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OK...Need some advice...


New member
Nov 18, 2003
Gentlemen, and, hopefully, Ladies;

I would be interested in your input here.

As background, I have seen the same SP for about 10+ years...pretty much exclusively. Call me boring or whatever, but that is just my style..she has been out of the public eye by choice for at least 6 years.

Anyway, her life has moved on, and for that I applaud her. So, I am now looking for my next ten year relationship.

I have tried a few ladies that you gentlemen have recommended (highly I might add) and found one that had promise. After one 30 minute visit with this particular girl. I saw a glimmer of hope. Right physically, and right in terms of connection (or at least I thought).

So, we meet once last week(1/2 hour...I'm sort of fishing, yet out of practise with someone new)....all good, and I ask her if she would like to meet again. The answer is yes, and, oh, by the way, recommend me to your friends and for stags etc....OK

I call again for Tuesday of this week, and we agree to a 6:00PM appointment. I did say I would phone to confirm or change depending on when I could get out of work (my ability to leave work is unpredictable).

So, at about 5:15 I start calling to confirm...Voice Mail...Leave message...No Answer...OK...So I'm there(out of my way)...Do I ring the doorbell??....I agonize for a bit and do. She answers...and seems resigned to getting this done..."Is this a bad time?" I ask..."Well yes...a family member is here losing it" (to paraphrase). "OK",I say, "maybe we should rebook". "Yes, do you want a morning appointment?" "No I can't" (All paraphrased , but all true..I had an early meeting)

So...for those keeping score...Stood up once....

So, here it is Wednesday...

She leaves me a message at about 1:34PM "PLease call"
I'm thinking..."that's yesterdays message" (see previous paragraph, where she never called me back!)...but I digress...
So, I call her at 5:18 and leave her a message..."How about 6:00?"
She calls me back...I answer...and I quote..."6:00 is not good for about 6:30 or 7:00?"
I had another appointment at 7:00...but I am really horny, so I ask if I can call back, as I am now going to have to see if I can delay my meeting. "Sure...but I am on break...make sure you leave a message" an idiot, I change plans, and am able to do an idiot, I call and say 6:30 is now good. This was about 5:55. She asks if she can call me back. No call. I am at the point of no return...I either head home, or I head to her place, being that it is about 6:00. I leave a message (keeping in mind she had told me 'leave a message'.) About 6:20, I started calling her number, I will admit, about 4 times.

Finally, I leave a message that I would be interested in a 9:00AM appointment tomorrow (Thursday), and if she could confirm.

HERES THE KICKER---She calls me back and suddenly says that her Mom is in the Hospital and that I'm "freaking her out" with all these calls...and to please lose her number and never call her again(!?!)....I never knew, nor did she ever express this to me previously. Yet she could posibly be my new regular based on her looks and service.

Do I pursue, or give up....
And if I pursue, how I do I do so without seeming like some kind of creep?


PS...Any recommendations of slim ladies, don't need boobs, don't need pretty face....just slim...they are all gorgeous to me! would be appreciated!


Senior Member
Jun 25, 2005
This post is a mess. Clean it up, delete all irrelevent info., get to the point, and maybe we can help. :)


New member
Nov 18, 2003

Sorry Yeet...didn't mean for it to be a mess...

Basic Story:
Met Girl
Liked Girl
Phoned Girl to Pursue
Girl Happy at first
Girl blindsided guy with personal issues and phone calls
Guy wants advice on what to do
Failing that, looking for slim, open minded girl wanting LONG term relationship
End story



Rocket Man

New member
Jan 29, 2006
Just move on...

She'll think you are obsessed if you don't, it's not worth the trouble. There are other women that would love your money.


Senior Member
Jun 25, 2005
Alright, I read it. Give it up. An SP asked you not to contact her again. That's completely clear. The two of you are total strangers. The fact that you're even asking this question suggests you are confusing girlfriends with sex providers, no disrespect really.


New member
Nov 18, 2003
I know you are right

I know you are right Rocket just pisses me off because women that even come close to an interesting, long term relationship in Durham are hard to come by.
I am quite certain I will eventuallly find what I seek.....
but thanks for the encouranging words


New member
Nov 18, 2003
Sorry Yeet

Hi Yeet

Actually, far from it.
Unlike the frequent Posts regarding (and I loosely quote here) "I'm falling in love with my (SP/MP?Etc)"

I am not looking for that. As I indicated in my first post, I had a relationship exceeding ten years with my previous provider, and never did I consider it any more than the closest of fleeting friendships...and by that I mean we are the closest of friends, and always will be. but never once did we let that friendship impinge on our personal lives. But we did seek one anothers advice on occassion.

Oh....and mutual physical attractiveness never, ever played apart:)


New member
Nov 18, 2003
Sorry...and I meant to acknoledge and thank you for you your "No Disrespect" is appreciated....

So Bring on the slim Durham Girls looking for something long term...are there any?


Senior Member
Jun 25, 2005
ionu said:
So Bring on the slim Durham Girls looking for something long term...are there any?
There are relatively few members who know the Durham market well. You're going to have to wait for a Durham guru to respond.


Well-known member
Feb 27, 2004
Hey ionu,

Move along, all clients are, in most cases, cattle. Moooooove along. Clients are branded and scored. You make your donations and one party leaves. Ask yourself this question, was she worth it? Hell, I don't even get that upset when Tim Horton f**ks up my coffee at the drive thru.

As for suggestions, fish. Keep on trollin'. It's the fun part. Enjoy. Do your homework and you will be rewarded with, what you call, a regular.

Keep us posted.
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