-soldier-guides-faithful.htm [Editor’s note: This is a dead link. Cached version of the page is available here.]





If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact our office.

What a terrible human being that man is.......nothing about Muslim children's parents wanting to be excluded from the ceremonies.More Sun propaganda.On a totally unrelated note, do yourself a favour and do some research on the Nazi's and their propaganda program this Rememberance Day.See how half stories work now?

seth gecko

Well-known member
Nov 2, 2003
What's disgusting is the ignorance and intolerance that Canada is being guided into by opportunistic "journalists" more interested in making a buck than reporting facts. Also a self-serving government that manipulates 2 tragic incidents, perpetrated by unstable individuals, into part of the GWOT to further their own agenda. The schoolboard memo makes ZERO reference to anyone objecting to Remembrance Day - Mr Levant came up with that gem on his own, and spun it into an anti-Muslim tirade. The petition should be for Mr. Levant to recant his bigotry and report facts, not speculations.


serial onanist
Feb 1, 2012
argle bargle. muzzies are all evul. Here iz moar evudence. It iz from Ezra Levant, it must be true.
Ezra Levant is a clown, the story is bogus, and you are an asshole for yet again giving voice to your flailing Islamophobia with some jingoistic bullshit petition. Are you sure it is Canada you love so much? You sound like a fucking American. Hang your own goddamned head in shame.
Last edited:


Mar 17, 2003
"Quote Originally Posted by LickRus
argle bargle. muzzies are all evul. Here iz moar evudence. It iz from Ezra Levant, it must be true."

Ezra Levant is a clown, the story is bogus, and you are an asshole for yet again giving voice to your flailing Islamophobia with some jingoistic bullshit petition. Are you sure it is Canada you love so much? You sound like a fucking American. Hang your own goddamned head in shame.
I never posted the above , its FAKE you MADE IT UP, you added my name to make it look like I posted it , you're malicious and a dirty liar. You also shouldn't be insulting Americans either for no reason. I'm forwarding the link to the Mods, idiots like you shouldn't be allowed to get away with this kind of garbage.


Well-known member
"Quote Originally Posted by LickRus
argle bargle. muzzies are all evul. Here iz moar evudence. It iz from Ezra Levant, it must be true."

I never posted the above , its FAKE you MADE IT UP, you added my name to make it look like I posted it , you're malicious and a dirty liar. You also shouldn't be insulting Americans either for no reason. I'm forwarding the link to the Mods, idiots like you shouldn't be allowed to get away with this kind of garbage.You also cost me T-shirt money and VIP tickets to my cult sessions.I wuz gonna make me more bigot kool aid n everything.You dun ruined it !!!!!!!!!GRRRRRRRRR!!!! ERZA smash!!!!!
Agreed.Nobody123 is a bad man.....for shame sir...for shame...


CanBarelyRe Member
Aug 18, 2001
What a bullshit excuse by the school board, "some kids might be afraid to attend due to the shooting" of Cpl. Nathan Cirillo. Attending Remembrance day for all students has more meaning than ever as the record smashing crowd who showed up at the memorial in Ottawa showed. I can't think of a better way to educate kids. They should be a little afraid to understand the sacrifice and what it means to fight for their freedom. We were all raised to fear war that I think is a good lesson. We know what side of the fence the Globe stands on.
Utter crap happ! Everyone of the 50,000 plus who went up to the War Memorial in Ottawa went by choice, you're demanding schoolboards compel students to attend. How ironic that they'd be forced to listen to eulogies for those who died to 'preserve the freedom we all enjoy'. No better way to convince them the establishment and government are hypocrites or worse and get the wee ones started on a radical rebellious path.

But it's cause for hope that you recognize responsible (if belated) reportiing of factual truth and the divide between that and the Sun's bigotry whether disguised as news or excused as opinion. Question being why you think it's worthwhile stuff to post here. But then you have made it pretty clear your side of the fence is all you want to hear about.


Well-known member
Jun 28, 2013
Utter crap happ! Everyone of the 50,000 plus who went up to the War Memorial in Ottawa went by choice, you're demanding schoolboards compel students to attend. How ironic that they'd be forced to listen to eulogies for those who died to 'preserve the freedom we all enjoy'. No better way to convince them the establishment and government are hypocrites or worse and get the wee ones started on a radical rebellious path.

But it's cause for hope that you recognize responsible (if belated) reportiing of facts and truth and the divide between that and the Sun's bigotry disguised as news and excused as opinion. Question being why you think it's worthwhile stuff to post here, but then you have made it pretty clear your side of the fence is all you want to hear about.

I fought for your freedom!! So I could force you to honour me!!!

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