Olympic hockey is total BS

Hard Idle

Active member
Jan 15, 2005
North York
As with Salt Lake, the format of this tournament stinks. What's the point of a tournament where 5 of the 8 games mean nothing? This is just a marketing event which gives high profile non-performers a second roll of the dice.

The two undefeated teams, Finland & Slovakia, should get a bye to the Semifinals. Instead, they get the same lottery ticket as a couple of teams with loosing records - USA & Czech Rep - teams who should be going home. Canada & Sweden haven't really played well enough to deserve a berth in the playoffs either.

Who else gets second chances like that in the Olympics? A skier or a skater falls down - too bad, try again in 4 years. But here, a 5-1 team can be out of the medals, while a 5-4 team could win a bronze!

This was the case in 2002 as well. Frankly, Canada didn't really play well until the final; two games - one of those was againsrt BELARUS - which is by far the luckiest gift anybody ever got in the history of international sports.

If this kind of crap is the price of having NHL & NBA players in the Olympics, then I say do away with it. There is no way that a squad with more than one loss should be able to do any better than Bronze - even if it means an embarassing result for a marque team.


Active member
Aug 23, 2001
Don't slam the Olympics now after we lost. Looks bad. Like when some US sports writer was complaining about NHL players in the Olympics after the US tied Latvia and we were all over him for whining.


I should be banned.
Sep 3, 2005
anybody that didn't think todays game wasn't exciting, doesn't know hockey

It was a fun game to watch


I should be banned.
Sep 3, 2005
langeweile said:
Get over it guys..it takes more than a bunch of superstars to form a team...
It was a team made up of liberals and ndp'ers

Muslim coaching with a jewish trainer and an immigrant stick boy :D

Hard Idle

Active member
Jan 15, 2005
North York
QUOTE=boffo]One game knock outs don't produce best teams.

No, but that's the Olympics for everyone else.

Personally, I favour the old World Championship format - no groups, just the top 8 teams - one time around, no ties - final standings determine the medals, But of course, if any two of Russia, Canada & USA are out of contention early, viewers are less interested, and sponsors are less interested. That's what drives the current format.

I'm glad Canada & the US are out, they really shouldn't have been in a position to play for a medal to begin with. But the Czechs are going through after a 3-3 record while the Slovaks will get squat after one loss, it seems. that can't be right.
Ashley Madison
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