The One Spa

Ont Liberal's Plan to tax lottery & casino

Should Ontario Government impose a tax on lottery and casino winnings

  • Yes, tax lottery winnings

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Yes, tax casino winnings

    Votes: 4 7.8%
  • Yes, tax both lottery and casino winnings

    Votes: 5 9.8%
  • No, do not tax lottery and casino winnings

    Votes: 42 82.4%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .

Mr. K

"I'm lovin' it!"
Sep 26, 2003
Durham Region
The Ontario Liberal's are planning to impose a tax on lottery and casino winnings. Talk about a slippery slope...

I am sure the Liberal's have exact figures on just how much money they can generate from this little tax grab. Since I didn't win money either way is doesn't directly effect me, but still it pisses me off - especially when Dalton trots out the old 'Health Care' line.

If you really want to save tax money for health care, reduce the number of publicly funded school systems in this province from two to one. Just imagine the savings when you reduce all of these bloated school administrations to one school board!


New member
Sep 30, 2003

what are they going to do with the revenue? Get the Senators a goalie? Get the Leafs a younger, less geriatric, team?


missing 400 or so
Jan 27, 2002
Mr. K said:
If you really want to save tax money for health care, reduce the number of publicly funded school systems in this province from two to one. Just imagine the savings when you reduce all of these bloated school administrations to one school board!
Actually, if you wanted to truly save money you'd move to a voucher system and make schools compete for the tax dollars through the act of luring students for your programs. Of course, the public board as it is now has become so bloated in futile bureaucracy that it would *never* survive such a blow (it barely gets by competing on even ground against one board for money). So there's your answer: cut funding to the public school board!



More Than U Want Me to Be
"Sin" tax is pretty standard

Our governments are reknowned for the application of "sin" taxes - cigarettes, alcohol, etc.

Part of the reason is that these cause an extra burden on the services and systems paid for by taxes - primarily police and health care.

Income has always been the main source of tax. Is there some reason that Casino and Lottery winnings should not be considered income?

We clearly do not have enough tax dollars to provide the services and maintain the "social safety net" that keeps most of us living here. Where do you suggest it come from if not income?

And, before you ask, I and most of us in the trade, pay taxes. No one can, or should, live off the grid. I also play CRAPS.


Jan 21, 2002
I always thought that lotteries and casinos were an indirect tax as the Provincial government benefitted from the revenues in any event.

It would be a tax on a tax. It should not happen.

Keebler Elf

The Original Elf
Aug 31, 2001
The Keebler Factory
I was under the impression that the taxes were already paid by the lottery corporation and what is advertised is the after-tax amount. I think the lotteries will be mucho-pissed b/c the gov't already takes a cut of the profits. IMO, an advertised lottery of $30 million is a hell of a lot more attractive than a $15 million one and I'd probably play less.


More Than U Want Me to Be
Geez, if that is true ...

Keebler, and taxes are pre-paid, then I change my vote.

Taxing the net after tax amount is inappropriate.


Ovature, light the lights
Nov 13, 2003
I would think that the basic idea behind initially NOT taxing winnings is that in order to win one must put money up. Does it then follow that if the liberals are going to tax the winnings will we be able to write off our losses? That would make an interesting tax return lol


Active member
Aug 23, 2001
Keebler is right. I heard on thw news today that of the 2.2 billion in winnings, the govt got 1.3 billion of it....


Lost IN the Shwa
Aug 20, 2001
Re: "Sin" tax is pretty standard

LeatherDoll said:
Our governments are reknowned for the application of "sin" taxes - cigarettes, alcohol, etc.

Part of the reason is that these cause an extra burden on the services and systems paid for by taxes - primarily police and health care.

Income has always been the main source of tax. Is there some reason that Casino and Lottery winnings should not be considered income?

We clearly do not have enough tax dollars to provide the services and maintain the "social safety net" that keeps most of us living here. Where do you suggest it come from if not income?

And, before you ask, I and most of us in the trade, pay taxes. No one can, or should, live off the grid. I also play CRAPS.
Let see, we do not have enough dollars and ergo, the government needs more? Oh boy, do people like Dalton McGuinty love you. I think the greatest problem the government has is not a revenue problem, they have a SPENDING problem. Everyone got tired of Ernie Eves and Mike Harris and all the bitching and carping and whining, but at least they said they were going to cut taxes and balance the budget, and they did it. They told us the unions were going to holler and whine and they did. Dalton seems to put a trial balloon every week on ways to chisel a few more dollars out our pockets and no one seems to see it his way. looking at the poll on this thread, this one seems like a non starter too.

Lets face the facts. 50% of Ontario's budget is for the Health Care system. Well over 20 BILLION dollars a year. You think about this long and hard. This number increased EVERY year under Mike Harris and Eves, so how is it the Libreals are going to do anything more but spend more? Education also went up, despite the whining of the teacher's unions. No one ever seems to understand, save Harris that maybe it is time to examine how money is SPENT and USED. You cannot tell me there is tons of cash wasted somewhere in the system. Harris didn't find it because he figured if he just told hospitals and the like to cut out waste, they would find it. It didn't really happen because in the end, hospitals need to operate. So we have a spending problem, and Dalton cant find a way to raise taxes without actually saying he is raising taxes because the bonehead like all Libreals just cannot admit they don't have a clue on how the economy works.

Let me make it simple Dalton. You own the lotteries, you take most of the money if not all from the Casino's. Now you want to take the money off of winnings as another form of Income tax. Let me see...mmmm other than the odd big winner, who are you taking money from? Some grandma who won 1000 bucks at bingo? Maybe some hard working trucker who won 100 bucks at a slot? How much? Is it really going to amount to much? The answer is of course is you are taxing poor schmucks stupid enough to think gambling is a way to get rich, you are not going to net much, and after making 2.2 billion off of the Lottery Corp an the proceeds of gambling, how is 200 million more going to really make a huge difference? Not to mention kill border casinos as the Yanks only come over to our side because the IRS cant get them. Dalton, the longer you go on, the worse you look, and I thought you were a village idiot in the right place at the right time as it was last election.....

Mr. K

"I'm lovin' it!"
Sep 26, 2003
Durham Region
Come on and vote!

Out of 172 views (as I write this) we only got 33 votes? Come on, you must have an opinion, even if it is only to vote one way or the other.

Gord's Bro

Don said:
Keebler is right. I heard on thw news today that of the 2.2 billion in winnings, the govt got 1.3 billion of it....
Keebler and Don are both right. As one who has contributed more than my fair share to Casino Rama, I realize that the government is lining its (and I guess yours and my) pockets everytime I play. Damn, now it wants more????

Seems like a tax on a tax, for sure.

G's B.

The Shake

Winner (with a capital W)
Feb 3, 2004
Re: Re: "Sin" tax is pretty standard

Bearlythere said:
Everyone got tired of Ernie Eves and Mike Harris and all the bitching and carping and whining, but at least they said they were going to cut taxes and balance the budget, and they did it.
Except for the fact that they really didn't balance the budget all that often. Rather than actually addressing the problem by matching revenue with spending (either by raising taxes or cutting spending), the Tories "balanced" the budget through one-time asset sell-offs (such as the 407) and by hiding expenditures through accounting tricks (such as the cost of the Hydro cap during the final year of their mandate). During their two terms of power, the Tories only had a legitimate balanced budget (where actual revenue exceeded actual spending) once. They are hardly the fiscally prudent managers that they like to portray themselves as.

No one ever seems to understand, save Harris that maybe it is time to examine how money is SPENT and USED.
Re-examining the role of government was actually part of the Liberal platform. While the cynic in me suggests that they won't be anymore effective at it than the Tories were, its a worthy goal. We need to decide, collectively, what sort of programs the government should and should not be in the business of delivering.

You cannot tell me there is tons of cash wasted somewhere in the system.
Really? Where?

Everyone likes to think that there are bunch of fat, lazy bureaucrats wasting our money, but that really isn't the case.

Is some money wasted? Yes. Is any amount of waste, theft, or inefficiency acceptable? No. Would eliminating all three (which is unlikely, as it occurs in any large organization, private or public) solve the structural deficit that we face? Without a shadow of a doubt, no.

Doctors cost money. Teachers cost money. Roads cost money. Delivering the services that our government provides costs money. The Tories hacked away at the civil service and then, because the work still needed to be done, spent a fortune paying consultants to do what government employees used to do.

The only solution is to cut services or raise revenues. Most of our spending is in health care and education, and the public has made it clear that they do not want further cuts in either of those areas. So, I ask, where would you cut?

So we have a spending problem, and Dalton cant find a way to raise taxes without actually saying he is raising taxes
I completely agree. While I don't have huge problem with a lottery-winnings tax, its part of a cowardly trend that this government is setting. Rather than trying to make hard decisions about revenue or spending, they're ducking and dodging, hoping that a flurry of little tax-grabs and minor-cuts will somehow get them out of the mess that the Tories left behind.

because the bonehead like all Liberals just cannot admit they don't have a clue on how the economy works.

Making silly statements like that just undermines some of the interesting points you made in your argument.

First, you are confusing economic policy with fiscal policy (and a government's ability/inability to manage either). The government (especially a provincial one) is but one player in the economy. For example, Harris liked to brag that his tax cuts were responsible for Ontario's boom in the late 90's. Although tax cuts likely played a role, the low Canadian dollar (a Federal responsibility), and the booming American economy (particularly with auto sales) were far more important to Ontario's success.

Second, you're clinging to the clearly debunked myth that Conservative governments are better fiscal managers than Liberal governments are. That simply isn't true. Although Harris did cut income taxes, user fees (which are still taxes, just far more regressive) spiraled during his years in power, and our infrastructure (particularly in education and municipal services) was left to crumble.

This is not to suggest that Ontario would have been better off had the Tories not been elected in 1995. They made some excellent decisions and some really awful ones. Its just silly - and wrong - to continue to suggest that they were great fiscal managers. They weren't.

The Fruity Hare

Well-known member
Dec 4, 2002
In the U.K. the lottery is fairly new. They actually advertise which hospitals or other charity causes are benefitting directly from the lottery sales. This way you can see your hard earned/easily spent lottery money at work.
We buy tickets/gamble with money that has already been taxed by provincial and federal governments. As someone has already asked, will they allow tax deductions on non-winng tickets? This money is going straight to the government coffers where they may spend it as they see fit.

mr. x

Aug 17, 2001
if they are going to tax these things as income, then they should also allow us to deduct losses as a business expense!

what really galls me here is that with the lotteries, only half of what they take in is paid out in winnings - so if they tax the winnings, it means that you will only see 25 cents of every dollar spent! on top of that, many charities rely on lotteries - if sales of these lotteries drop, will the province spend more on health care/hospitals/research? nope!

frankly, if we want fair taxes and want the services we have to continue, then the only solution is to increase income taxes - which are the fairest taxes. increase license fees and user fees (like for camping in provincial parks) only hurts those least available to pay it.


New member
Apr 10, 2002
what you don't know..

What most people do not realize is that buying lottery tickets are already taxed. You just don't see it. It is built into the $1 ticket.
Sorry if this is not relevant to the thread.


New member
Oct 22, 2002
42.55.65N 78.43.73W
Like Rush said "they never met a tax they did not like"


Lost IN the Shwa
Aug 20, 2001
Ok Shake, I will buy some of your argument. I still stand by what I said though that the Libreal Party of Ontario under Peterson, and it seems under McGuinty still doesn't understand how the economy works. McGuinty only sees the problem as a revenue one, and if he can directly tax/raise user fees to solve his problem, he figures that will be enough. There is no examination of the system being undertaken ( by the system, take education, name it ).

You say Harris sold off everything to balance the budget, and I wont disagree he made some dumb sells there ( 407 anyone? ) but I will say there is waste in the system. I say this because once upon a time I worked for the Province. I saw the waste. I saw it in unproductive work days being put in by people making great money protected by a civil service union and cheating the taxpayers. That part of the gov't was sold off to MPAC and a friend who works there now says a lot of the old guys from the Ministry of Revenue days are put out they have to work a hell of a lot more and show for their time. I think there is waste in any multimillion dollar bureaucracy where the unions have drawn a firm line against change and the management level is more concerned about either covering their own ass or getting to the next level.
Another source I have in the Ministry of Health told me that under Harris, it was the first time anyone in her department ( PR for the Minsiter) was forced to examine their job and show the output for the money. People didn't like it. I have worked in the private sector, and I have worked for at one point 3 different levels of goverment. Out of the 3, the Province was the worst for wasting money for I know as a contract worker, I looked around, and realized I was being hired to do work that the regulars should have been doing and were not doing. I don't see Dalton fighting with the Unions right now, so you can be there is no examination of how things could be made efficient.

For the last 10 years health costs have skyrocketed, and the only corresponding things that grew in those 10 years were the lineups and the picket lines. I suspect in a few other ministries, the waste is just the to make a long story short, ( and something you and I both agree on Shake) We don't want Dalton taking more of our money......


Lost IN the Shwa
Aug 20, 2001
PS, I say he doesn't understand the economy, because like most center to Left politicians, they think of Government as the source of the economy and that public money will drive it. It is I think however providing the most for the least that does attract business and puts money in the economy for money in the private sector and in the hands of people who make the money is what creates GNP and creates wealth. Government is a parasitic drag on the economy, as well as laws, and Harris seemed to understand that. Eves...well lets just say I saw him losing big time and I kind of hoped Dalton would get the big picture when he got elected. This government by trial balloon is just a joke.


New member
Mar 23, 2002
Seems like a silly idea to me. Gambling is already a cash cow for the government, a good portion of the money gained from taxing winnings will just be lost due to decreased gambling revenue. I know I wouldn't go to the casino if I knew that on the rare occasions I win money rather than lose it I was going to get taxed. For most gamblers all their winnings combined never even cover their loses. Tax winnings and you make it even harder to break even let alone come out ahead, thereby taking away many peoples incentive to gamble.

With the lottery the prize amount definately has influences whether people buy tickets and how many tickets they buy. Cut the prize amounts in half due to taxation and sales are just going to drop. The government would have to have to take a smaller cut of the sales revenue so the lotto corporation could pay out bigger prizes just to keep ticket sales stable. The government should keep their greedy hands off winnings and just keep raking in all the $$$$$$ from gambling revenues. Don't risk killing the goose that layed the golden egg.
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