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On Line Dating


Active member
Feb 15, 2003
hey bro,

Read your post on an older thread about on-line dating/personals etc. You've had some success, any advise?

PROFILE (ours): short/long
APPROACH (ours): soft/sweet, fun/cocky, thug
PICS (ours): suit & tie, casual, sporty, totally buff with junk hanging out

Asking because running small business, taking care of kids from ex-gf. Anyway I can stream-line and save time much appreciated!

much thanks,


Just posted a personnel message I got.... won't ID sender - but thought it would make an interesting topic.

Well here's my own experience - Had an affair with someone who I thought was the love of my life - lasted 8 years.... then ended.

So literally blitzed dating sites and went on a ton of dates....this was for about a two year span. The ladies on POF were really bad - that I experienced. Had idealized notions and were unrealistic.

Went to some of the racier sites and in one of them actually met a girl who super clicked with me. We went out for a year. Then she got really serious and was going the marriage route. I didn't trust her intentions, though.... thought they were a bit financially based. Thought she was great to date, but not serious - so I broke it off.

I started dating or just going out with a ton of girls - mostly known through work after that. Had a great time with them, and consider them as my friends. But really SUPER MIS-READ one, who I thought of as a friend, but she was way more serious. I regretted it could have clicked and worked out.

Then out of the blue I got picked up by a woman. Been with her year and half. Trouble is she is married, and extremely possessive. i.e I am all hers and can't think of other women etc.

Now I met someone way young - but perfect girl except for age difference. We have a super secret thing going on a regular escape. Which I don't want to discuss. It's private.

Now the married woman I am with has put me through some really tough mental challenges. I do realize it is not in my best interest to be with her forever, but every time I try to break it off, she overwhelms me. I know she loves me very intensely. And hence it is hard to break it off with someone who has great possibilities and loves you. But logistics get in the way for me.

I know for my own good I really should be looking for someone else - but I DON"T HAVE THE WILLPOWER TO GO THROUGH THAT DATING PROCESS AGAIN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Reasons: you have to really go through a lot of dates and potential dates to meet someone suitable for yourself. In the process I had so many dates I was glad to say good night to and escape.

What you write- be honest - ask what you are really looking for. Myself - I put sex was important, however more imnportant to me was meeting that special person.

Now strangely enough I met the woman I went a year on a sex site - we just ended up being pretty right for each other for that time.

I wouldn't put any pics up..... they can wind up indarnest places. They are for I think private e mails... i.e. I can send you my pic.

Another thing.... I think I really do better face to face in real life than on line. My advice is get someone social... like a ski club, curling club whatever and just hang out with women as friends. You get to know people and who you actually do hit it off with.

IThis is wierd but I actually met some nice women in a Nursing Home while visiting a relative. They were of course daughters and workers.

On Line dating - find you have to commit a lot of time..... sort through sales pitches to real person. I found had to go through tons just to meet one.

Oh an along the will get some difficult situations. Like I went on initial meeting with a girl that was super young.... and not that great looking, but a really nice person. It just wasn't going to happen, but she said she was rejected so many times she was really depressed. You of course have to try and help that person along.



Active member
Feb 15, 2003

So I gave you my views. On line requires a lot of time and effort. I just prefer the real life.

Where am I at now - well really messy. The woman I had the 8 year affair with now wants to start another. I think just because she knows me and is comfortable.

I honestly don't know what to do with the one year plus affair. Every time I think of ending it she overpowers me - mostly with her love. However - it is an affair after all!

The young lady who I see occasionally - strangely enough is my angel from heaven. Everything is perfect. Except for our ages.

Haven't really seen any SP's for quite a while now. Had a super girl I saw for 5 years as well - and feel kinda bad not seeing her.

Realistically..... I know I should start looking. But I am just not ready for the process. So hopefully I will just meet someone. Seems the harder you try the more futile your efforts...... then out of the blue you just meet someone when you least expect it.

Bottom line - One might say I've seen a lot of women. However - haven't found THE ONE. Frustrating because of life's circumstances. Am actually finally ready to commit, but I don't think that will ever happen - so I am just going along my present path because you do have to be thankful for what you do have.

Strangely enough - best thing I've got is that part time occasional young lady. At least I've got occasional - and its a huge thing for me. Its perfect. Don't know what I'd do without her.

As far as on line - I had more dates than I can remember, but hardly any one that I hit it off with. And I spend an inordinate amount of time online dating.

Hope anything I might have said gives you tips on how you may proceed. Good luck.

It's a jungle out there.

On line dating - spent a ton of time at it before - ain't rushing to go back.
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